One form should be completed for each planned event
This application should be completed using the Workplace Sustainable Travel Event Grant 2014/15 Guidelines.
You should now complete this form and send to:
Steven Thoday
TfW Business Support Officer
Cambridgeshire Travel for Work Partnership
c/o Cambridgeshire County Council
Shire Hall
Or email a scanned signed copy
-Employers can ask for assistance towards one or more items for your event. Grants can be made up to a maximum of £500, per event for a single employer, £800 for an event covering two employers, £1,000 for an event covering 3 employers 1,200 for an event covering 4 employers, and £1,500 for events covering 5 employers. Each employer needs to have a minimum of 50 staff. All amounts are excluding VAT.
-If an Employer is running an event for an area covering 6 or more employers, each with 50 employees, grants can be made up to a maximum of £2,000 excluding VAT, per event
-All applications will be assessed on an individual first come first served basis
-Grants are payable upon satisfactory completion of the event which should bebefore 1st March 2015. Payment will be made by cheque or BACS
Please call 01223706576 for help and advice
What type of event are you planning to run? (The event must be run for the benefit of your employees: grants cannot be made for public events or for events aimed at students in the case of an educational establishment. Grants can be made for events that cover the employees of several employers)
Tick1 / Health awareness/environmental/money saving benefits of walking
2 / Health awareness/environmental/money saving benefits of cycling
3 / Environmental/money saving benefits of car share
4 / Environmental/money saving benefits of motorcycling
5 / Environmental/money saving benefits of electric vehicles
6 / General event covering various sustainable travel modes
Please give a brief description of the event that you are bidding for below
Overview of the planned eventPlease list and itemise the total estimated cost of the proposed event
Item (type, number and brief description) / Supplier* / Estimated CostNumber of employers covered by the proposed event
Number of employees covered by the proposed event
Grants can be made up to a maximum of £500, per single employer* event , £800 for an event covering two employers*, £1,000 for an event covering 3 employers*£1,200 for an event covering 4 employers, and £1,500 for events covering 5 employers* (all amounts are excluding VAT).
* Each employer needs to have 50 or more staff.
If an Employer is running an event for an area covering 6 or more employers grants can be made up to a maximum of £2,000 excluding VAT, per event.
Please list the items that you are bidding for and give an estimate of the costs.
Assistance can be approved towards one or more items per eventItem (type, number and brief description) / Supplier* / Estimated Cost
*The type of item that you can bid for is listed at appendix 1 of the Workplace Sustainable Event Grant Guidance please note however, these are examples and you are not obliged to use these suppliers. You are advised to obtain quotations before bidding.
Please attach any relevant further documents/information as necessary
Please see the Workplace Sustainable Travel Event Guidance document for further information about the essential criteria required in order to be considered for a Grant.
In applying for the Workplace Sustainable Event Grantplease answer all questions belowso that we can assess how you meet the conditions for a grant;
Yes/No1 / Are you a member of Cambridgeshire Travel for Work Partnership (TfW)?
(if not please see note below)
2a / Did you receive aWorkplace Sustainable Event Grant from TfW in 2013/14?
2b / Have you previously applied for aWorkplace Sustainable Event Grant from TfW?
2c / If yes to 2b were you successful?
3a / Is the event for the benefit of your employees only
3b / Is the event for more than one employer (if yes please give details above)
4 / Will the event will be completed and invoiced by 1st March 2015?
5a / Travel Plan: Does your organisation have a workplace Travel Plan? (please provide a copy of this )
5b / Travel Plan if you answered ‘no’ to 5a do you agree to work with TfW to develop and implement a travel plan suited to the size of the organisation?
6a / Survey: existing TfW Members: Do you agree to take part in the annual TfW staff travel to work survey (October each year)
6b / Survey: new TfW members: If you have not taken part in the TfW Survey recently you will be asked to undertake a one-off benchmark survey that TfW can run for you. This must be completed before running your event. Do you agree to this?
7 / Do you agree to work with TfW to achieve media coverage of your event?
Please let us know how you found out about the Travel for Work Partnership:
Do you know of any employers who would be interested in Travel for Work and the Workplace Sustainable Event Grant Scheme? Please give details:
Please see the guidance document for further information about the essential criteria required in order to be considered for the Workplace Sustainable Travel Grant. In applying for the grant scheme your organisation confirms that (please tick all boxes to meet the conditions);
Y/NI have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of the Workplace Sustainable Event Grant
The grant applied for will be used towardsthe itemsdeclared on this form
The event will be completed and invoiced by our organisation by 1st March 2014 (TfW takes no responsibility for organising or running the event).
On behalf of [Name of Organisation]
I agree to these Terms and Conditions
Name: Signed:
Please ensure that the BACS payment form on the next page is completed and returned with your application
Failure to complete this form may result in a delay with payment when you claim for your event
Workplace Sustainable Event Grant
Payee Details Form
Please complete and return this form to receive funding
Steven Thoday
Travel for Work Partnership
Box CC1223
Castle Court
Telephone Number
Payee Details
Payee Name
Payee Address
VAT Registration Number
e-mail address for receiving your remittance advice
Applicant Bank Details (For Payment through BACS)
Bank/Building Society Name
Account No.
Sort Code