Student: Week: Send Home:
Star of the Week
Hooray, hooray! It is your turn to shine as the Star of the Week!
This project is completely optional, but it will give you the opportunity to share
all you’d like to about yourself. Below are the directions for the project.
You may choose to do all, some, or none of them.
1. Complete the Star of the Week poster and return it by Friday, ___/___.
a. In the top box, write your name.
b. In the circle within the star, put a photograph or drawing of yourself.
c. Complete each section on the poster telling us more about you.
d. In the house, put a photograph or drawing of your family.
e. Color the poster using crayons, colored pencils, or markers.
2. On Monday, be ready to tell the class about your poster. Your classmates will write down questions they have about you.
3. On Tuesday, you will answer some of the questions from your classmates.
4. On Wednesday, you may bring in a favorite toy or game to show your class. Do not bring in anything expensive or any video games. Be sure to keep it in your backpack all day except for the time you are sharing it.
5. On Thursday, you will answer the rest of the questions from your classmates.
6. On Friday, you may bring in a sampling of your favorite snack to share with your classmates. Please do not bring anything with nuts, however.
7. When you turn in the poster, you may also bring in up to 5 additional pictures of you doing things you enjoy. The pictures and poster will be returned to you the Monday following your star week.
I can’t wait to see all you have to share and learn more about you! Have fun!