Ralph C. Mahar Regional
Standards-Based Weekly Lesson Plan
Teacher:Helen Miller Subject/Grade: Art2D / High School______
Students will beginworking on the Frank Stella low relief sculpture/painting. Student will choose a subject or story and create an abstract design to represent the story. We will be using foam core and scrape matte board to make the layers for the low relief sculptures.
Frank Stella Low Relief Sculptures/paintings
Core Course Objectives Visual Arts Grades 9-12
#21 - Students demonstrate knowledge of the methods, materials, and techniques unique to the visual arts
#22 - Students demonstrate knowledge of the elements and principles of design.
#23 - Students demonstrate their powers of observation, abstraction, invention, and expression in a variety of media, materials, and techniques.
Massachusetts Fine Art Standard(s) Addressed:
1.9Demonstrate the ability to create 2D and 3D works that show knowledge of unique characteristics of particular media, materials, and tools
1.10Use electronic technology for reference and for creating original work
1.12 Describe and apply procedures to ensure safety and proper maintenance of the workspace, materials, and tools
2.12Apply knowledge of color theory to a project focusing on the use of complementary colors. Be able to use values of colors in wet and dry media to create the illusion of 3D form on a 2D surface
2.13Use color, line, texture, shape, and form in 2D and 3D work and identify the use of these elements in the compositions of others
3.8Create representational 2D artwork from direct observation and from memory that convincingly portrays 3D space and the objects and people within that space
3.9Create 2D and 3D artwork that explores the abstraction of ideas and representations
5.8Demonstrate the ability to compare and contrast two or more works of art, orally and in writing, using appropriate vocabulary
5.9Use published sources, either traditional or electronic, to research a body of work or an artist, and present findings in written or oral form
5.10 Critique their own work, the work of peers, and the work of professional artists, and demonstrate an understanding of the formal, cultural, and historical contexts of the work
8.7Identify works, genres, or styles that show the influence of two or more cultural traditions, and describe how the traditions are manifested in the work
Enduring Understandings
Art is a way for many artists to explore other things that they are interested in – it is a means of exploration.
Intended Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to
- Identify and discuss the work of Frank Stella, particularly his contemporary work.
- Create a low relief sculpture in the style of Frank Stella which visually explore a topic, unrelated to art that the student is interested in.
Assessments/Evidence of Student Mastery/Products:
- Daily on-task points
- Evidence of understanding of the way in which Frank Stella works in final assessment.
- evidence of understanding of techniques and the concept of craftsmanship in sculpture
Student Learning Activities:
- Students will read an article/interview with Frank Stella and take notes
- students will brainstorm ideas for a non-art topic which they can explore in this sculpture
- students will sketch ideas for how to convey their ideas through shape, line, color, texture
- students will sketch several ideas for the layout of their sculptures
Resources (Materials/Texts/Visuals/Technology):
- foam core
- matte board
- paint
- paper
- paintbrushes
Evaluation of Effectiveness of Lesson: