Task Rotation

Standards Addressed in this lesson

Describe the structure and function of DNA, types of RNA, amino acids, and proteins.


  1. Students need to understand how they inherit traits and the patterns.
  2. Students will comprehend the impact of genetic technology.
  3. Students need to know structure of DNA.

*Choose an activity from each row. You may work in groups (2-3)for the last row.

Genetics Task Rotation

Independent work
*Final copy must be typed, double-space,
12 font,
1.5-2 pages.
*6-10 info slides for presentation with 3-5 bullets each. Add pictures / 1. Write an article or create a presentation giving information and your opinion about one of the following: recombinant DNA, cloning, DNA use in the court systems, genetic testing, or other genetics topic. / 2. Write an article or create a presentation about a genetic disorder such as: Down’s syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Hemophilia, Color-blindness, Spina bifida, and Tay-sach’s. See Internet for other options. / 3. Find an article with recent research about a genetics topic. Write a letter to the scientist evaluating the pros and cons of their research. Topics may include genetically-engineered foods, cloning, or genetic testing, etc.
Independent work / 4. Construct an information cube (at least 4 inch size) about the experiments of different scientists in determining the structure of DNA and the central dogma. / 5. Construct a 3-D model of DNA with labels. Label sugars, phosphates, nitrogen bases, which are purine/pyrimidine, and hydrogen bonds. Use any materials that you choose. / 6. Create a collage of your own traits with 6-15 pictures and labels that show where they were inherited. Include at least one grandparent and parent. May include other relatives.
Group work (2-3 members)
*List partners in group! / 7. Create a skit or puppet show about how traits are passed along by chance or how DNA replicates with a written summary of the skit. Present to class. / 8. Record a commercial or music video about DNA replication, protein synthesis, Punnett squares, or genetic disorders. / 9. Create a cartoon about protein synthesis or a genetic mutation in an organism. Cartoon strip must have at least 12 boxes.

Name ______I choose activities # _____, # __ , # ______.

I will be working with ______

Date January 12, 2012Due Dates: Row 1 is due Jan. 24,

Row 2 is due Feb. 1,

Row 3 is due Feb 7

Assessment for

Genetics Task rotation

1. Editorial or presentation
1. Complete (10)
2. Content (20)
3. Organized (10)
4. Grammar Punctuation (5)
5. Title (5) / 2. Feature article or presentation
1. Complete (10)
2. Content (20)
3. Organized (10)
4. Grammar Punctuation (5)
5. Title (5) / 3. Letter
1. Complete (10)
2. Content (20)
3. Organized (10)
4. Grammar Punctuation (5)
5. Title (5)
4. Cube (50 pts)
1. Correct content (20)
2. Neatness (15)
3. Creative/color (10)
4. Title (5) / 5. 3-D model (50)
  1. Correct (20)
  2. Neat (10)
  3. Creative/color (10)
  4. Explanation/labels (10)
/ 6. Collage (50)
  1. Correct info. (20)
  2. Neat (10)
  3. Creative/color (10)
  4. Explanation (10)

7. Skit/Show (50 pts)
  1. Content (15)
  2. Presentation (15)
  3. Creative/Props used (15)
  4. Script (5)
/ 8. Commercial/Video
  1. Content (20)
  2. Presentation (15)
  3. Creative/Props (15)
/ 9. Cartoon
  1. Content (15)
  2. Color/creative (15)
  3. Neat (10)
  4. Funny (5)
  5. Grammar (5)

*150 points possible.

Points for Activities: #___ = ___ pts., #___ = ___ pts., #___ = ___ pts.

Name ______Totalpoints ______
