Children and Families Committee

Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Autism Delaware, Newark

1:30 PM – 3:30 PM

Members Present: Rick Kosmalski, Chair; Carrie Melchisky, Parent Advocate

Members Absent: Remi Adepoju; Marcy Kempner, Barbara Mazza, Bob Mebane, Tracy Neugebauer, Bhavana Viswanathan

Staff: Al Rose, Kristin Cosden

Guests: None

  1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 1:45 PM.
  2. Approval of minutes: The minutes of the December meeting were approved with minor grammatical and spelling changes.
  3. Approval of agenda: The agenda was approved as mailed.
  4. Chair’s Report: Rick Kosmalski reported on the progress of House Bill 214 (Down Syndrome Information Act). HB 214 was introduced in June, 2013 and is being sponsored by Representative Melanie Smith and Senator Nicole Poore. If enacted, HB 214 would require doctors to provide complete and unbiased information regarding Down Syndrome to parents who have received a diagnosis of Down Syndrome for their child prenatally or upon the birth of the child. Rick stated that HB 214 would require doctors to provide information on local Down Syndrome support communities, as well as other positive information about Down Syndrome. Rick stated that typically parents of children with Down Syndrome are only given negative information about Down Syndrome, while no information is given regarding the many things that people with Down Syndrome are able to do.

Rick shared information about an informative local Facebook page, Down Syndrome Daily. Rick also noted that Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) member Terri Hancharick has recently started a blog and Facebook page called Cerebral Palsy (CP) Family Forum.

  1. Staff Report: Al Rose and Kristin Cosden reported that Al will be retiring on January 31, 2014 and that Kristin will be assuming his job responsibilities. Al stated that the 2014 Partners in Policymaking class members have been selected. After reviewing all of the applications, the oversight committee has approved 19 individuals to be a part of the 2014 class. Although the application deadline has passed, Al noted that DDC Executive Director Pat Maichle has determined that the DDC will consider any applications received from the parent of a child who is newborn to 3-years-old with a developmental disability. Rick and Carrie stated that they will try to help locate such a parent. Kristin and Al stated that any potential applicants should be directed to Karen Bell, who is the contractor for the 2014 Partners in Policymaking class. Kristin stated that she would send Karen’s contact information to Rick and Carrie.
  2. Current Business:
  1. Sensitivity Training for Dentists-Deb Jastrebski: Deb was scheduled to present to the committee for this meeting, however she was not in attendance. Al attributed this to the possibility that a message to Deb’s receptionist regarding the change in meeting date may not have reached her. Al stated that he and Kristin would follow up with Deb to see if she is available to present to the committee in February.
  2. Training for School Administrators from Underperforming Schools: Kristin provided information on the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) results-driven accountability monitoring process. Schools are identified as Tier 1-IV under this new system. Schools identified as Tier III or IV are required to undergo self-assessments and professional development training. According to a timeline provided by Barbara Mazza of DOE, March through June are slated for professional development for Tier III and Tier IV schools.

The committee then discussed the Children and Families Committee 2012-2016 State Plan Objectives item “Formal and Informal Community Supports”, Objective 2 which reads: “Collaborate with the Department of Education and School Districts to create and provide trainings for school district administrators and principals on the academic and functional benefits of including appropriate supports and effective inclusion practices for students in special education.”

To begin to address this objective, the committee agreed to draft and email a list of questions to Barbara Mazza at DOE regarding professional development training, and the possibility of collaborating on such training.

  1. Transition Goal Assessment Generator: Al directed the committee’s attention to enclosure 2 in their information packets. There was no discussion.
  2. Dr. Jack Jadach’sThoughts on Transition: Al directed the committee’s attention to enclosure 3 in their information packets. There was no discussion.
  3. Review of Committee’s State Plan Objectives: Al requested that the committee refer to enclosure 4, which listed the committee’s objectives. Al provided an overview and update on the objectives as follows:


  • Objective 1- Educate at least 300 medical professionals so they become comfortable accepting patients with disabilities.Thisobjective is being addressed through DDC Contract #1305 with Susan Rzucidlo, who is conducting training for emergency room medical personnel (e.g. nurses, doctors, technicians, therapists) in Delaware. The committee requested that Susan be invited to attend the February meeting to present on the progress being made. Staff agreed to invite Susan to the meeting.
  • Objective 2–Conduct at least two information sessions for people who have developmental disabilities and their families to help them become better advocates.The committee agreed that this objective needs attention. Al and Kristin stated that they would research whether it seems likely that a Request for Proposal and contract are necessary to accomplish this objective, or if it could be achieved through activities the Council already participates in (e.g. the LIFE Conference and the Transition Conference).


  • Objective 1- Work with Delaware stakeholders to educate school administrators, teachers, parents and students from at least 60 middle schools and high schools about transition. This objective still needs to be discussed and a plan to address it must be developed.

Formal and Informal Supports:

  • Objective 1-Administer a needs assessment regarding secondary transition practices to all Delaware school administrators. This objective was accomplished throughDDC Contract # 1206 with The Galaxy Group, who conducted the needs assessment survey. It was agreed that follow-up with the Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) Executive Director Wendy Strauss is needed to determine what the State Transition Task Force for Emerging Adults with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs (established under the GACEC) intends to do with the final report from the Galaxy Group. Al presented the report to the GACEC in November.
  • Objective 2-Collaborate with DOE and school districts regarding training for school district administrators and principals on the academic and functional benefits of including appropriate supports and effective inclusion practices. Objective 2is beginning to be addressed via the list of questions the committee is sending to Barbara Mazza at DOE. The questions will address the possibility of a DDC/DOE collaborative effort to create Professional Development training for Tier III and IV schools.
  • Objective 3-Training for administrators and staff of at least 10 summer camp programs on accommodating and including students with disabilities. Objective 3 is currently being addressed via DDC contract #1302 with United Cerebral Palsy (UCP). The committee requested that staff invite Bill McCool, Executive Director of UCP of Delaware, to attend the March or April committee meeting.
  1. New Business: Committee Chair Rick Kosmalski stated that Tuesday afternoon meetings work better for his schedule. Staff agreed to make arrangements to move future committee meetings to the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM

Follow Up

  1. Committee members will review their contact lists to seek out any parents of a child birth to 3-years-old with a developmental disability who they feel may benefit from the DDC Partners in Policymaking training. Any parents fitting this description may be referred to contractor Karen Bell. Kristin will send Karen’s contact information to Rick and Carrie.
  2. Staff will follow-up with Deb Jastrebski of Practice Without Pressure and request that she attend the February committee meeting to discuss her thoughts on sensitivity training for dentists.
  3. Staff will contact Susan Rzucidlo and request that she present on the Medical Provider Training contract at the February committee meeting.
  4. Staff will contact Bill McCool of United Cerebral Palsy to request that he present on the UCP Camp Counselor Training contract at the March or April committee meeting.
  5. Staff will email the list of the committee’s questions regarding DOE’s professional development practices to Barbara Mazza at DOE. Staff will report on any feedback received from Barbara.