Standard specification for the application of Chevaline Troweltexx 2000STANDARD System to CSR Hebel Power Panels.


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Ref: P7101


This specification is for the application of the Chevaline Troweltexx 2000 STANDARD System to

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC) Power Panel construction.

The Chevaline Troweltexx 2000 STANDARD system is a very durable and flexible pre coloured acrylicplaster specifically formulated and designed for New Zealand conditions. In all cases the plaster isalways finished with Chevaline Stonewash Matt high build topcoats to provide an “easy clean” durablesurface for ease of maintenance.


2.1 Responsibility:

All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the Hebel Installer.

2.2 Hebel Power Panel Installation:

The Hebel Power Panel installation, installed in strict accordance with CSR Hebel ManufacturersDesign and Installation Manual. Any broken surfaces shall be refaced with CSR Hebel Render.

All Structural joints both vertical and horizontal must be in accordance with CSR Hebel


2.3 Inter-Storey:

Flashings between ground floor and first floor shall be detailed in strict accordance with CSR

Hebel recommendations.


3.1 Responsibility:

All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the CSR Hebel Installer, unless otherwiseexpressly agreed.

3.2 Penetrations:

Penetrations such as waste pipes and fixing brackets shall be adequately flashed prior to the

application of the coatings.


3.3 Flashings:

Installation of all flashings and sealant must be in strict accordance with CSR Hebel design manualrecommendations.

3.4 Construction Sealant Joints:

All joints must have both a Backer Rod and Sealant installed to all construction joints. The Sealantmanufacturer installation and curing times must be strictly observed. Typically a minimum of 5working days for full cure of the sealant is recommended before the application of the Equusmaterials.

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4.1 Responsibility:

All work in this section shall be the responsibility of the Equus Certified Applicator.

4.2 Materials:

Voids and Broken Edges:

CSR Hebel Render.

Control Joints:

Chevaline Superfil 2000


Chevaline Blockfil

Plaster Finish:

Chevaline Troweltexx 2000 Standard

Topcoat Finish:

Chevaline Stonewash Matt

4.3 Installation:

4.3.1 General:

Installation shall be carried out in four (4) stages i.e. Voids/Broken Edges repaired, Flushing ofJoints, Installation Acrylic Plaster and Top coats. Adequate protection of the adjacent surfacesshall be allowed, particularly for Trowel application coats and subsequent sealing systems.

4.3.2 Voids and Broken Edges:

Where agreed with the installer apply CSR Render voids and where appropriate to brokenedges to the Hebel Panels. In all cases the CSR Render must be applied before theapplication of a Primer Sealer.

4.3.3 Flushing of Joints:

All cured sealant joints shall be pre primed with one (1) coat of Chevaline Coverall PrimerSealer by brush allowed to dry and flushed with Chevaline Superfil 2000 pre mixedflexible jointing paste before the application of the plaster finish.


4.3.4 Sealer/Bodycoat:

All prepared surfaces shall be sealed and body coated with one (1) full coat of ChevalineBlockfil at 2 sqm/litre applied by Trowel or Roller and allowed to dry overnight before theapplication of the Acrylic Plaster finish.

4.3.5 Parapet Waterproofing: (if required)

All parapet surfaces shall be fully encapsulated with Chevaline Dexx Liquid Membrane withembedded into 225 gsm Fibreglass, all application procedures shall be observed. TheChevaline Dexx must be finished with Chevaline Coverfil toothy primer before the applicationof the Acrylic Plaster finish.

4.3.6 Finishing Plaster:

All primed and prepared surfaces shall receive one (1) full coat of Chevaline Troweltexx2000 Standard tightly applied with a steel trowel gauging to the thickness of the aggregatesize. Allow to firm up and finish with a plastic trowel to requisite pattern. Allow to dry overnight.

Spreading Rates: Standard 12-14 sqm/15 litre pail

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Ref: P7101

4.3.7 Topcoats:

Allow to apply by brush or roller two (2) full coats of Chevaline Stonewash at a spreadingrate not exceeding 7sqm/litre, so as to achieve uniform colour and gloss. Ensure that rollerbanding does not occur by cross-rolling. Allow minimum of 4 hours between coats.


5.1 Gloss:

The finish shall be Matt as directed by the client/specifier.

5.2 Colour:

For any area the colour the colour of the final two coats shall be the same. It is permissible for theTexture coat to be a shade lighter than the topcoats, but in the same tonality.

5.3 Light Reflectance:

Equus Industries strongly recommend that the LRV (Light Reflectance Value) as provided begreater than 30% and be strictly observed. Where doubt remains the specifier may request theLRV for selected colours to be provided by Equus. Should the colour be selected outside thecladding manufacturers recommendations, the warranty shall be affected.

5.4 Approval:

The Specialist Finishes Sub-contractor shall obtain approval from the client/specifier or hisrepresentative before cleaning up and stripping off masking in any area.

5.5 Quality Assurance:

The Specialist Finishes Sub-contractor Applicator shall provide Equus Industries with a full Q/AReport check list before a warranty can be issued.



7.1 Maintenance:

This coating system may be cleaned at any time by low-medium pressure washing with a weak(0.1%) solution of neutral detergent. When recoating is required, either to maintain long-term filmintegrity or for colour change, this may be either carried out using one or two coats of ChevalineStonewash. Where major colour change is involved the Manufacturer should be consulted for aspecific recommendation.

7.2 Warranty:

The Chevaline Troweltexx Standard System described in this specification shall be warrantedfor its Durability for a period of up to 15 (fifteen) years. The Chevaline Stonewash topcoats shallbe warranted as weatherproof for a period of 10 (ten) years from the date application is completedprovided that:

Such a warranty is issued by Equus Industries Ltd.

(a) All work carried out by the Certified Equus Applicator.

(b) All work is done in accordance with this specification, and any amendments or alterationsthereto issued by the Manufacturer.

Such a warranty is issued by the Certified Equus Applicator carrying out the work and is backed bythe Manufacturer as to the fitness for use of the materials supplied for the work.
