SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015

TITLE: Student Enrollment

Subtitle: Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten


A student entering Lake County schools for the first time entry in the school system requires:

1.  Forms that must be completed are as follows:

a.  Student Registration Form – MIS 61D014 (3 pages)

b.  Student Registration Information – MIS 61D015

c.  Race and Ethnicity Data Collection Form – MIS 61A001

d.  Home Language Survey

e.  Student Residency Form / Family Questionnaire – MIS 61D016

2.  Verification that students resides in your school attendance district (see Student Progression Plan.)

3.  Birth certificate or other acceptable documentation of birth (see Student Progression Plan). Copies of passports, visas, or immigration papers must not be placed in student educational files.

4.  Verification that parent or legal guardian is enrolling student and will be the emergency and non-emergency contact person (obtain emergency phone numbers). If a person other than the parent or guardian will be the contact person for emergencies and non-emergencies, the name(s), phone number(s), and the relationship to the child must be obtained with consent from the parent to contact the person(s) identified.

5.  Information regarding any existing medical/health conditions must be obtained. If the medical/health conditions or special health requirements are necessary, notify the Health Educator’s office at 742-6954 or ESE office at 253-6629. Enter health condition(s) in student’s basic data record on Skyward Health Tab.

6.  A school health entry physical exam within one year prior to the student attending a Florida school. A health entry exam is acceptable from any state with the following provisions:

a.  The exam was completed no more than one year prior to enrollment in a Florida School.

b.  A licensed medical professional must provide the health exam.

c.  The exam form must have a physician’s signature, letterhead stamp on the document or an official Public Health Department stamp.

7.  Immunization records that are up-to-date and meet Florida immunization requirements with appropriate boosters as verified by the School Health Team. Immunization dates on a sheet of paper or a vaccine card are NOT valid according to Florida State Laws. Please have immunization dates on a Florida Certification of Immunization Form 680. This can be obtained at your local health department or private physician’s office.

Pre-Kindergarten (3-4 years old)
HIB (all children must have at least one
after 1st birthday)
3 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
1 Varicella / Kindergarten
4 Polio (if the fourth dose of vaccine is administered
prior to the 4th birthday, a fifth dose of polio vaccine is required for entry into kindergarten)
3 Hepatitis B
2 Varcilla

8.  If the enrolling student has been in a Lake County School Pre-Kindergarten serving the handicapped, Lake County School Volunteer Pre-Kindergarten or in a Lake County School Early Intervention Program, these children will be processed as an in-state transfer. Name and student number on Syward can identify these children. This does not include children in private pre-kindergarten programs.

9.  Health Department’s School Health Team must verify student health records. The health records should be placed in the nurse’s box for them to review. Please make a notation in pencil in the upper left-hand corner indicating the enrollment date and type of transfer (in-state or out-of-state). When the records have been reviewed, the Health Team will mark the records “Ready for Data Entry” in red. The data clerk will record actual dates of immunizations, school health entry exam, and any health conditions on Skyward Health Tab. These entries must include month/day/year.

Submitted by: Jan Tobias, Director of Student Services

Replaces SOP X New SOP ______



SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015

TITLE: School Enrollment

Subtitle: Students Entering From Out-of-State


Students from out of state entering Lake County Schools must have:

1.  Forms that must be completed are as follows:

a.  Student Registration Form – MIS 61D014 (3 pages)

b.  Student Registration Information – MIS 61D015

c.  Race and Ethnicity Data Collection Form – MIS 61A001

d.  Home Language Survey

e.  Student Residency Form / Family Questionnaire – MIS 61D016

f.  Health Screenings Notice for Out of State Transfer Students grades K-5

2.  Verification that student resides in your school attendance district.

3.  Birth certificate or other documentation of birth (see Student Progression Plan) is necessary if the student is enrolling in school for the first time in Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten. A student in a higher-grade level has documentation of birth in their school records.

4.  Verification that parent or legal guardian is enrolling student and will be the emergency and non-emergency contact person (obtain emergency and non-emergency numbers.) If a person other than the parent/guardian is to be the emergency and non-emergency contact person(s), the name(s), phone number(s), and relationship to the child must be obtained with consent from the parent to contact the person(s) identified.

5.  Documentation of the up-to-date immunization record that meets immunization requirements of the State of Florida. Please have immunization dates on a Florida Certification of Immunization Form 680, this can be obtained at your local health department or private physician’s office.

Pre-Kindergarten (3-4 years)
HIB (all children must have at
least one after 1st birthday)
3 Polio
3 Hepatitis B
1 Varicella / Kindergarten – 6th grade
4 Polio (Effective with the 2011-2012 school year, if the fourth dose of
vaccine is administered prior to the 4th birthday, a fifth dose of Polio
vaccine is required for entry into kindergarten-third grade.)
3 Hepatitis B B (or 2 shot Hep B
Series, only for Children 11-15 yrs of age.)
2 Varicella
7th – 12th grades
4 Polio
3 Hepatitis B (or 2 shot Hep B Series, only for Children 11-15 yrs of age)
1 Varicella

(Students must have a record of the above immunizations.)

6.  A student health entry exam completed within one year prior to enrollment in a Florida School. A school health entry exam is acceptable from any state with the following provisions:

a.  Was completed no more than one year prior to enrollment to a Florida school.

b.  Was provided by a licensed Health Professional.

c.  The health examination form must have a Physician’s signature and letterhead or an official Public Health Department stamp.

·  Schools may accept appointment cards to receive a school entry health exam for initial entrance from out of state.

7.  The Health Department’s School Health Team must verify student health records. The health records should be placed in the nurse’s box for them to review. Please make a notation on the record in pencil in upper left-hand corner of the health record indicating enrollment and type of transfer (in-state or out-of-state). When the Health Team has reviewed the student records, they will be marked in red “Ready for Data Entry”. The data clerk will record actual dates of all immunizations, school health entry exam, and any health condition on Skyward Health Tab. The entries must include month/day/year.

8.  Student information regarding any existing health condition(s) must be obtained. The Health Educators at Student Services at 742-6954 and the ESE office at 253-6629 must be notified to any existing health condition and/or if special health requirements are necessary. Enter all health conditions in the student’s basic data record on Skyward Health Tab.

9.  Vision screening shall be provided, at a minimum, to students in grades kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 6th and students entering Florida schools for the first time in grades kindergarten through 5th.

Hearing screening shall be provided, at a minimum, to students in grades kindergarten 1st and 6th; to students entering Florida schools for the first time in grades kindergarten through 5th; and optionally to students in grade 3.

Submitted by: Jan Tobias, Director of Student Services

Replaces SOP X New SOP ______



SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015

TITLE: School Enrollment

Subtitle: Student Transferring Within the State of Florida


Students transferring within the state or county requirements:

1.  Forms that must be completed are as follows:

a.  Student Registration Form – MIS 61D014 (3 pages)

b.  Student Registration Information – MIS 61D015

c.  Race and Ethnicity Data Collection Form – MIS 61A001

d.  Home Language Survey

e.  Student Residency Form / Family Questionnaire – MIS 61D016

2.  Verification that student resides in your school attendance district.

3.  Educational and health records requested from last school attended by a Records Release Form MIS 61A005 or FASTER system.

4.  Electronically transferred immunization records and health entry exam are acceptable with the following provisions:

a)  Immunization records are up-to-date, have dates, and read clearly on the electronic transfer.

b)  Meet Florida immunization requirements.

c)  If questionable immunization(s), dates, completion, etc., the student has part C or a religious exemption, a hard copy of the records must be obtained as soon as possible.

d)  Verification of an entry physical exam.

·  Immunization verification may be available through Florida Shots for students entering from another Florida District.

Submitted by: Jan Tobias, Director of Student Services

Replaces SOP X New SOP _____

Student Re-Entering a Lake County School

2014-2015 School Year

A student that has attended a Lake County School and wishes to re-enter within 120 days or less may enroll with records from previous Lake County enrollment.

These records must include:

1.  Completed forms are as follows:

a.  Student Registration Form – MIS 61D014 (3 pages)

b.  Student Registration Information – MIS 61D015

c.  Race and Ethnicity Data Collection Form – MIS 61A001

d.  Home Language Survey

e.  Student Residency Form / Family Questionnaire – MIS 61D016

2.  Verification of an entry physical exam and up-to-date immunizations that meet the State of Florida requirements. A new physical exam is not required.

3.  Verification of birth date.

4.  Verification the student resides in your school attendance district.

5.  Verification that the parents or legal guardian who is enrolling student will be the emergency and non-emergency contact person (obtain emergency and non-emergency phone numbers). If a person other than the parent/guardian is to be the contact person(s), the name(s), phone number(s), and relationship to the student must be obtained with consent from the parent to contact person(s) identified.

6.  Student information regarding any existing health condition(s) must be obtained. The Health Educator at Student Services 742-6954 and the ESE office at 253-6629 must be notified if any health conditions exist and/or if special health requirements are necessary. Enter all health conditions on the S405 Screen if they have not already been entered. If a student has additional or more current health information it should be updated on Skyward Health Tab.

7.  The School Health Team must verify student health records. The health records should be placed in the nurse’s box for them to review. Please make a notation in pencil in the upper left-hand corner of the health record indication date of enrollment and type of transfer (in-state, out-of-state, re-entry).

8.  If the student has been out of the system beyond the 120-day period. The student will be considered a first time enrollment and Standard Operating Procedure for new enrollment would be followed.

Submitted by: Jan Tobias, Director of Student Services

Replaces SOP X New SOP _____


Reviewed 04/15/14

2014-2015 School Year

TITLE: Student Enrollment

Subtitle: Enrollment of students classified as homeless

Section 725 of the 2001 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvement Act defines a homeless individual as one who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence. Guidelines from the U.S. Department of Education describe the following situations in which a child or youth is considered homeless.

Code for Skyward under Special Programs Tab / Definition
A / Living in emergency or transitional shelters or abandoned in hospital.
B / Sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason; doubled-up.
D / Living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned building, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar setting.
E / Living in motel or hotel, FEMA trailer, tents, RV/Trailer park, campground, or other temporary housing.
F / Awaiting foster care placement.
N / No, student is not homeless or has not been homeless this school year.
Code for Skyward under Special Programs Tab / Causes
D / Man Made Disaster (Major)
E / Natural Disaster – Earthquake
F / Natural Disaster – Flooding
H / Natural Disaster – Hurricane
M / Mortgage Foreclosure
N / Natural Disaster - Other
O / Other – Lack of housing, long-term poverty, unemployment, underemployment affordable health care, mental illness, domestic violence, forced eviction, etc.
S / Natural Disaster – Tropical Storm
T / Natural Disaster – Tornado
U / Unknown
W / Natural Disaster – Wildfire of Fire
Code for Skyward under Special Programs Tab / Unaccompanied Youth
N / No, student is not homeless or unaccompanied
Y / Student is a homeless unaccompanied youth
Z / Is not applicable


Florida Statutes Sec. 1003.01, F.S. Sec. 1003.22, F.S.

According to law, children that meet the homeless definition must be given a 30-day temporary exemption for evidence of date of birth, school-entry health examination, immunization against communicable diseases, and nonresident tuition fees.



Registration and Access to Services

Immediately upon identification of a student as Homeless and/or Unaccompanied Youth, the school registration staff will immediately contact the school Homeless Liaison who will ensure that the student…

·  ENROLLS, without delay.

o  Without delay means the student is enrolled without academic, physical, or immunization records the same day the parent requests registration.

·  ATTENDS CLASSES, without delay.

o  Without delay means the student is in school in appropriately scheduled academic and elective classes with school supplies and materials the day of registration/enrollment.