Title:Reserving a NIAID Conference Room
Effective date:2016
Lead Author:Tim Page
Authorizing official: Tracy A. Shahan, PhD, MBA / Approval date:2011
Updated by:SASOP / Review date: 03/15/16
  1. Purpose:The following are the procedures to follow to reserve a conference room in 5601 Fishers Lane.
  2. Scope: Scientific Review Officers (SROs), Program Analysts (PAs), Scientific Review Specialists (SRS), andExtramural Support Assistants (ESAs).
  3. Authorship and review:Tim Page
  4. Definitions:None
  5. Key contacts:NIAID MEET() to reserve a conference room.
  6. Procedure:
  • The specifications forNIAID conference rooms in 5601 Fishers Lane can be found at:http://virtualems.niaid.nih.gov/(online reservations are NOT currently available).
  • You will not be able to reserve a room directly using the room’s Outlook calendar.Instead, NIAID Meet asks that you complete room request forms when reserving anything other than a team room (see below). These forms are used to specify the duration, date(s), number of attendees, room configuration, and AV equipment requirements. NIAID Meet provides AV assistance for meetings when it is requested. Room availability can be checked online: http://virtualems.niaid.nih.gov/BrowseForSpace.aspx.
  • Meeting Room Request Form (e.g., resource libraries, meeting rooms):

Complete and attach the following form to your email to request any resource library or conference room:http://virtualems.niaid.nih.gov/images/intake%20form%201.docx

If the room is available, you will receive a confirmation email of the reservation from NIAID Meet. If the room is not available, NIAID Meet will work with you to find an alternative.

  • Conference Center Room Request Form:

Main conference rooms are available on the ground and basement levels. For larger conferences, a more detailed form must be sent to NIAID Meet three business days before the conference takes place in addition to the original Meeting Room Request Form submitted: http://virtualems.niaid.nih.gov/images/intake%20form%202.docx.

  • Learning Center Request Form:

Computer-equipped learning centers are available:R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Standard-Documents\General Staff-Office Forms\Learning Center RSVP Request.dotx

You must be trained before you can reserve these rooms (Kevin So, , 240-627-3755).

3LC1/3LC2: Each of these rooms containsan interactive presentation computer as well as ten training computers for attendees (the individual rooms can be combined by removing the divider).

3LC3:This room can seat up to 24 people. Only an interactive presentation computer is available in this room.

3LC4:This room can seat up to 12 people.Only an interactive presentation computer is available in this room.

If you need laptops in 3LC3 and 3LC4, email NIAID FLLC IT HELP and request the number of laptops required for your training session. Email NIAID FLLC IT HELP if you need technical assistance with the Learning Center equipment during a meeting

More information on the possible configurations and technical equipment in the learning center rooms is available: R:\SRP-DEAS-SHARED\Tools and Technical Guides\Learning Center Rms-Technical Equipment Trng.docx

  • To Reserve a Team Room:

Smaller “team” rooms that seat 2-10 people are available on each of the upper floors of 5601 Fishers Lane.

These can be requested by clicking on “Invite Attendees” and adding the room to the “To” field of an Outlook meeting invitation. To find a team meeting room under “To”, click on the “To” box and type “NIAID 5601” to see the list of team meeting rooms available throughout the entire building. To pick one of the two team meeting rooms for SRP, type “NIAID 5601 DEA 3” 1) 3E73 (smaller room; will hold 4-6) and 2) 3G61 (larger room; will hold 8-10).

NOTE: Team rooms are division-specific and listed by floor. You will receive a confirmation via email that the team room is available and that you have reserved it for the time requested once the invitation is sent.

You can view availability of the team rooms after you add the room to the “To…” field by clicking on “Scheduling Assistant”.
