- Standard I: Institutional Mission and Effectiveness
A. Mission
1.Research data:
- ARCC: and
- CCSSE: and
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- College docs
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Institutional Learning Outcomes and Action Items: and
- Timeline of Unit plans/Integrated Planning:
- Catalogue:
- Group work by college constituents done on Staff Development days:
- Mission Statement, vision, values:
- Committees:
a.Standing Committees:
4.District Docs
a.Strategic Plan
B. Improving Institutional Effectiveness
1.Research data:
- CCSSE: and
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
2.College Docs
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Institutional Learning Outcomes and Action Items: and
- Timeline of Unit plans/Integrated Planning:
- Organizational Charts:
- Student Retention and Success Trends by Dept and Course:
- Group work by college constituents done on Staff Development days:
- Committees:
a.Standing Committees:
b.College Council:
4.District Docs
a.Strategic Plan:
b.McIntyre Report:
II.Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services
- Instructional Programs
1.Research data:
- ARCC: and
- CCSSE: and
- and
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Equity Plan:
2.College Docs
- Why they Left:
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Productivity by Department: and
- Basic Skills Report and and
- Student Plus Enrollment Management Plan:
- Distance Ed:
- College Catalogue:
- Title III Report:
- Student Retention and Success Trends by Dept and Course:
- Report on sabbaticals:
- Syllabi as posted on web: Various sites
- Institutional Learning Outcomes and Action Items: and
- Faculty Handbook:
- Articulation:
- TransferCenter:
3. Committees:
- Standing Committees:
- Curriculum Committee:
- District Committees: CIPD, C-CEP???, DWEPCY????
- Matriculation:
- Student Learning Outcomes:
4.District Docs:
a.Distance learning:
b.International Students:
5.Other reference material
a.SCANS Competencies
B. Student Support Services
1.Research data:
- CCSSE: and
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Equity Plan:
2.College Docs:
- Why they Left:
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Student Plus Enrollment Management Plan:
- Catalogue:
- Class Schedules: and and and
- Crisis Team:
- Learning Resources:
- Student Services Resources page:
- Assessment:
- Orientation:
- Business Office Handbook:
C. Library and Learning Support Services
1.Research data:
- ARCC: and
- CCSSE: and
2.College Docs:
- Why they Left:
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Learning Resources:
- Library:
III.Standard III: Resources
- Human Resources
1. Research Data:
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
B. Physical Resources
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- Facility Plan:
C. Technology Resources
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
D. Financial Resources
- Ed Master Plan (2004)
- Ed Master Plan (2008)
- Program reviews, unit plans, SLOs:
- McIntyre Report:
IV.Standard IV: Leadership and Governance
- Decision-Making Roles and Processes
B.Board and Administrative Organization