You are invited to attend a Meeting of Packington Parish Council to be held on Tuesday5th September 2017 at 7.15pm at Packington Memorial Hall, High Street, Packington.
29th August 2017
Karen Edwards (Clerk to the Council)
Questions from members of the public - (10 minutes)
- To receive Apologies for absence and to note acceptance by the Council
- To note Declarations of Interest both Personal and Prejudicial on items within the agenda
- To approve and sign the minutes of the Parish Council meeting on1st August 2017 App 1
- To receive a Police Report
- Questions to the County Councillor
- Financial matters:-
- To approve the financial payments as listed on the attached schedule App 2
- To consider applications to Community Benefit Fund
- Community Benefit Fund Annual Report
- HS2 update and information events
- To discuss the review of Standing Orders
- To discuss the commemoration of the end of World War One.
- To discuss anti-social behaviour at Hall Farm, Hall Lane.
- Proposed 30mph speed limit on Normanton Road.
- To discuss consultation on the Draft Leicestershire Communities Strategy.
- To receive and note details of safety improvement work between Junction 13 and Junction 10 of the A42/M42.
- Footpaths, pavements and road access.
- Vacancies on the Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils (LRALC) Executive Committee.
- Joint Leicestershire County Council and LRALC ‘Leicestershire’s Future’ discussion events.
- To discuss/note planning applications (PA), planning permissions (PP), planning consultations (PC) and listed building consent (LBC) from NWLDC including:
- 17/00634/FULErection of single storey rear extensions at Cluny Lodge, 3 Heather Lane, Packington
- 17/01018/TCA Works to 5 no. Cypress and 2 no. Cedar (unprotected trees in a Conservation Area) at 9 Mill Street, Packington
- 17/01061/FUL Continued use of land for the growing of fruit and vegetables and erection of shed and greenhouse at Packington Farm, Drum And Monkey Lane, Packington
- 17/01200/TCA Pollarding of an unprotected tree in a conservation area at 55 Mill Street, Packington
- To note planning permission for erection of a replacement single storey rear conservatory, planning application 17/00655/FUL for 4 Normanton Road Packington
- To note planning permission for felling of 1 Rowan tree and works to trees in a Conservation Area planning application 17/00668/TCAfor 27 High Steet, Packington
- To note planning permission 17/00802/FULfor erection of a single storey rear extension at 1 Mill Street, Packington
- To note correspondence received by the Clerk. For councillors to confirm an interest.
- To note the date of the next meeting – Tuesday 3rd October at 7.15pm
Karen Edwards Clerk to the Council
23 Brittany Avenue, Ashby de la Zouch, LE65 2QY Tel : 07936359949