South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
The South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme Pre-Course Workbook 2
The South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment 2
Learning Agreement 3
Pre-Course Reading 4
Pre-Course Tasks 5
Learning Agreement (Appendix 1) 6
Pre-Course Work Reflective Log (Appendix 2) 8
Reflection on Errors (Appendix 3) 9
Hopes and Fears for the Course (Appendix 4) 10
The Benefits of the ACPT Role (Appendix 5) 11
Introduction to the ACPT Scheme (Appendix 6) 12
ACPT Learning Plan (Appendix 7) 13
Certificate for the completion of pre-course work (Appendix 8) 14
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
The South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme Pre-Course Workbook
Before any candidate attends the induction course, they must have completed all the pre-course tasks outlined in the Pre-Course Workbook. This is available at Upon successful completion, the educational supervisor must issue the candidate with a Certificate for the Completion of Pre-Course Work (Appendix 8). A copy of this certificate must be submitted to SWMIT, with the Dispensing Accuracy Certificate prior to the induction course.
The pre-course workbook consists of 4 components:
- The South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment
- Learning Agreement
- Pre-course reading
- Pre-course tasks
The South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment
All candidates must complete the South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment prior to entry to the South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician (ACPT) scheme. South West Medicines Information & Training (SWMIT) has designed this assessment to measure the individual’s accuracy when dispensing to ensure they have the skills required for a checking role. All grades of staff may use this document as a training tool for their own development.
The South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment documentation can be downloaded from the South West Medicines Information and Training website at
To complete the assessment the individual is required to accurately dispense a minimum of 200 items with no errors. The dispensing accuracy assessment must have been completed within the preceding 2 years to be considered current.
The candidate must forward a copy of their South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment certificate to South West Medicines Information & Training prior to attending the course induction.
Please note: Candidates will not be accepted onto the programme unless they have completed the South West Dispensing Accuracy Assessment and submitted a copy of their certificate to SWMIT.
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Learning Agreement
It is an entry requirement of the training programme that each candidate, their educational supervisor and chief pharmacist reads and agrees to the conditions outlined in the South West ACPT learning agreement (Pre-Course Workbook: Appendix 1). The learning agreement is essential in ensuring that each stakeholder understands their role within the training programme and have considered the training needs of the candidate. The learning agreement also provides a declaration that each stakeholder’s commitment to the candidate’s training will be upheld.
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Pre-Course Reading
Prior to commencing any practical training for the ACPT role, all candidates must ensure that they complete the following pre-course reading:
· General Pharmaceutical Council standards of conduct, ethics and performance
· Department Standard Operating Procedures for dispensing and accuracy checking processes
· Research article: ‘The frequency and potential causes of dispensing errors in a hospital pharmacy’. Adnan Beso, Bryony Dean Franklin and Nick Barber, Pharmacy World & Science (2005) 27: 182–190 Springer 2005
· Departmental error reporting documentation and root cause analysis
· Any work that has been carried out within the department on error and consequences of error
· Documentation and guidance on high risk medicines
Please complete a Pre-Course Reflective Log (Pre-Course Workbook: Appendix 2) for all the documents from the ‘essential’ pre-course reading list, to demonstrate for the purposes of the accreditation, that these have been read and understood.
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Pre-Course Tasks
The pre-course tasks are designed to prepare the candidate for the ACPT role as well as to introduce them to the South West ACPT scheme. As a result, the candidate must complete all the following pre-course activities prior to attending the induction course.
The pre course tasks will make up part of the portfolio of evidence and must be included in the portfolio and submitted for regional assessment at the end of the scheme.
1. Discuss with other accredited checking pharmacy technicians and pharmacists their approach to checking. Reflect on what you have learned from these discussions. How might this affect your practice as an ACPT?
- Reflection on the pre-course tasks must be recorded on the Pre-Course Work Reflective Log (Appendix 2).
2. Examine a variety of local dispensary error/incident reports. Discuss with youreducational supervisorwhat impact these errors had on the patient and how they may or may not have led to a change in practice.Reflect on what you have learned from this and complete the Reflection on Errors Activity (Appendix 3)
3. Complete the following activities:
a) Hopes and fears for the course (Appendix 4)
b) The benefits of the ACPT role (Appendix 5)
c) Introduction to the ACPT scheme (Appendix 6)
4. Meetand complete the learning plan with your educational supervisor. Use ACPT Learning Plan (Appendix 7) to guide and record your discussion and planning.
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Learning Agreement (Appendix 1)
Individuals wishing to complete any modules of the South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme must ensure that a learning agreement is read and agreed between the candidate, the Educational Supervisor, and the Chief Pharmacist (or approved designated deputy).
This agreement clarifies what is expected of the employing trust and the candidate in order that the candidate can complete the relevant modules of the scheme.
The Chief Pharmacist of the employing Trust……………………………………………………..will ensure that:
· Candidates receive a structured training programme for the duration of their training period
· Any necessary arrangements are made so that the candidate is able to attend the induction course and assessment interview day as agreed
· A suitably trained Educational Supervisor is allocated to oversee each individual candidate
· Educational Supervisors and candidates are allowed time to meet for regular appraisals and planning and to prepare for assessments.
The Educational Supervisor will:
· Undertake regular CPD in line with professional registration requirements in order to maintain occupational competence
· Provide support and guidance regarding understanding the scheme requirements, reflective writing, evidence collection and portfolio building, including the use of the e-portfolio
· Prepare training and assessment plans for completing the relevant modules throughout the training period
· Meet regularly with their candidate to review progress
· Regularly review evidence presented to them within agreed timescales
· Provide honest and constructive feedback on a regular basis both formally and informally
· Feedback any problems regarding candidates to SWMIT as they arise.
The candidate will:
· Fulfil all responsibilities outlined in their job description and comply with all trust and departmental policies and procedures
· Become familiar with the requirements of the SW ACPT Scheme
· Attend the induction course and assessment interview
· Ensure that the portfolio is completed within agreed deadlines or that alternative arrangements have been agreed with Educational Supervisors and SWMIT. Candidates should keep their Educational Supervisor informed of any changes
· Meet regularly with their allocated Educational Supervisor
· Participate in developing the training plans for completion of the relevant aspects of the evidence collection
· Take responsibility for their own learning and actively seek new learning opportunities
· Undertake study activities in their own time in addition to any study time allocated to them within the workplace
· Write up all evidence and submit to their Educational Supervisor within the agreed timescale
· Ensure that all work submitted is entirely their own work
· Act upon feedback received from Educational Supervisors to improve learning
· Discuss any problems regarding the training scheme with their assessor or SWMIT as soon as they arise
· Be expected to show continuous and consistent progress throughout their training and assessment period.
The above points have been discussed and agreed between:
Candidate name ……………………………………………………………………………….. GPhC No……………………………………..
Educational Supervisor name……………………………………………………………. GPhC No……………………………………..
Chief Pharmacist name……………………………………………………...... GPhC No……………………………………..
Signature ……………………………………………………………..Date…………………….
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Pre-Course Work Reflective Log (Appendix 2)
Pre-course task undertaken (please state)What did you learn from this? How is this relevant to the role of an ACPT?
Feedback/comments from Educational Supervisor
Candidate signature.………………………….…………………...... Date……….………
Educational Supervisor signature…………………………………………... Date………………
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Reflection on Errors (Appendix 3)
Spend 10 minutes thinking of all the different errors that can occur. What is the significance of the errors?
Which medicines have similar names and packaging? What can we do to help prevent these errors?
Spend 10 minutes thinking of the causes of errors and how we can prevent them?
How do you feel when you make an error?
Give a brief description of your Trust’s error reporting policy?
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Hopes and Fears for the Course (Appendix 4)
Before you attend the induction course, reflect on the following points and make notes underneath the questions
What do you hope will happen on the course?What do you want to learn, know or do on the course and over your training and assessment period?
What worries you?
Candidate signature.………………………….…………………...... Date……….………
Educational Supervisor signature……………………………………………… Date………………
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
No responsibility is accepted for the content of documents derived from this original publication
South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
The Benefits of the ACPT Role (Appendix 5)
Reflect on the benefits of your new role; take time to consider the benefits to the patients, to you as a checker and to your department. Finally think about any disadvantages to you performing the checking role.
Benefits to the patient / Benefits to the ACPT / Benefits to the department / Any disadvantages?South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
Introduction to the ACPT Scheme (Appendix 6)
Please look through the scheme handbook, found on the SWMIT website and answer the questions below. This should help you get started with your checking.
- How many items should I check?
- How many errors can I make?
- What is a prescription type and how many prescription types must I check?
- What is a speciality and how many items of each speciality must I check?
- What happens if I make a checking error?
- What happens if I exceed the error rate?
- How often should I have a review with my Educational Supervisor?
- What should be discussed in my reviews?
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
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South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme
ACPT Learning Plan (Appendix 7)
Candidate Name:/ Educational Supervisor:
/ Date:
Discussion Points: / Signatures:
Candidate: / ES:
i. Date to start training period
ii. Date to end training period
iii. SOPs read and understood
iv. Learning points discussed pre course reading
v. Prescriptions/Specialities to be included in the training period
vi. Date set for next discussion
Discussion Notes:
Candidate Signature:
Educational Supervisor Signature:
South West Medicines Information & Training. Version 1 Feb 14 - Solely for use within the NHS
No responsibility is accepted for the content of documents derived from this original publication
South West Accuracy Checking Pharmacy Technician Scheme