CBRMISSION AND VISIONThe mission of the CBR is to improve the quality andeffectiveness of cash-based responses to food insecurity in Kenyabycoordinatinginformation sharing, acting as a review and steering body, and developing guidelines that reflect national policy, best practices, and global standards.
Duties related to information sharing
- Collect and disseminatemarket studies, evaluation reports, lessons learnt, and best practices
- Share information on (formal and informal) private sector capacity for delivery
- Share information on public sector response capacities, and on who is doing what, where, how, and why? (With specific focus on identifying gaps, overlaps, and areas of collaboration
Project review and steering functions:
- Advise on assessment methodologies, programme design, and criteria for selecting appropriate transfer modalities
- Act as a joint project steering and oversight committee, with particular attention to reducing control-related risks
- Carry out sector-wide peer reviews of cash-based interventions, when requested
Duties related to standards
- Develop and disseminate guidance anda code of conduct for the use ofcash-based responses in Kenya that is in-line with national policy and strategy
Secretarial Functions and reporting
- Call regular meetings of all members
- Produce minutes for circulation at the KFSSG
- Keep an archive of all relevant information and documentation
- Ensure that guidance and technical information is properly recorded, reproduced, disseminated and stored.
Planning and monitoring
- Develop a comprehensive strategy and annual work plan for the CBR
- Monitor follow up on key sector issues raised in the KFSM
- Monitor the implementation of the CBR annual work plan
- Provide progress reports for the KFSSG
Other Duties of the CBR
- Respond to information requests from the KFSSG/KFSM or other partners as and when required
WG Management
Venue / KICC 17th Floor, Arid Lands Boardroom
Usual day of the week, and time / Wednesday, 14.30
Usual week in the month / First week of the month
How is the meeting called? / Email
Who calls the meeting? / Chair
In the space below, explain how the WG relates to other national coordination structures and initiatives in GOK and beyond.
Name of Institution / How WG cooperates with Institution
WG Structure
Organisation / Name of Participant
GOK Chair / MONKOAL / Paul Kimeu
Alternate GOK Chair / MOSSP / Philip Tarus
Co-Chair / CaLP / Glenn Hughson
Secretary / WFP / Cheryl Harrison
Alternate Secretary / FAO / Simon Muhindi/George Odingo
Reporter to KFSSG / GOK Chair/Alternate / Paul Kimeu/Philip Tarus
Alternative reporter / CoChair / Glenn Hughson
WG Members
Organisation / Name and Position
UNICEF / Joanne Bosworth (Luis Corral)
Save the Children / TBI
CARE Kenya / Doris Kaberia
Ministry of Livestock (MOA) / Kithama Mbolu
World Vision Kenya / Ann Chepiaite
World Vision / Thomas Tarus
FAO Regional / Astrid de Valon
Ministry of Education / TBI
Ministry of Gender / TBI
Main constraints and challenges facing the CBR:
- Competing tasks
- Lack of capacity within agencies in relation to cash-based responses
- Resources for carrying out the work of the committee (human & financial)
Opportunities for expanding or changing the scope of CBR:
What additional services or management support from the KFSSG would improve the CBR management?
- Opportunities for raising awareness of cash-based responses, by putting CBR on the agenda of planned meetings/workshops
- Communicating the work of the CBR to national and district structures
- Ensuring that cash-based responses are considered in the single pipeline