Stalybridge St. Paul’s Cricket Club
Season 2017
Annual General Meeting
To be held in the pavilion (Players’ Lounge) at 8.00pmon Tuesday 14th November 2016
1.The Chairman’s opening remarks.
2.Minutes of AGM of 8th Nov 2016 (to be formally accepted and signed). Matters arising from these minutes were dealt with on the January 2016 Committee Meeting
3Secretary’s annual report.
(Enclosed with e mail and copies available at the meeting).
This will be taken ‘as read’. The secretary will answer question about the report.
4.Treasurer’s Annual Report and presentation of accounts for 2016/17
:that the annual accounts for the financial year 2016/17 be accepted as a correct record of the Stalybridge St. Paul’s Cricket Club’s finances and end of year balance. Member have no wish to have the accounts audited.
Proposed: Mr. N. Corless,Seconded: Mr. I Hodgson
5.Retiring cricket captain’s report: (Mr. Richard Wright)
6. Report on the development of junior cricket(Mr.. Corless)
7.Election of Officers:
b)Hon Secretary
c)Hon Treasurer
8.Resolution:that the directors of the company, The Incorporated Stalybridge St.Paul’s Cricket Club, (herein after described as ‘the company’), elected to serve for the following 12 months from the date of this meeting will be:
Mr. Nigel Corless; Mr. David Postlethwaite; Mr. Stuart Barnes; Mr. Ian Hodgson
Further that the ‘company secretary’ shall be as elected in item 6(b),and the above named company secretary confirm these appointments as is requiredin the ‘company’s’ record at Companies House.
9.Election ofCaptains and Vice Captains(1st &” 2nd XIs Seniors) (No formal nominations have been received to date).
Nominations can be submitted before or during the meeting with a proposer and seconder’s names. Any member may propose or second his own nomination. (It is as well to ask your proposed member if he is willing to stand before submitting his name.)
a)1st XI and Club Captain:
b)1st XI Vice -Captain
c)2nd XI Captain
d)2nd XI Vice –Captain
10. Election of League Representative.
Nomination: Mr. Richard Wright(Prop. I Hodgson; Sec: J..Brownhill)
11.Election of the management committee:
By custom, all members who have posts of responsibility in the club are ‘ex officio’ members of the committee. These include all captains and vice captains, the house managers the head Groundsman the league representative senior scorer, the CWO (Club Welfare Officer) and chief coach (i/c Junior Cricket). All officers and directors of the club are ‘ex officio’ members.
Retiring members are:
Mrs. Joan Broadbent, Mr. R. Wright; Mr. J Brownhill; Mr. B. Stone; Mr. J Beswick,Mr. C. Fish (CWO) Mr. K. Bowers------plus directors (4) (The constitution allows for a committee of 15 max, Quorum of 3, one of which must be either a director or officer).
Current Rates:
a)Playing members (i.e. members playing cricket on the clubs’ teams, both seniors and juniors)
i.Seniors (over 18years of age on Jan.1st 2018)£40
ii.Junior players (12 years of age to 17 years of age up to 1st Jan 2018)£10
iii.*Juveniles nil.
b)Non playing members£10
* (The club in the recent past has attracted several juvenile (under 12s) cricketers, some under the ‘ECB All Stars scheme. Currently they don’t pay an annual fee.
£10 per match for senior cricketers (weekly fee)
13.Re-affirmation of the club’s policies on:
a)Inclusion and diversity
b)Codes of Conduct Policies (both for Juniors and seniors).
NB:During the recent review of the club’s ECB ‘Club Mark’ status prior to its successful renewal, these policies were re-examined. An affirmation by the membership will provide evidence for future reviews that the policies have been brought to the notice of members, read and reaffirmed. Copies of each enclosed.
14.Invitations to members to gain certification.
a)The secretary reminds all in positions of responsibility especially those coming into contact with Juniors/children that they are obliged to have DBS certification and that this certification is kept updated. (See Mr. Corless for Details).
The obligation incudes all Senior Captains and vice captains.
b)Could all members holding 1st aid certification as part of their employment please make their details known to the secretary? (Certificate copy, date for renewal, level of certification.)
Anyone wishing to qualify in 1st aid should see the secretary for course details (fees will be paid by the club)
N.B. All Coaches should have this and it is essential that we have a first aider on hand at every senior game.
c)In recent years the club has paid to have trained several members at various levels of coaching.
The ECB levels are:Level one:Coach Support Worker(a basic qualification to assist qualified coaches)
Level TwoQualified Cricket Coach(The club has current just ONE coach active and with up to date certification)
Level threeAdvanced level(None)
Elite LevelNot necessary!
Anyone wishing to pursue interest in coaching at whatever level should see the secretary or Chairman for details.
15.On-line Membership Forms(the secretary/Mr. Elliott)
15.Provision of Cricket Teas for the coming season (2018)
16. Any other Business………Motion for discussion:
The state of cricket at SSPCC and suggestions for improvements for the 2018 season
13.Date of the next Management committee meeting: Tuesday 12th December 2017(in the Players’ Lounge)