State Of Arizona

Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board

“Protecting the Public’s Health”

1400 West Washington • Suite 230 • Phoenix, AZ 85007 • Telephone 602-542-8242 • FAX 602-542-3093


TTY for Americans with Disability 800-367-8939 • Disability Voice Relay 800-842-4681

Janice K. Brewer – Governor

Dr. Bruce Sadilek, ND – Chair • – Vice Chair • Dr. Marianne Marchese, ND – Secretary / Treasurer,

Dr. John Eldridge, NMD– Physician Member - Dr. Amy Terlisner, ND- Physician Member Brad H. Logan - Public Member,

Jamie N. Bennett - Public Member



Thursday, January 8, 2015 • 1:00 p.m. • Basement Conference Room B-1

1400 West Washington • Phoenix, AZ 85007

This agenda may be amended 24 hours prior to the scheduled meeting.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-401.02 notice is given to the members of the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board and to the general public that the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board will hold a meeting open to the public, as indicated on the following agenda.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03 (A) (3), the Board may vote to hold an executive session for legal advice for any matter on the agenda. The executive session will not be open to the public. The Board Chair reserves the right to change the order of the items on the agenda. In accordance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Naturopathic Physicians Medical Board does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to its public meetings. If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify the Board’s Executive Director, Gail Anthony, to make their needs known, at (602) 542-8242.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(2), the Board may vote to go into executive session for discussion of any information made confidential by law.

Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.03(A)(1), the Board may go into executive session for discussion and consideration of personnel matters on agenda items.

1. Call to Order by Presiding Officer

A.  Roll call of Board members and establishment of a quorum to conduct meeting.

And Introduction of new board members.

B.  Acknowledgement of presence of Board staff and legal counsel.

2. Civility Statement

In accordance with the Open Meeting Law, the Board has a civility policy that prohibits any type of

disorderly conduct that disrupts the Board from carrying out its business. Those violating this policy will

be asked to modify their behavior and act civilly. If the disorderly conduct continues, the person may be

removed from the meeting room. (Adopted 11/8/2012)

3. Executive Director Report ( Not in packet)

Status of Administrative Operation

Procedural Matters

Summary of Agency Reports


Current Licensee Numbers

Current Case Numbers

4. Call to the Public

Those wishing to address the Board do not need to request permission in advance; however, the Board may limit those persons speaking during this time to a reasonable number on any public comment matter. In addition, each person wishing to address the Board will be given five (5) minutes to do so. Pursuant to A.R.S. §38-431.02 (H), the Board can only take action on matters listed on the agenda. Action on public comment matters that are not listed on the agenda will be limited to directing staff to study the matter or to schedule the matter for further discussion at a later date.

5. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by Board of Consent Agenda

(Any item under consent may be removed for independent discussion and action by a Board Member.)

C.  Declaration of any Conflict of Interest on any Item on the Consent Agenda.

D.  Request for Removal of any Consent Agenda Item for independent discussion and possible action by the Board.

E.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action and by Board of Regular and Executive Session (Not in Packet) Minutes of November 13, 2014. And Special Meeting Mminutes of December 19, 2014.

F.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Medical License(s) / Examination Application

Christy Masbad (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

G.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Medical License(s) / Endorsement.

Cox, Stephanie VT. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

Hernandez, Matthew VT. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

Khakham, Chil VT. (temporary license issued in accordance with A.R.S. 32- 1522.01)

H.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Request to Retire Medical License.

Chhun-lum Monique C.

Neubauer, Katherine

I.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Renewal of Medical License

Abbott, Crystal
Abel, Larry
Adair, Roger
Ahdut, Amira
Aidun, Sima
Alhadi, Fatima
Allen, Jason
Alschuler, Lisa
Alvarado, Gilbert
Anderson, Kristy
Anderson-McLaughlin, Jessica
Archambault, Brian
Armanti, Christian
Arneson, David
Arnold, Frederick
Asbill, Calley
Atkins, Adriane
Axelrod, Leslie
Bachelier, Aimee
Baily, Robin
Bain, Jaclyn
Bakty, Esti
Balentine, Lynnettee
Bantel, Dawn
Barnes, Lori
Barnett, Kevin
Barrantes, Teresita
Barreda, Nicole
Barrett, Terri
Barth, Inge
Beardsley, Lauren
Beck, Patricia
Bedell, Ren
Bell, Maria
Belt, Amber
Beltran, Chriselda
Berkner, Kristin
Bird, Robb
Bishop, Kristen
Black, Seth
Black, Wayne
Blasi, Jennifer
Boe, Laura
Borg, Adrienne
Borsa, Robin
Boyer, Vernoica
Brooke Barber, Kenna
Brooks, Barbara
Brouwer, Lauri
Brown, Kimberly
Brown, Kurtis
Bruton-Teed, Blythe
Bryant, Roselynde
Buratovich, Nick
Burns, Elaine
Burns, Jennifer
Cain, Nicole
Callaway, Laryn
Campbell, Erica
Caravone, Kimberly
Castle, Holly
Ceballos Logan, Gladys
Cerre, Eric
Champion, Nathan
Champion, Nita
Chinoy, Riyana
Christianson, Alan
Chung, Ashley
Cline, Christine
Clough, Kelly
Coates, Melissa
Cole, Boyer
Cook, Tracey
Cooke, Rebecca
Correia, Kirstin
Cramer, David
Crider, Heather
Crinnion, Walter
Cronin, Courtney
Curcio, Jessica
Dagstani, Nael
Dalili, Dawn
Dallman, Terra
D'Aprile, Delores
Darling, Mia
D'Armata, Annette
De Escobar, Marcos
de Soler, Alexander
Deal, Sheldon
Derion, Cheryl
Deville, Lauren
Devincentis, Laura
D'Huyvetter, Karen
DiFilippo, Mary
Dooley, Melonni
Drobot, Jeoffrey
Dunn, Melenie
Dye, Jennifer
Dye, John
Ealy, Henry
Eastman, Carole
Eastman, Stephanie
Eckart, Kayla
Eihausen, Eugene
Eischens, Shawna
Elton, Jennifer
Engard, Kimberly
Epstein, Danya
Espinol, Raquel
Ewald, Jaime
Ezrre, Barbara
Farner, Hope
Faur, Katherine
Feaster, Joanna
Ferchoff, Ryan
Fine, Anne Marie
Firisin, Kathryn
Fitzgerald, D. Erin
Flynn, Julie
Fontaine, De Adrea
Ford, Rebecca
Fox, Joelle
Frederick, David
Fuller, Carolyn
Gaines, Patricia
Gajus, Stephanie
Galaburrim Mario
Gallagher, Jeanette
Garrett, Sabine
Gentry, Jennifer
George, Julie
Gerard, Nicole
Geyer, MaryK
Glenn, Laura
Gorman, Julie
Gowey, Brandie
Grady, Elizabeth
Graham, Sherdeen
Graham, Sherdeen
Granger, Cheryl
Grimes Saber, DeeAnn
Grise, Diane
Grobe, Denise
Groves, Anesia
Gutowski, Louise
Ham. Natalie
Hamilton, Cheryl
Hamton, Eric
Harris Crossley, Meagan
Harris, Kimberly
Hartman, John
Hayman, Jessica
Heffner, Karlee
Heffron, Shawn
Helser, Carolyn
Hendricks, Jane
Heredia, Francisco
Hering, Lance
Herndandez, Matthew
Hess, Laurel
Hicks, Anne Christine
Highfield, Janice
Hill, Taylor
Hilli, Lisa
Hinojosa, Cynthia
Hinojosa-Sinks, Judith
Hodge, Richard
Hoffman, Jill
Holiday, Luke
Hoppe, Michelle
Howell, Mario
Hyde, Gayl
Hyun, Yu-Ree
Icard, Melanie
Immundo, John
Ivons, Maryann
Jacques, F. Debbie
Jamison, Scott
Jensen, Jason
Johnson, Cheryl
Jones, Ana
Jones, Judith
Just, Scott
Kadish, Alan
Katz, Steven
Keiffer, Julie
Keilty, Jeni
Kellum, Nicole
Kennedy, Laura
Keranen, Emily
Kerievsky, Adam
Kerievsky, Ross
Khalsa, Sarv Varta
Khoshaba, Linda
Kim, Cho Long
Kim, Linda
Knytych, Jeffery
Kodelka, Barbara
Kohler McLeod, Gemie
Koomia, Jessica
Kopcio, Jordan
Kovalik, Christina
Kruzel, Thomas
Kubacz, Cheryl
Kwiatkowski, Laura
Lamb, Karen
Lambert Rampe, Laura
Lan, Cara
Lane, Kiera
Larke, Daniel
Larrow, Anita
Layman, Katherine
Lee, Thomas
Leeder, Nancy
Leone, Jacqueline
Lewis, Danielle
Linton, LoRal
Logan, Darla
Longenecker, Margot
Lopez, Jorge
Loschert, Amy-Jane
Lussier, Spice
Lutrin, Sandra
Ma;yer, Alexandra
Macsay, Susanne
Madsen, Christine
Magerus, Tracy
Manipon, Nina
Marcantel, Mary
Marshall, Sarah
Martin, Lindsay
Maxwell, Peggy
May, Jasmine
McCaleb, Kathleen
McCalment, Carol
McCarthy, Heather
McConnell, Bryan
McDaniel, Allison
McGarey, Peggy
McHendry, Schuyler
McJunkin, Clinton
McNeil, Alexis
McNeil, Jason
McWilliams, Kenneth
Mehrabani, Ardeschir
Middlemiss, Erica
Miles, George Michael
Miliken, Ann Marie
Miller, Alicia
Miller, Michael
Miller, Rebecca
Miller-Sickels, Laura
Minguni, Sibongile
Mitchell, Kenneth
Mitchell, Tiffany
Mkrtchyan, Anna
Mnguni, Sibongile
Monterrey, Dayna
Moore, Jessica
Moroso, Heather
Morrissey, Robert
Morstein, Mona
Mturo, Lisa
Muhammad, Kim
Mullis, Nancy
Myatt, Dana
Myers, Robert
Navarro, Alma
Needle, Jessica
Nelson, William
Nevels, Jennifer
Nguyen, Krystine
Nichols, Douglas
Nickels, Michele
Nikolic, Elizabeth
Nix, Valerie
Norris, Kristi
Nowak-Stears, Julie
Nuckolls, Katheryn
O'Brien, Kareen
O'Brien, Mary Ellen
Odgren-Cole, Jill
Oertle, III John
O'Hara, Amy
Oksman, Linda
Orona, Shahrzad
Ortiz, Jose
Otto, Madalyn
Oxley, John
Ozalan, Glenn
Palmer, Andrea
Papadeas, Nathan
Pare, Courtney
Patrice, Analiah
Paulson, Heather
Peffley, Elisabeth
Perch, Benita
Peruch, Tracy
Peyman, Tara
Pina, Stephanie
Poindexter, Beth
Polec, Will
Porter, Jason
Potter, Ralph
Powell, Jonathan
Powell, Lahnor
Price, Hayley
Pringle, Matesa
Purcell, Andra
Rader, Alan
Ranon, Roselyn
Ray, Gerald
Redwine, Alison
Reeve, Wendy
Reker, Mary
Retz, Michelle
Revak, Carol
Rezaie, Suman
Rhodes, Rachel
Rice, Elizabeth
Richardson, Lisa
Rittling, Carrie
Robinson, John
Rodriguez, Yolanda
Romer-Bosch, Cristina
Rose, Katherine
Rudderham, Susan
Sabatier, Steven
Sage, Kathryn
Sager, Jeffrey
Saldivar, Lutea
Santo, Carlos
Scher, Bruce
Schuck, Herbert I.
Schwaiger, Timothy
Sears, Rory
Seenauth, Casey
Seit, Ann
Seitz, Stephanie
Selvy, don
Sensenig, James
Shabez, Edward
Shaw, Anne
Sherman, Leah
Shiffler, Nichole
Simmons-Stuber, Margie
Skelton, Janice
Smialke, Kiera
Smith Pringel, Patricia
Smith, Bradley
Smith, Garrett
Smith, Jennifer
Snowden, Rebecca
Song, Crystal
Sorensen, Christine
Sorr, Steven
Spector Deneen, Shana
Spira-O'Connor, Andrea
Spooner, Carol
Stallone, Paul
Stark, Stephanie
Steinberger, Katrina
Steinborn, Shawn
Steinke, Rhonda
Stevens, June
Stewart, Elaine
Stone, Carolyn
Stouk, Olya
Strand, Roxie
Stratton, Susan
Streisfeld, Robert
Strong, Christine
Suhaila, Lena
Sumegi, Lorraine
Summers, Alisa Joy
Swanick, Summer
Tabares, Amber
Takaki, Nanao
Taylor, Justin
Taylor, Nicole
Taylor, Tevna
Teale, Camille
Tecaya, Kam
Tellier, Krystal
Tenborg, Mark
Terranella, Robin
Thanki, Meghana
Thatcher, Michelle
Thom, Dickson
Tobar, Shanna
Toghyani, Jeannette
Torres, Tamara
Trask, Jennifer
Triplett-Foss, Paula
Troutt, William
Truong, Tue
Tuggle, James
Turner, Mary Jo
Tveit-Pettersen, Sonja
Tyson, Kirt
Udell, Eric
Upchurch, Robert
Vaghela, Monica
Van der Veer, Karen
Van Putten-Laguerre, Alana
Vassighi, Nazanin
Vesco, Teresa
Vitaro, Nathan
Wagner, Amy
Waldman, Renee
Walker, Michael
Wallace, Norman
Walsh, Bridget
Walters, Sam
Warren, Daniel
Watkins, MaryJo
Watwood, Ann
Weiner, Andrea
Wells, Wendy
White, Maleigha
Whiting, Susan
Whitley, Marnie
Whitsell, Melinda
Whittemore, Ashley
Whittington, Amy
Wick, Bonnie
Wilkinson, Charles
Williams, Mercedes
Williamson, Susan
Williford, Kimberly
Wilson, Adrienne
Wilson, Kimberly
Wilson, Raequi
Winter, Erin
Winton, Jeffrey
Witman, James
Wojtowkicz, Angela
Wolf, Jacob
Wolf, Jeremy
Wooten, Tracy
Yanez, JoAnn
Youngren, Christina
Yurgel, Betty
Zeller, Barrie
Ziol, Judith Ann

J.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Certificate to Dispense (initial)

Abbot, Crystal

Allen, Jason

Glenn, Laura

Hernandez, Matthew

Icard, Melanie

Khakham, Chil

Mittman, Laura

Odgren-Cole, Jill

Pringle, Matesa

Steinborn, Shawn

Warren, Daniel

Wheeler, Miriam

K.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

Christodoulakis, Theo

Dagstani, Nael

D'Armata, Annette

Dunbar, S. Ross

Madsen, Christine

L.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Application(s) for Preceptorship Certificate

Greer, Jennifer, Renewal

Tenney, Michelle, Renewal

M.  Certificate to Engage in a Clinical Training Program.

Lewis, Nicole

6. Regulatory Matters

N.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board of Investigations and Complaints. (The Board may go into executive session for legal advice or for discussion of items made confidential by law.)

(1) Dr. Clark Hansen, Case No. 14-001- Investigative Interview

(2) Dr. Michael Uzick, Case No. 14-006, consideration of consent agreement. (Not in Packet)

(3) Dr. Eric Johnson, Case No. 14-014 - Investigative Interview

(4) Kelly Hannigan, Case No. 14-003 - Review of Order of Compliance and Consideration of

Order for Injunction.

(5) Dr. Yvonne Skinner, Case 12-022, Review and Possible Action on Administrative Law

Judge Decision.

O.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action on Renewal Applications.

(1) Dr. John Eldridge, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense and Renewal of Medical License.

(2) Dr. Bruce Sadilek, Renewal of Medical License.

(3) Dr. Marianne Marchese, Renewal of Medical License.

(4) Dr. Jesika DiCampli, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

(5) Dr. Jake Psenka, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

(6) Dr. Michelle Retz, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

(7) Dr. Frank Tamburri, Renewal of Certificate to Dispense.

(8) Dr. Amy Terlisner, Renewal of Medical License

(9) Dr. Clark Hansen, Renewal of Medical License without Prejudice to any ongoing investigation.

(10) Dr. Yezid Callejas, Renewal of Medical License without Prejudice to any ongoing investigation.

(11) Dr. Ramon Esquerdo, Renewal of Medical License without Prejudice to any ongoing


(12) Dr. Michael Uick, Renewal of Medical License without Prejudice to any ongoing investigation.

P.  Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action on Applications. (The Board may go into Executive Session for legal advice or discussion of items made confidential by law.)

(1) Helene Marie de Soler, Application for Medical License by Endorsement. (Not in Packet)

(2) Michael Allen, Application for Reinstatement of Expired License.

(3) James Daily, Application for Reinstatement of Retired License.

(4) Jeffrey Seder, Application for Medical License. (not in Packet)

(5) Melanie Millard, Application for reinstatement of Medical Assistant Certificate, and

review of allegations of working without the required certificate.

7. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board Regarding COR Hearing.

(Not in Packet)

8. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board Regarding Sunset Factor 9. of the

Auditor General Report.

(Not in Packet)

9. Discussion, Consideration, Possible Action by the Board Regarding Election of Board

Officers, Pursuant to A.R.S. 32-1503 and R4-18-102(A).
