Kaua’i Bible College
(the rule book)
The heart of the staff at Kauai Bible College (KBC) in regards to the following guidelines is for all the students to grow in their ability to discern between right and wrong for themselves and draw closer to Jesus as they grow in personal holiness and self-discipline. However, what one person believes to be right will sometimes conflict with some of those who are around them. Because of these differences, this school is viewed as a house under the stewardship of the staff. Each of the staff's job descriptions incorporate a certain level of accountability to maintain a godly atmosphere on the campus as well as maintaining the physical campus itself. This is accomplished by setting the example in living up to and exceeding our own standards as well as directing, correcting, and disciplining the students towards those standards, just as a parent would direct/discipline their children in accordance with their own standards (note: students are not considered children here, nor will they be initially treated as such unless they provide a need to be).
The intention of these rules is not to exert control over the students. They have been developed over the course of the school’s existence and are a direct result of past mistakes and victories, as well as biblical wisdom and much council. Each student is therefore encouraged to allow their hearts to be examined by themselves and God for any rebelliousness or sinfulness before they judge the school or its rules to be wrong. Discipline can be hard to endure, but remember the promise of Hebrews: “for the moment, all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11).” In all reality, everyone has been under some type of authority since birth. Therefore, it is the school's wish that the students not rebel against the authority of its staff merely because it differs from what they are used to or their own concept of discipline. They are instead encouraged to grow in wisdom and maturity by submitting to the regulations put forth for the season they attend KBC.
Finally, let it be understood that the KBC staff are humans too and by no means infallible. If there is a question or concern about KBC's policies, we encourage mature discussion of them. However, be mindful that the school still has the authority to decide the guidelines for the campus.
(Note: the following does not apply to off-campus students while they are off-campus, but they do when they are on campus.)
Campus Life
Campus (Vision: show love and respect for everyone here)
● Dress modestly (modestly is not necessarily about what you wear, but about humbly counting those around you more significant than yourself, which means doing everything you can reasonably do to avoid being a stumbling block).
● At night, there are a few times that are important to know.
● 9:30pm is quiet time. Everyone must be in their own camp or in the study tents, or designated areas. Cars are not to be driven through camp, musical instruments need to be put away and noise level must be at quiet. This includes the study tents because sound travels very well.
● The front gate will be locked at 10pm.
● No guy and girl can be alone after 10pm off campus.
● Starting at 10pm guys and girls can be alone in one of five designated areas: Bench by the cross, Picnic table behind the study tents, the grass between the bin, the church tent, or the porch of the CCF church office, until 12am.
● 12am is when you are to be back on campus.
● You are allowed to sleep overnight away from camp only on the weekends (Friday and Saturday). Exceptions can be made by staff for heavy rain and other extreme circumstances but, students must return for classes and PC shifts.
● Weapons are not permitted on KBC or CCF property (BB guns, guns, bow and arrow etc.).
● The study tent is for studying and homework. The children’s tent is for games, movies, Skype, etc. The back part of that tent (with the mats) is off limits. The church stage can also be used for hanging out and watching movies, but must be taken care of- no shoes on the stage.
● Clean up trash and straighten all tables and chairs before leaving either tent. Before going to bed remove all belongings in either tent, or on the stage.
Cabins (Vision: have cabins outlast their life expectancy in good condition)
● The cabins are new so please be careful. Be gentle with the windows, doors, and furniture.
● It's hard to clean things here, so don't get them dirty (remove shoes/slippers and wash dirty feet and sand off body before entering cabins as well as any objects entering cabins).
● If you choose to walk around barefoot you must use wet wipes to clean your feet before moving about the rest of the cabin. This rule is in place in order to preserve the carpet and overall well being of the flooring.
● Carpet in the cabins can be removed by staff if not taken care of.
● Keep cabins tidy (this means clothes/belongings need to be put away and organized).
● There's a lot of rain and humidity here, so things get moldy easily (hint: you can help prevent this by keeping your windows shut when it rains or if you're going to leave for an extended period of time).
● Clean and vacuum cabins once a week, every week.
● Guys in guys' cabins, girls in girls' cabins. No exceptions.
● Peeing outdoors is allowed only after curfew hours, and if it is raining/ in designated areas.
Bathroom (Vision: leave it the way you would want to find it)
● Because our bathrooms are portable toilets, they work best if as much non-human waste is kept out of the toilet as possible. There's a trash can for the rest.
● Flush. They might not be space-age lavatories, but the basic idea is the same.
● When you replace the toilet paper, put it in the dispenser, not just on top of it.
● Don't leave the hose on the floor.
Shower House (Vision: to be clean and ready to use at all times)
● You're assigned part of a shelf to store shower specific items. Everything else must be stored in your cabin after each use (this means your clothes/towel etc.).
● Showers should be clear of all items when not in use. Rinse out showers when you are finished so they are clean for the next person.
● You must be fully clothed when walking to and from the shower house. Towels are not sufficient.
● Trash goes in the trash can. If there isn't a bag, put one in or don't put trash in.
● Clean up what you make dirty. This includes cleaning up after you shave.
● Toiletries of another person are not to be used without permission from that person. Borrowing is okay, so just ask.
● Girls shower house: take your shoes off before entering.
Food/Kitchen (Vision: the kitchen is clean and ready to cook in at any time)
● Food in cabins is permissible as long as it is stored properly, i.e. zip-lock bags and Tupperware containers.
● The refrigerator and freezer run on propane which is very expensive on Kaua'i, so no personal items will be stored in them unless given special permission.
● The stove also runs on propane so it also will not be used for personal use.
● The refrigerator, freezer, and stove are only accessible to those who are on a kitchen PCS shift, and designated staff.
● When you eat, you are responsible for washing your own dishes after meals.
● Cooks should be the only ones in the kitchen when cooking ― that means if you're not assigned to be cooking, you're not to be in the kitchen.
● Guys must have their shirts on while they are cooking. No exceptions.
● Girls (and guys if applicable) must have their hair pulled back when they are cooking.
● Note: we are able, willing, and accustomed to accommodating students with various food allergies and restrictions — please inform us of your needs and we will do our best to work with you. We've had plenty success in this area so far.
Storage (Vision: keep camp visually clean and don’t gain new junk)
● Bikes must be kept near cabins, or in work tent, out of the way of walking paths, and are not to be stored up top at any time.
● Any vehicles acquired cannot be left after the semester ends unless the bed deposit for the next semester has already been paid.
● During the semester vehicles are to parked in the specific parking areas throughout the school and church campus.
● Students need to sign a “Vehicle Agreement” form, and pay the $75 vehicle ownership deposit if they want to have a vehicle on KBC or CCF property.
Church Property (Vision: to recognize that we are stewards, not owners)
● If you see trash anywhere on the property, please throw it away.
● For safety and because our roads are made of gravel/dirt, we have a 5mph speed limit. This helps keep dust down and helps our roads to stay in good condition.
● Vehicles are to be parked in the parking lot, not in front of cabins.
● If you break something, it's best to tell a staff member immediately.
● Having Internet and power in the study tents is a privilege that can be revoked, so turn off the lights if you are the last one in the study tent
● The electrical systems on the property are not to be touched by students.
● Church cabinets, refrigerators, and microwave are not ours and are not to be opened or used.
● Take off shoes before walking on the church stage, in the cry room, or in the church office.
● Do not leave anything on the church stage.
● The Church office is not a hang out spot. Students are permitted to go into the office if they are working with Auntie Malie or, need to talk to one of the staff members. If you have any questions, talk with the deans before going in and talking with the director.
Your Interaction
Campus Relationships (Vision: that we live communally as the family of God)
● All speech should be loving, edifying, and with a preference for others.
● Gossip (defined as a truth that you don't have the right to tell that is not edifying to the person it's about) is a sin and should be stopped at all levels.
● Slander or defaming some one's character is a sin and won't be tolerated.
● Insensitive/vulgar language/joking is often offensive and does not prefer others.
● Matthew 18 is our playbook for the situation when someone sins against us. (See page 10 for details)
● Respect other people and their property; if you're unsure how to treat their stuff or want to know if you can borrow something, just ask them.
● Guard against favoritism and cliques — it's of course okay to be closer to some than others, but try to get to know and show love to everyone.
● KBC students are not to be alone with anyone under 18. (This means you could still meet with them alone, but in a public area, where you can be seen by others). Off campus excursions must be okay-ed with the miner’s parents. This includes guy to guy and girl to girl relationships.
● Please respect the position the staff has been put into by the godly authorities above them and ultimately God. That includes the decisions leaders make individually and collaboratively.
● Please respect the staff’s personal life and time.
● Dating and Relationships; here's some things to keep in mind:
● Don't lead anyone on. Be aware of your interactions with others and if you feel someone is starting to develop feelings that you don't reciprocate, be forward and let them know. Better sooner than later.
● If someone has expressed no interest in anything romantic with you (whether they are in another relationship or not), cease pursuing them. If you pursue after they have said no, it could be seen as harassment.
● Boundaries are important, for both the other person's safety, reputation, and spiritual walk as well as yours. If you're not sure where to place boundaries, talk to those more mature and in leadership. Chances are good that we've been in the same boat and our desire is that you are spared our mistakes and that God is glorified in everything. This obviously includes romantic relationships, but also friendships — they need boundaries too.
● If you have made a romantic connection, be wise in boundaries and perceptions. Be above reproach, which includes being out in the open, or in designated areas between 10pm-12am (refer to page 2) not touching each other inappropriately, not talking/texting late at night or all night long, etc. As the Holy Spirit leads, the staff reserves the right to confront you with any suspicions we may have.
● Don't stumble anyone by sitting on each other's laps, pushing physical boundaries, laying next to each other in the dark, etc. Be wise and prudent.
● KBC students are not allowed to date anyone who is under the age of 18, unless the miner’s parents grant permission.
Off-Campus Interaction (Vision: to live the biblical truths being learned in the world)
● Because we live in cabins and our church body is exceptionally gracious, we have what is called a Hanai program, wherein Bible College students are “adopted” by church families in order to provide fellowship with the church body. Additional luxuries such as warm showers, Internet, laundry facilities, a home cooked meal, and an interim family are also possibilities. These are privileges, not rights, and should be considered so. This means expressing many thanks for the generosity of the family that has adopted you, respecting what they have offered, seeking friendship with someone because of who they are and not in order to use them for the blessings they might bestow on you, etc.
● Please be in prayer for the church, which will quickly take you in. Love the people in the church, serve the church body and seek wisdom from members.
● Respect the church. We are guests on their property and in their body. They will take you as if you have been here for years, so repay them in respect.
● Please be a bright light and strong witness to the secular community. When you are off the campus, be in missionary mode, expecting to run into non-believers and to be used by God. Easy ways to do this are to buy drinks when you use the Internet at coffee shops, leave good tips when you eat at restaurants, be modest in dress and expression of relationships, clean up after yourselves, etc. Remember the Bible College has a reputation around the Island, what you do and how you act affects our relationship with the Island in the future. Leave a good impression for the Bible College so we may continue to shine the Light of Christ in the community for years to come.
● Please witness to people in the community, but be careful not to tell them where we live. We don't want our specific location to be too widely known.
● Trespassing hotels/resorts/condominium complexes to get to the pool/hot tub is illegal and a bad witness. (Automatic write-up)
● Kaua'i is home to many interesting adventurers, and while most are sources of good conversation and not threats, it is important to be discerning and aware of drug addicts and the unstable. Make sure you are with at least one other person and that other people know where you are.
● Locals have a lot of pride and some don't take too kindly to haoles (white non-islanders) but, if you just show them respect nothing will happen.
● If you surf, you need to follow the cultural rules. In short: show them respect.
● All vehicles must be owned and operated legally.
Entertainment (Vision: that this be a season of separation from secondary things)
● People need to sleep so, instruments are allowed to be played in camp from 8:30am till 9:30pm.
● For this season of holiness we ask that no movies with sexually explicit, excessive vulgar language, inappropriate themes, or an R-rating be watched on campus. This is not to say that all R-rated movies are sinful and everything else is fine. We desire to see students use this season of holiness and separation from the world to focus on God and not be distracted even by things that aren't necessarily sinful but aren't helpful in your walk with Christ. This is also a chance to grow in discernment in what is edifying to you and this family and obey your conscience. This is an area you can be a leader among students in.
● Movies are allowed in cabins, but keep in mind the volume after quiet hours.
● Pornographic/vulgar reading material is not allowed, both visually and contextually. That means no romance novels.
● Appropriate video games are allowed, except for in the study tent, but they can't consume all your time.