Stall Hire Booking Form - Christmas Fair Booking Form 2017
About the venue and event:
Kirkwood’s 2017 Christmas Fair will be held at theUniversity of Huddersfield,Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH.
The fair takes place on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th November on the Ground Floor of the Oastler Building. The public will be invited to attend between 10am – 5pmon Saturday and 11am – 4pm on Sunday.
All stalls for the benefit of this booking form will be positioned inside within the main halls used for the event. Kirkwood Hospice will promote the event via their website, on social media, in the local press and via outdooradvertising banners.
Stall Hire charges:
Book by 29th September 2017 for Early Bird booking offer:£55.00 per day or £90.00 for the combined two days.
The standard charges will be:£65.00 per day or £100 for the combined two days.
The above charges relate to one table (size 1830W x 685D x 698(H) mm)
Business Name & Address:
Application made by/Contact Name:
Telephone number:
Email Address:
Website Address (if applicable):
Estimated stall set up time required:
Specific goods (description of items to be sold):
Terms and conditions:
I declare when making this application that I am over 18 years of age. I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the above information is correct and that by making the booking I accept the terms and conditions.
Full payment is payable at the time of booking and no refunds will be provided.
Trading on the stall will be limited to the description provided at the time of booking.
Stalls will need to be set up no later than 45 minutes prior to the fair opening times and taken down within 1 hour of the fair closing time.
A dedicated time slot for unloading/loading of goods will be granted for ease on site. The allocated time slot will be for amaximum of 30 minutes. Parking for the remainder of the period is not available on site with the exception of blue badge holders.
*For the duration of the fair, Kirkwood Hospice will not be liable for the loss or damage of any items. Your own insurance will be required to ensure you are covered in such instances.For stall holders booking a space for both days of the fair, the room will be securely locked and goods for sale/display may remain on the stall.*
Stall holders are expected to open their stall for the full duration of the event’s opening times.
Stall holders must conduct themselves in an orderly manner so as not to cause nuisance or annoyance to other traders and/or the general public.
Stalls should be kept clean and litter free at all times.
Stall positions will be allocated by Kirkwood Hospice with consideration to similar goods being sold by fellow traders. Submission of this booking form is not confirmation of acceptance of booking. This will be sent in writing within 7 working days of receipt of payment/booking form.
I wish to book:
Number of tables for the 18th November (please type in the box)Number of tables for the 19th November(please type in the box)
3 ways to pay for your stall hire:
1 - Cheque payable to Kirkwood Hospice2 Bank Transfer: our Bank Details: Sort Code: 30-94-43 Account Number: 00519417 Ref Christmas Fair Stall Hire & your business name within the reference attached to the transfer 3) By providing debit card/credit card details to the fundraising team on 01484 557911.