Present: Councillor Mrs R L Fitzer - Town Mayor
Ms P J Bradford
Ms B Carpenter
A B Chick
D Crocker
R J F Evans
A G Patel
P J Robinson
R A Saunders
J F Smith
D J Willoughby
In attendance: Mr S J Parkinson - Town Clerk
Mr G C Burt - Deputy Town Clerk
County Councillor Dr A R Ludlow
4 Members of the press and public
The meeting was preceded by prayers with the Reverend Keith Underhill
71 Apologies
Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs P E Jones and R T Fitzer.
72 Town Mayor’s Announcements
The Town Mayor:
(1) Reminded all those present to either turn off or silence any mobile telephones.
(2) Advised members that the Alton Design Statement was now available on the Alton Town Partnership website and that the public was invited to comment on the proposals.
73 Leader’s Announcements
The Leader of the council reminded members of the forthcoming 40’s Day, Regency Weekend, French twinning visit and Alton Show, asking councillors to note the important role played by partner organisations in keeping the town vibrant.
74 Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2007 and the Annual Meeting held on 9 May 2007 were confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Town Mayor.
75 Declaration of Interest
The Town Mayor reminded members of their duty to declare any personal or prejudicial interest in an item of business before it was discussed.
76 Presentation of Grant Cheques
The Mayor presented grant cheques of £2,000 to Alton Town Partnership, and to Barbados House Association for £300.
77 Questions from members of the public
Councillor Chick expressed concern that Marks and Spencer were not providing enough checkout staff, leading to long queues and discouraging shoppers.
District Councillor Joy reported public concerns about the post office passport service, due to the forthcoming move to WH Smith. He also advised that residents were concerned at the application to redevelop the Kings Pond Bungalows, particularly the disposal of land, which the council could never get back, and suggested that the townsfolk should be consulted first.
The Town Clerk reported receipt of a letter for Dr J Chatfield regarding the development of the bungalows, which was copied to all councillors.
78 County Council Matters
County Councillor Dr A R Ludlow reported on and answered questions on HCC matters.
Grants He advised that each county councillor had been given a budget of £10,000 to distribute as grants within their ward. The average grant was expected to be £500. Cllr Ludlow indicated that he wanted to take into account the policies of ATC and EHDC in distributing this. The Deputy Town Clerk asked if a grant might be available towards CCTV.
Road surfaces Councillor Chick advised that the road outside the Alton House Hotel badly needed resurfacing. Councillor Patel added that during the recent elections, public concern at the state of the roads had been a significant issue. Councillor Crocker felt that it was a false economy not to maintain the roads as costs would be greater in future.
Signage Councillor Smith asked about progress on signage for the Cloisters and Steeple Drive. Councillor Ludlow advised that he had a meeting with officers tomorrow and would report back.
Mill Lane Councillor Willoughby was concerned at the lack of HCC investment in the Mill Lane refurbishment project.
79 District Council Matters
Cllr Chick reported that EHDC had not yet held its first full council meeting following the election and so there was not much to report on at this stage.
Redundant parking meters These were to be removed in time for the judging of Alton in Bloom.
Former dairy site Councillor Saunders asked if EHDC had any response regarding the clear up of the former dairy site in Anstey Lane.
80 Approval of the Annual Return and Statement of Accounts to 31 March 2007
The Town Clerk presented the Annual Return and Statement of Accounts, which had previously been considered by the Policy & Resources Committee. Councillor Crocker was concerned about dwindling capital reserves, but recognised the need to complete projects. On the proposal of Cllr Willoughby, seconded by Cllr Crocker, it was
That the annual return and statement of accounts for the year ended 31 March 2007 be approved and that the Town Mayor sign these accordingly.
81 Calendar of Meetings
The Council considered a proposed calendar of meetings for 2007/08. Many felt that a mid August full council meeting was unnecessary and should be removed from the calendar.
On the proposal of Cllr Willoughby, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was
To approve the meetings calendar for 2007/08, with the deletion of the August meeting of the Council.
82 Code of Conduct
Members heard that a revised model code of conduct had been issued by the Government and the council was required to either amend its existing code or adopt the new model. On the proposal of Cllr Willoughby, seconded by Cllr Crocker, it was
1) To adopt the revised code of conduct as set out in the report.
2) To confirm that all councillors’ interests remained the same as declared on 31 May 2007.
83 Planning & Transportation Committee
On the proposal of Cllr Saunders, seconded by Cllr Robinson, it was
That the minutes of the meetings held on 28 March, 18 April, 16 May and 6 June 2007 be received.
84 Recreation Committee
On the proposal of Cllr Patel, seconded by Cllr Bradford, it was
That the minutes of the meetings held on 11 April and 31 May 2007 be received.
85 Policy & Resources Committee
On the proposal of Cllr Willoughby, seconded by Cllr Crocker, it was
That the minutes of the meetings held on 25 April and 13 June 2007 be received.
The committee had resolved to increase to 10 members and recommended that the council appoint a 10th member to it. On the proposal of Cllr Willoughby, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was
That Cllr R T Fitzer become the 10th member of the enlarged Policy & Resources Committee
86 Reports from representatives on outside bodies
Cllr Chick Reported that there would be a public discussion of the proposals for the community centre at the Area Forum the following Tuesday.
Advised that the Basingstoke hospital governors had determined that the pain clinic would remain in Alton.
87 Exclusion of Press and Public
On the proposal of Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Saunders, it was
That in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it is advisable in the public interest that the public and press be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.
88 Crime & Disorder Working Party
On the proposal of Cllr Smith, seconded by Cllr Bradford, it was
That the minutes of the meeting held on 29 May 2007 be received. It was noted that the recommendation of the working party with regard to engaging a consultant had already been referred to and resolved by Policy & Resources Committee.
Meeting finished at 8.00 pm