Stage 1 Desired Results s8

Stage 1 – Beginning with the End in Mind

Rulers and leaders have different characteristics, values, and challenges.

Created by Donald Eldridge - Savoonga
Established Goals:
Standard(s) which lesson is based upon:
SS.4G.07, SS.5G.07 Understands key vocabulary and concepts in comparative government (republic, parliamentary system, democracy, aristocracy, and despotism).
SS.4G.08, SS.5G.08 Understands the qualities and characteristics of world leaders
Standards which will be referenced:
S.S.4G.05 Acquires information relevant to making a decision
S.S.5G.06 Keeps informed on issues that affect society
Understandings/Big Ideas – Why Do I have to know/do this???
Peoples’ choices can alter their own lives and help set the world’s stage
Citizens can influence government policies / Essential Questions:
Who should govern or rule?
Students will know……
Key concepts of and vocabulary in comparative governments
Leadership roles require different qualities and characteristics contingent on the type of governing body
How to describe and compare world leaders and the governments they represent / Students will be able to ….
Acquire meaningful information
Make important decisions
Develop understanding of different forms of government and the qualities required to represent governing bodies

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Type of Assessment / Level of Understanding Assessed
Formative Assessment Prior to Lesson / Introduce standards, provide students with an overview of where the unit is headed (Review EOLs in order to determine the topics that must be covered)
KWL- done with students as each comparative form of government is introduced
Create bulleted list:
“What qualities would make a strong leader in this setting?” /
Evaluation (self-knowledge)
Formative Assessment During Lesson: / 4 square graphic organizer- to be completed independently or in groups after information is presented for each form of government / Knowledge (explanation)
Formative Assessment At end of lesson: / Performance Task Scoring Guide
Present R.A.F.T. choices, Students must choose one of the options to create and present to their class
. / Comprehension (interpretation)
Synthesis (empathy)
Summative Assessment: / End of level Assessment
Take proper level of S.S. EOL for Global Studies / Knowledge (explanation) Comprehension (interpretation)

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

Learning Activities: Overview of Plan


/ Form (Drill/Practice; Practical Application; Interactive/Simulation; Real-life)
1) Graphic organizer
2) Direct Instruction
3) Graphic organizer
4) Performance task- R.A.F.T.
5) EOL / Practical Application
Practical Application
Practical Application
Daily Plan (Thoughts)- This schedule is a sample of a micro unit that would be repeated for each comparative form of government. Each instructor should choose a minimum of one world leader that is recognized for representing the form of government being studied and lead a discussion about the requirements of holding such an office as well as the characteristics of the individual and the setting that made them successful, a failure, or both.
Step 1: Introduce government form- i.e.- Democracy- Create a KWL with the whole class
Step 2: Group students- formulate bulleted lists of the characteristics and values that might make a person successful in this setting then share out as a whole class
Step 3: Develop topic- Based on site resources
Step 4: Partner by TE levels (L4 with a L5 for support) Complete 4 square graphic organizer / Guided Instruction
Direct Instruction -using a variety of sources both visual and oratory
This cycle should be repeated at a minimum of four times to cover the comparative forms of government found on the L4,L5 Global Studies EOL, but I would encourage developing the topic beyond minimum requirements by introducing additional popular forms of government-i.e. Communism, Aristocracy
Summative Activities
Step 1: Performance Task- R.A.F.T. (choices included in support documents)- Individual work to be shared with class to increase awareness and encourage group discussion
Step 2: Final Assessment- S.S.-Global L4 or L5 End of Level Summary / Differentiated Instruction
R.A.F.T. allows choice by interest and multiple intelligence styles
Independent Analysis