Stag Lane First & Middle Schools

Stag Lane First & Middle Schools




15 September 2015

at 6.30pm


LA Governor (1)

* Natasha Pearson

Parent Governors (2)

*Valerica Balauca (JuniorSchool)

*Maria Ursachi (Infant School)

Head Teachers (2)

*Elena Evans (Headteacher, Junior School)

*Nina Will (Headteacher, Infant School)

Staff governor (1)

*Ivan Brandon (last meeting)

Co-opted Governors (9)

*Amrit Bhat

*Virendra Rathod

*Judith Landhausser

*Antoinette Watt

*Paresh Varsani

* Pravin Shah

* David Leibling

* Amie Norris (elected to represent the Junior School)


Associate Member

*Karen Hughes (DHT Infant School)


*Vivian Wright

* indicates governor present

+ indicates governor absent with apologies

~indicates governor absent, no apologies

1. / Welcome and Apologies
The Chair welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the academic yearespecially Pravin Shah who is back after a period of illness. / Actions
2. / Apologies for absence and their acceptance
There were no apologies for absence.
3. / Register of Business Interests – completion of new forms
All governors completed Register of Interest forms. The Clerk will collate these for uploading to the school website. / Clerk
4. / Declarations and/or pecuniary interest relating to the meeting
Governors present had no pecuniary interest relating to any items on this evening’s agenda.
5. / Minutes of the FGB Meeting held on 14th July 2015
The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.
6. / Matters arising from the minutes not included elsewhere on the agenda
p.2. Item 2. Reconstitution
Staff governor: Ivan Brandon’s term of office has expired leaving a vacancy for a staff governor for the Infant School. Elections are in progress. The Chair thanked Ivan for his work as a staff governor. He is going to stand again but in the event of his not being elected, governors agreed that, with his invaluable business and management skills, he would make a useful addition to the governing body as an associate member.
p.4. Item 4. School expansion
Amrit Bhat has written to the LA. This is discussed more fully under agenda item 19.
p.4. Item 7. Matters arising
(p.2. Item 7.1. CFC Committee)
Website: Paresh Varsani has agreed to have oversight of the school website. This is discussed more fully under agenda item 23.3.
(p. 11. Item 12. Complaints procedure)
The Head Teacher confirmed that the simpler version of the complaints procedure is on the Junior School website.
p.5. Item 9.Reports from Committees
9.1. Children, Families and Community
The changing definition for Gifted and Talented children will be discussed more fully at the Standards and Achievement committee.
9.2. Resources
Minutes of the meeting of 17 June have been circulated.
9.3. Standards and Curriculum
Sex and relationships: the Head Teacher of the JuniorSchool spoke of the continuing difficulties experienced by the school with regard to certain familieswho refuse to allow their children to participate in SRE, Music and Swimming lessons on religious grounds. Religious belief has been accepted as a reason towithdraw children from RE and assemblies but SRE forms part of the core Science curriculum and Music and Swimming are also required subjects in the national curriculum. The Head Teacher has sought advice from Rachel Bowerman from SACRE. Through Rachel, the Head Teacher made contact with an imam who endorsed the school’s position on this issue. The parents, however, although supportive in other areas, are very adamant on this matter and were not to be swayed by his advice. They have threatened to keep their children at home on the days when these subjects are taught.
The Head Teacher will continue to seek advice and the school is exploring ways of delivering SRE separately to boys and girls which may prove more acceptable.
p.7. Item 10. Head Teachers’ reports
10.2. JuniorSchool: Staffing
Some governors had conducted exit interviews with members of staff who were leaving. There was some discussion about whether these should be confidential. It was agreed to share them with the Head Teachers and Chair of Governors for the moment and Judith Landhausser will check the regulations.
p.9. Item 12. Chart of Accounts
Governors agreed to follow good practice guidance and bring the budget to the FGB as well as the Finance Committee for the meetings that fell at the beginning and end of the financial year.
p.10. Item 13. Governance
13.1. Review of Governors’ Objectives
Judith Landhausser will arrange a time to carry out a Safeguarding audit with Virendra Rathod and Natasha Pearson.
The Head Teacher of the Infant School has attended Safeguarding training. Governors received training on Safeguarding withRachel Bowerman a year ago and governors will be offered opportunities to update this training. See also 11.1. below.
Governor training
Amrit Bhat has emailed Neetha Atukorale at Governor Services with governors’ concerns about HSIP training courses. Neetha is on extended leave at the moment, but he will follow this up on her return.
The Chair recommended the NGA magazine as a useful source of up to date information for governors.
Governors’ newsletter
Amrit Bhat has taken responsibility for the governors’ newsletter which will be published after half term. See also 11.8. below.
13.2. Preparing for Ofsted: 20 questions (previously circulated and paper copies tabled at the meeting)
David Leibling has already commented on these. The Head Teacher of the JuniorSchool will circulate these again. Governors should email their comments to the Clerk by 25th September. She will collate their responses for the next FGB meeting.
Strategy Committee
It was agreed to reintroduce regular meetings of the Strategy committee. The Chair will convene a meeting.
There were no further matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda. / Item for future agenda S&C committee
Judith Landhausser
Judith Landhausser
Amrit Bhat
Item for next FGB agenda.
7. / Items of AOB to be considered at the end of the agenda
  • Governors’ newsletter
  • Governors’ Contacts list
  • Governors’ Notice Board
  • Website

8. / Delegations(previously circulated)
A governor, while agreeing with the content of this document, felt that the style could be more consistent. The Head Teacher of the JuniorSchool agreed to revise it.
Cheques are signed in accordance with mandate rules. Governors agreed that the mandate rules should be attached to the document.
A governor queried that the IS delegations contained no delegation below the Head Teacher; only the Head Teacher’s delegations have to be approved by the governing body.
Governors agreed the delegations and they were signed off.
For Ratification
9. / SIP Objectives
9.1.Infant School: deferred
9.2. JuniorSchool(previously circulated and tabled at the meeting)
Governors asked the following questions:
Objective 2. To embed the Marking Policy: could the Head Teacher add some more information about the marking objectives in view of the uncertainty surrounding assessment since the abolition of levels? The Head Teacher explained that the school has done a lot of work in this area. She will bring the new Assessment and Marking Policy to the S&C committee and the school will also produce a leaflet explaining the marking system to parents.
What is meant by HFWS? These are high frequency words. All staff, including TAs, have appraisal targets and these targets are linked to the SDP. This year the focus of the SDP is on reading. The TAs will work with pupils on high frequency words and this will form part of their appraisal.
Objective 3. To further develop behaviour so that it embodies the RRSA criteria:could the Head Teacher add some more information about this objective? The Head Teacher explained that while behaviour is generally good, there had been comments in the parents’ questionnaire and also from the Parents’ Forum about behaviour. Teachers have been working with the children on what helps and hinders their learning. Minor low level disruption hinders their learning and this infringes on their RRSA right to learn.
Objective 4. Developing Homework
Governors agreed the SDP objectives for the JuniorSchool. / Item for next agenda
Item for S&C agenda
10. / GB Terms of Reference(Terms of Reference previously circulated and paper copies available at the meeting; Code of Conduct tabled at the meeting)
A governor commented that the Terms of Reference are concerned with procedures and do not set out the governors’ strategic role.
The Chair tabled a Code of Conduct for governors produced by the NGA. He took governors through this document which does cover the strategic role of the governing body and the principles that should inform the way governors work.
It was agreed that the Chair will send an electronic copy of the Code of Conduct to the Clerk who will check the wording and circulate it to governors. Governors should sign it and bring to the next FGB meeting. The Clerk will also update the terms of reference with the date of the latest Instrument of Government, present date at the end and include record of attendance under point 13. This will form a complement the code of conduct.
Governors ratified the Terms of Reference for the Governing Body / Chair, Clerk, Governors
11. / GB objectives (tabled at the meeting)
The Chair has revised the Governors’ objectives and he took governors through the updated document.
1. Safeguarding Monitoring: the Head Teacher of the Infant School invited governors to join in staff training on Safeguarding on 23 October from 9-11.30am. There is also a HSIP course on 21 October from 7-9pm.
2. Training: if governors attended one of the Safeguarding training courses they would fulfil this objective.
3. 100% Attendance: governorshad achieved this objective at this meeting: a good start to the academic year.
4. To start meetings on time: this meeting had started slightly late, but the Chair will make every effort to ensure a prompt start to meetings.
5. Monitoring visits: in response to a question about how monitoring visits should be structured, the Head Teachers explained that they should be linked to the SDP. Governors would decide with the schools on the focus of their visits. The Chair of governors will support/partner governors who are new to monitoring visits.
The Head Teacher of the Infant School added that this year the Infant School is monitoring the effectiveness of the marking policy and this would make a good focus for a visit. The Chair added that the NGA website contains useful information about monitoring visits.
Judith Landhausser will send governors a copy of the monitoring visit form.
6. Paperwork for meetings: it was agreed to add “and governors should ensure that they have read the paperwork before the meeting”. The Head Teacher of the Infant School suggested that the meeting room and i-Pads should be available to governors half an hour before the meeting to give them some preparation time.
7. Attendance at School Functions: a visit to a school function can also count as a monitoring visit.
8. Governors’ Newsletter: as noted under item 7. above (p.10.
13.1. Review of Governors’ Objectives), Amrit Bhat has taken on this responsibility but other governors will contribute.
9. This objective can be deleted as it is covered under objective 6.
10. Code of Conduct see also item 10 above. This objective should be moved to no.1. and the other objectives renumbered accordingly.
11. Recruitment: with the new build coming up, the Chair stressed the need for governors with knowledge of building works. Governing bodies are now encouraged to look within the private sector for people with appropriate skills.
Governors ratified the Governing Body Objectives / Judith Landhausser
12. / Appointment of Chairs and Membership
Terms of reference
12.1. Children, Families and Community
12.2. Resources
12.3. Standards and Curriculum
Governors updated the Committee list (to be circulated with the minutes)
The Terms of reference will be reviewed by their committee / Clerk
Items for next committee agendas
Appointments 2015/16
13. / Curriculum Governors
13.1 Helping Hands (x 1 – JuniorSchool only)
13.2Learning Council (x 1 – JuniorSchool only)
13.3RRSA (x 2)
13.4Safeguarding (x 2)
13.5SEN (x 2)
Governors updated the list of Curriculum Governors (to be circulated with the minutes) / Clerk
14. / Link Governors

14.1Infant School 14.2 Junior School

Nursery Year 3
Reception Year 4
Year 1 Year 5

Year 2 Year 6

Governors updated the list of Link Governors (to be circulated with the minutes) / Clerk
15. / Panel Membership
15.1 Appointments Panel x 5
15.2Curriculum and Parental Complaints x 3
15.3Discipline/Exclusion Appeals x 7
15.4Employee Grievance/Discipline x 3
15.5Employee Appeals x 3
15.6HT Performance Management x 3
15.7Pay & Review Committee x 3
Governors reviewed the panel membership and the updated list will be circulated with the minutes / Clerk
16. / Flood damage report
The Chair informed governors that the school was in excellent condition before 26th August when a torrential rainfall caused flooding. This created a lot of mess and damage, but fortunately the computers had escaped. It was unfortunate that this happened just one week before the new term: start dates for Nursery and Reception had to be set back.
Ivan Brandon and his team had worked tirelessly to restore order. The loss adjuster had called the day after the flood and Ivan was able to substantiate the evidence before him with photographs showing the extent of the damage.
The school is claiming £60,000 costs to repair the damage. This sum would have been considerably higher if the school has used outside contractors. Basically, the drains, which have been a source of concern for some time, could not handle the volume of water caused by the sudden torrential rain over a very short time.
In response to a question concerning excess for the insurance claim, Ivan indicated that he is seeking full reimbursement.
The school has now been fully restored apart from some finishing off in the nursery. The most damage was caused to carpets and cupboards including the brand new library cupboards.
The Chair thanked Ivan Brandon for his hard work clearing up and restoring order out of chaos. The Chair will also write to the other staff concerned.
17. / Preparing for Ofsted (Questions previously circulated)
The Chair asked governors to reflect on these questions which they should be able to answer.
A governor asked if it would be possible to have a session for governors on these questions to ensure that they were fully briefed and answering consistently.
Governors agreed that this was a good idea. It might be an activity for the Governor Day in January. The Head Teacher of the JuniorSchool will ask consultant Ian Hart who is working with the school. Ian is also an Ofsted Inspector with up to date qualifications. The Head Teacher indicated that he would probably undertake to lead a session with those governors who were most likely to meet the Ofsted inspectors. He has prepared a risk assessment for the school based on their SATs results.
The Ofsted Framework has changed. Criteria for “Outstanding” are now more rigorous. Inspectors only visit for one day. If there are concerns, they can call for a full inspection. Inspectors can also do “drop-ins” with 15 minutes notice.
It is unlikely that the schools will be inspected before the validated RoL data is published. Amie Norris informed governors that RoL have also produced a dashboard based on 2014 data. This went live today. It contains a summary of each school’s strengths and weaknesses. Amie looked at this site today and there are no specific concerns for the JuniorSchool.
The website also plays an important part as Ofsted inspectors can access it at any time. / HT JS
18. / Governors’ Monitoring Visitssee 11.5 above
19. / Update on Expansion
Chris Melly, the LA Expansion officer, wrote to the school in August advising them that the statutory notice had been posted. The school has sent out letters to parents.
The GB is required to make its response to Johanna Morgan by 21 September to be in time for the next Cabinet meeting.
Governors are aware of the need for expansion and wish to be supportive. However there are concerns about the size of classrooms, overcrowding in corridors and playgrounds, overuse of the infrastructure (e.g. the drains) and maintaining the quality of education while the new build is in progress. It is important that the contractors are kept informed of changes agreed at the planning stage. Other local schools undergoing expansion have suffered many difficulties. Their contracts contain no penalty clauses with the result that all of them are behind schedule.
Has there been any response from local residents? Not so far.
Has the local councillor been involved? He has not been seen.
As noted under item 6 above (p.4. Item 4. School expansion), Amrit Bhat has already written to the LA expressing the schools’ concerns. The Chair, in consultation with the Head teachers, will now frame a response for the Council taking in the points raised in the earlier letter.
Parking restrictions
Parking is already a problem and the situation will worsen with expansion. Ivan Brandon passed on a suggestion to ask the Council to extend the parking restrictions in nearby roads (currently 9am to 3pm) to include the beginning and end of the school day.
The Chair will write to the Council requesting this. / Chair and HTs
20. / Safeguarding Policy (previously circulated)
20.1.Infant School
20.2. JuniorSchool
These policies are based on documents received from HSIP. In response to a suggestion froma governor, the Head Teacher of the JuniorSchool agreed to change the “shoulds” to “will” in order to make the policies more emphatic.
Governors ratified the Safeguarding Policies for the Infant and Junior Schools / Ht JS
Regular Items
21. / Governor training see also 11.1. above
The Key for School Governors contains useful information. The school has been given a six month subscription and a link has been sent out to governors. There is an excellent article on Head Teachers’ Performance Management. The Key also runs courses but they are very expensive.
22. / Governors’ Work Plan (previously circulated and paper copies available a the meeting)
The Chair explained that this plan sets the agenda for the GB and the committees for the coming term. It can be updated at the meeting of the Strategy Group.
The Head teacher of the Junior School will circulate the plans for the Spring and Summer terms and the updated policies schedule.
Is the PP reported at the Resources of the S&C committee? The PP is reported in two places: the Resources Committee monitor expenditure and the S&C committee monitor impact and performance. / HT JS
23. / Any Other Business:
23.1. Governors’ newsletter see 11.8. above
23.2. Governors Contacts list: governors checked their contact details on the contacts list.
23.3. Governors’ Noticeboard: IvanBrandon will be updating the photographs on the Governors’ Noticeboard.
23.4. Website: the Chair brought to governors’ attention the fact that governing body details will be posted on the school website. These will include the structure and remit of the governing body, committees and chairs, names of governors and associate members with their terms of office, pecuniary interests, governorship of other schools, relationships with staff members and their attendance record.
15. / Future datessee separate list

The meeting closed at 8.45pm