Summer Human Geography Assignment *

1.  Complete the general mapping exercises in your packet.

2.  Label each state (country) in the world and its capital. You will probably want to use numbers for each country and identify them on a separate sheet of paper. You do not need to label internal political subdivisions such as states or provinces. Use colored pens or markers to retrace country boundaries, bright colors work best. You do not need to color each country.

3.  Identify prominent physical features on each continent, such as mountain ranges, plains, plateaus, peninsulas, etc. Choose a color such as green or brown to outline each physical feature.

4.  Identify large islands and important island groups.

5.  Identify important river systems, especially navigable ones. Use blue to outline rivers.

6.  Identify major bodies of water, especially oceans and seas. You should also include large, important lakes. Use blue to outline all bodies of water.

7.  Identify cities of international importance. Include these on the numbering and separate sheet system you use for the countries. You will need to be accurate with the physical location of all cities.

8.  Keep a log of the time it took you to do this assignment and include that when you turn your map packet in next fall. The map assignment will be worth 300 points due at the end of the first week of school. The log will be worth 50 of those points.

9.  There will be a world map test in the first week of school, so please pay attention while you are doing with your map packets.

Required Summer Reading / Suggested Summer Readings
Outside Lies Magic, John R. Stilgoe / Road to Wigan Pier
The Lexus and the Olive Tree
Guns, Germs, and Steel
The World is Flat
Consult for additional reading suggestions. / Cod: A Biography of the Fish That Changed the World.

Be prepared to complete an assignment on and discuss the ideas contained in Stilgoe’s book the first week of school.

* Students who turn in this packet on the first day of school will receive 100 bonus points to go on their 1st quarter grade.