Staff Report for Chambers Town Center, NC to MU
Requested Action: Zoning Map Amendment Request from Neighborhood Conservation (NC) to Mixed Use (MU)
Applicant: Chambers Town Center, Ltd., agent for owner
Owner: Todd Greenwood
Subject Property: 68.196 acres, being in the William Bloodgood League Survey, Abstract No. 4, located southeast of the intersection of Interstate 10 and State Highway 146, north of Old Needlepoint Road in Chambers County, Texas.
Parcel Information
Current use: Vacant, zoned NC
Proposed use: Retail
North: Interstate 10 right-of-way, ETJ; commercial (NW corner), zoned NC
West : State Highway 146 right-of-way and a mixture of vacant and commercial, zoned MU
East: Commercial/Agriculture, ETJ; vacant (NE Corner), zoned NC
South: Old Needlepoint Road right-of-way and Pine Meadows Subdivision, ETJ
Staff Analysis: An application for an amendment to the official zoning map may be proposed by the mayor, a member of the city council, the city manager or a qualified applicant for development pursuant to Section 130-153 of the Code of Ordinances, Baytown, Texas. In this case, an agent for the owner of the property initiated this application.
In order to recommend approval of an application for a zoning amendment, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the following factors:
1. Consistent with the Zoning Ordinance.
The applicant intends to construct a commercial shopping center with smaller commercial out parcels. The subject property fronts the Interstate 10 frontage road on the north and State Highway 146 on the west. Given the effects of the Interstate, such as large amounts of traffic and the unsuitability of residential development in such close proximity to the Interstate, rezoning the land to MU for commercial purposes would be appropriate and would be consistent with the intent of the zoning ordinance.
2. Compatible with Surrounding Area.
The intersection of Interstate 10 and Highway 146 is a major intersection in Baytown as it represents the first westbound exit to Baytown along Interstate 10. The area has already developed into a major commercial node with a wide variety of travel services including gas stations, fast-food and quick-service restaurants and hotels/motels. Old Needlepoint Road, which is approximately ½ mile south of the intersection of I-10 and SH 146, serves as a boundary between the residential and less intensive commercial uses to the south and the commercial area to the north. The future land use map has designated the subject area as commercial and high-density residential.
3. Changed Conditions.
The City of Baytown has a policy that whenever land is annexed into the city that the land is zoned NC, the city’s least intense zoning district. This policy gives the City the ability to review any more intense zoning district that an applicant may request. Because of the subject parcel’s proximity to Interstate 10, it is very unlikely that this parcel would develop into single-family residential.
4. Effect on Natural Environment.
There is no evidence of sensitive natural areas existing on the site. Drainage on the site will be engineered in accordance with the City of Baytown standards. Any dust, light, noise, or vibration will be controlled through the Baytown Code of Ordinance as applicable.
5. Community Need.
The community needs to continue to provide opportunities that will strengthen the city’s economic base. Zoning this area for commercial will provide for economic development, additional tax base, and an appropriate land use given the location on Interstate 10.
6. Development Pattern.
Commercial development is already occurring to the north and west of the subject site. The city’s Future Land Use Plan denotes the subject area as commercial and high-density residential. The zoning of this property to MU would not be piecemeal and represents a logical extension of the development patterns already occurring at the intersection of I-10 and SH 146.
Public Notification: Notices mailed to property owners within 300’ inside the city limits: 14
Staff Report for Chambers Town Center, NC to MU