Lake Erie College Storm CheerleadingConstitution

General Requirements:

  1. All Members of the Lake Erie College Storm Cheerleading Squad MUST be currently admitted and or enrolled as full time students at Lake Erie College.
  2. Lake Erie College Cheerleading is a program that strives for excellence. That excellence starts at two levels: squad and individual. Realistic squad and individual goals will be stated and accomplished as part of the winning tradition. Every cheerleader is expected to strive for excellence.
  3. Attendance to all assigned games, tournaments, and meetings. Both in/out of town, which may include playoffs or other athletic events determined by the athletic department, college, or coaching staff.
  4. Attendance and Participation at all pep-rallies, fundraisers, community services, other mandatory events and on/off-campus project meetings approved by the College and Director/Coach.

Academic Requirements:

Each Cheerleader must continue to stay in good standings with the College, Academically.

1)If a Cheerleader fall below 2.0 GPA, he/she will be put on probation for the upcoming semester, until their grades meet expectations. Dismissal from the squad can/will be an option.

2)All Cheerleaders are to attend a team study table 2 hours a week in (TBA).

Social Requirements:

Cheerleaders will be role models for new and upcoming Cheerleaders. Cheerleaders will also be ambassadors of the college.

  1. LEC Cheerleader will not be permitted to use tobacco or alcohol of any kind while in uniform or any clothing that represents the institution and/or organization. Do not use intoxicants, unlawful drugs before, during, or after games or practice sessions or any other scheduled event. In addition, Drinking, Smoking, and Drugs are not a part of an athletic program, and will not be permitted at any college-sponsored event. The Cheerleading program has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on Drugs and Alcohol! If you are under 21, it is illegal to consume alcoholic beverages at any time.
  2. Attitudes/Arguments/Bickering/Complaining/Blaming will not be permitted at any cheerleading function. We are a team! We work together! We accomplish together!
  3. The LEC Cheerleading Coaching Staff has the right to remove any athlete for any reason that is deemed detrimental or disruptive to the team.

Physical Requirements

Cheerleading is a physically demanding sport that requires consistent training. Cheerleaders are required to maintain physical fitness as evidenced by a healthy BMI, Body Fat %, and fitness standards.

Individual fitness standards will be assessed and determined at the beginning of the year and reevaluated throughout the year.

Frequency of Practices

  1. Primary practices will be held 2 – 4 times per week: Two team practices, one tumbling/skills and one conditioning practice. All practices are mandatory.
  2. Open gyms are voluntary, but strongly suggested.
  3. Practice schedules will be determined on a per semester basis.

Attendance Policy

  1. All official team activities of any kind are mandatory unless otherwise stated.
  2. An entire year will consist of two seasons: Fall and Winter
  3. Summer cheerleading activities will be separate from any season. No absences will be permitted during summer activities.
  1. Absences:
  2. Three (3) absences are allowed during the fall and/or winter season.
  3. An absence is an absence. It does not matter why an athlete is absent. Thus, athletes, if they must miss practice, ought to consider very carefully why they are absent. This is an important distinction. If an athlete uses their three absences on frivolous matters, and suddenly a family emergency arises, then the athlete will still be in violation.
  4. Tardiness
  5. One second later than the assigned time to be at an official LEC Cheerleading obligation is considered late.
  6. Athletes should try to be at any official LEC Cheerleading event 10-15 minutes prior to that event.
  7. Not being fully prepared once the event begins is also considered tardy. For example, not having one’s shoes on, having the wrong uniform, anything else that affects an athlete’s ability to start on the assigned time will be considered a tardy.
  8. Three (3) tardy equal’s one absence.
  9. Attendance Violation Policy
  10. After Three (3) absences, an athlete is in violation of the attendance policy.
  11. Policy Violations Suspensions will be administered after an athlete has accumulated more than 3 absences. For instance, if an athlete has 2 absences and 2 tardies, and misses another practice, they will have 3 absences and 2 tardies, effectively putting them at 3.2 absences.
  12. First Offense: One game suspension
  13. Second Offense: Season Suspension from games/activities
  14. Third Offense: Dismissal from team
  15. Until an athlete is officially dismissed from the team, they will be expected to attend all practices unless otherwise stated by the coaching staff.
  16. Any athlete who is late or absent during a game week, will forfeit their position to cheer that week.
  17. Appeal Process
  18. If an athlete receives disciplinary action as a result of their poor attendance, they may appeal to the coaching staff for reconsideration.
  19. This appeal will only be granted if the athlete can show that all their violations were completely beyond their control. Otherwise, no appeal will be granted.
  20. Exceptions to Attendance Policy
  21. Injuries
  22. Injuries will be taken on a case by case basis.
  23. Only LEC athletic trainers can determine if an athlete is physically ready to participate again. Thisdecision can be in conjunction with any physician’s recommendation. However, a doctor’s note alone is not a viable exception. An LEC athletic trainer still must authorize an athlete’s participation or non-participation.
  24. Unless an athlete is bedridden or has a special medical condition that warrants quarantine, all athletes on injured reserve (IR) will be expected to attend practice.
  25. Vacations
  26. Family vacations are not considered a violation if taken during the summer season.
  27. Although summer vacations will not count against an athlete’s attendance, the vacation may cause an athlete to miss important practices, and may affect their squad status depending upon their skill level.
  28. Participation in another LEC sport or activity is allowed
  29. If participation in another LEC sport or activity causes the athlete to be in violation of the attendance policy for that season, then the athlete must decide where their commitment lies.
  30. For example, if playing Tennis causes four absences during football season, then the athlete must decide which sport to play.
  31. Other
  32. Any other situation not already covered will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
  1. Uniform Policy
  2. All Lake Erie College Cheerleaders will be required to wear official uniforms to all LEC Cheer events unless otherwise stated.
  3. LEC cheerleaders will be issued official uniforms which need to be returned. All LEC cheerleaders are responsible for their uniforms’ care and appearance. Failure to return any issues uniform in good condition may result in a fine.
  4. Practice Uniforms
  5. The official practice uniform will consist of anything the team wore for camp gear, any LEC cheerleading attire, any official LEC licenses attire, or anything that has solid LEC colors
  6. An athlete not in uniform prior to practice will be required to change their attire to proper uniform. This may result in attendance policy violations.
  7. Official Yearly practice uniforms will be issued to all LEC cheerleaders during the summer season. These uniforms are for the cheerleaders to keep, although they will be used for the entire year.
  8. Game/Official Team Uniforms
  9. The official game uniform consists of all accessories as well as proper uniform.
  10. Any changes to this uniform will be announced prior to practice by the coaching staff
  1. Dismissal From Team/Uniform Turn-in
  2. Any athlete dismissed from the Lake Erie College Cheerleading Squad will be responsible for returning any uniforms, accessories, and or equipment issued to them by the coaching staff. This does not include practice/camp uniforms. Failure to do so will result in a fine for the cost of missing items.
  3. Any athlete who has been dismissed from the team cannot tryout for LEC Cheerleading again. Appeals regarding this decision can be made by the athlete in writing to Robin Johnson, Cheerleading Advisor, and Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs.
  4. Final decisions on scholarship revocation or continuation, if an athlete is removed from the team, will be handled on a case by case basis.
  1. Hazing
  2. Hazing shall be defined as any taken or situation created whether on or off College property to produce mental, or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule. Such activities shall include (but not limited to): paddling, beating, physical exercise, scavenger hunts, road trips, any activity resulting in fatigue, physical or psychological shock, wearing apparel which is uncomfortable to the individual or which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts or buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games or activities, giving of food or drink which is distasteful or designed to provoke nausea, any form of verbal harassment, any action created subjugating an individual to a condition in which the person might tend to lose self-respect, suffer injury to personal dignity, or is required to compromise personal values, any activity which interferes with scholastic duties, threatening in any manner or form for the purpose of cajoling individuals into secrecy in regard to breaches of the Hazing Code.”
  1. Any athlete suspected of hazing will be immediately suspended or removed from LEC Cheerleading pending further investigation from the proper authorities. Once an investigation is completed, a final decision will be made regarding the athlete in question.