February 15, 2012

Collective Impact for County & Neighborhood Health (CINCH)

·  We’re very close to hiring the Community Transformation Grant (CTG) CINCH Project Coordinator, Data Analyst and Policy Analyst/Planner positions. They should be on by the end of the month. Interviews have not yet taken place for the Community Health Engagement Specialists or the CINCH administrative assistant.

·  The Data Advisory Team had its first meeting on Monday, February 13, and the Policy Advisory Team will meet on Friday, February 17.

·  The grant also includes funding for a half-time Administrative Assistant for BCCHC, to assist with the Health Council’s involvement in CINCH activities. This position has been offered to Tracy McDaniel, previously the Association Manager for the NM Public Health Association. If all goes well with the process, she will be on board by the end of February.

Community Health Improvement Planning (CHIP) Process

PRIORITY: “Healthy and sustainable communities where all families and individuals have their basic needs met and prosper.”

Economic Democracy – The committee continues discussions on the possibility of working on a health impact assessment (HIA) to analyze the health impact of living wage policies on public employees in Bernalillo County. A Facebook page has been set up and the group is having frequent discussions about social media and effective messaging. See Urban Health Extension report below and contact Enrique at to get involved.

PRIORITY: “Improved health & education outcomes for children/youth from pregnancy to

age 25.”

Early Childhood Accountability Partnership (ECAP) – No word yet on the brief proposal in the form of a concept paper that was submitted to the Kellogg Foundation for funding to hire a project coordinator, cover operational expenses and engage in a Leadership in Action process using a Results-Based Accountability framework to address school readiness. If requested, a full proposal will be submitted soon.

ABC Community Schools Partnership (ABC CSP) – The ABC CSP Board met on February 9th. ABC CSP is very close to hiring an Executive Director. The Systems WorkGroup continues meeting, however, the Grants Management Team will be winding down, since there was word from the Kellogg Foundation that they will not be funding the implementation plan as a follow-up to the planning grant they have been working on.

PRIORITY: “Improved healthcare access and quality of service for uninsured and indigent populations.”

Work has begun on defining several contracts to be initiated before the end of FY12 (June 2012). These include: a County/City health & human services planning process that will consider questions of access, as well as examining resources currently committed to prevention; Substance Abuse Summit planning (the Summit and follow-up work will address availability and access to substance abuse services, among other issues); and updating data for the County Health Profile.

NM Alliance of Health Councils (NMAHC)

·  The contract with the San Juan County Partnership has been signed to acquire the services of Amanda Evans as the part-time coordinator for NMAHC.

·  SB35, the legislation for funding of $1.9 million from the NM Department of Health to be available to all county and tribal health councils for part-time coordinators, was sponsored by Senator Linda Lopez on behalf of the Legislative Health & Human Services Committee that endorsed the bill. An amendment to HB2 – the main budget bill – was introduced, but was not included in the final list of amendments.

·  NMAHC participated in Public Health Day at the Roundhouse on January 19. It is hoped that this will become an annual tradition and can be better organized in the future to include more partners, such as NMDOH.

Community Outreach and Participation (BCCHC Coordinator)

·  1/25/12 - Attended meeting of South Valley Community Partnership at the South Valley Commons, focused on discussions of a childhood obesity project, stress reduction classes, and various community updates.

·  1/23/12 - Met with Pat Montoya, Dianne Rivera and John Song at HealthInsight (formerly NM Medical Review Association) regarding possible points of collaboration between their Aligning Forces for Quality (AF4Q) and CTG-CINCH.

·  1/26/12 – Attended monthly meeting of International District Healthy Communities Coalition with presentations by Albuquerque Indian Center, Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship, Sherri Gonzales (VIDA) on upcoming medical debt training at the next meeting, and Sarah Couch on Youth Power/Youth Jam (see YES report below).

·  1/26/12 – Attended meeting on HIA in the International District that is focusing on public safety on Central Avenue from San Mateo to Louisiana to inform the City’s International District Sector Development Plan.

·  2/1/12 - Met with Sherri Gonzales from VIDA regarding BCCHC priorities and upcoming community assessment activities.

·  2/2/12-2/4/12 - Hosted Diane Appelbaum from Medical Education in Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC) on a tour of South Valley organizations participating in Community Partnership for Health Equity (CPHE), a group that has formed to develop a project in the South Valley using insights gained from two trips to Cuba to look at the health/public health system. (Marsha participated in the Cuba trip in December 2011.) Organizations visited included: La Plazita Institute; Rio Grande Community Development Corporation (RGCDC)/South Valley Economic Development Center; Peanut Butter & Jelly (PB&J); and Casa de Salud. Representatives from all these organizations, plus Partnership for Community Action, APS Health & Wellness, UNM Office
of Community Health, UNM School of Medicine, DOH, BCCHC (Marsha), and others attended a planning/visioning session on Saturday, February 4th.

·  2/6/12 - Participated in the Con Alma Community Health Forum on February 6th to contribute ideas for the role that Con Alma can play in reducing health disparities in New Mexico, beyond grantmaking.

·  2/7/12 – Attended NMPHA Board of Directors meeting. NMPHA annual conference will be in collaboration with UNM’s NM CARES HD on April 26-28 (see for more information).

·  2/10/12 - Met with Leora Jaeger from MyCommunityNM and Nina Freer, theirAmericorps VISTA volunteer to discuss MyCommunityNM involvement with the Information Commons and possible future collaborations between MyCommunityNM, BCCHC and the InfoCommons.

Youth Engagement Specialist
It’s that time of year again, Youth Jam! The annual event is back for another year. This year however the planning group won’t just focus on putting on an event but we will also be combining the planning meetings with a series of leadership development workshops aimed at providing youth and families with necessary skills to engage meaningfully on adult dominated boards. The series will include some of the following topics: Storytelling, Leadership 101, Being Courageous, Cultural Awareness, Empowerment, and a Healthy Living component. The actual event is set for May 5th at Warehouse 508!

Urban Health Extension

Enrique Cardiel continues working on the following activities:

·  Continuing work with UNMHSC, UNM, and community partners to provide health education on Critical Health Literacy. Supporting work from County and UNMHSC partners for health education as well. A Critical Health Literacy training was presented at the NMPHA Policy Forum.

·  Participating in the development and instruction of a new course at UNM through OLIT – Critical Dialogue with the Albuquerque Community (along with Daryl Smith, Leah Steimel and Leigh Caswell, among others). “This 3-credit course is designed to challenge the student

to examine the correlation between the social determinants of health (i.e. the environments in which a person lives, works, plays) and poor health outcomes, focusing on the greater Albuquerque community. The course will involve a short, community based team project and an opportunity for a volunteer service learning assignment in the summer 2012” similar to the Health Leads program.

·  Supervising the Internet Strategies portion of Place Matters which is working on community engagement for the 2nd street corridor through Mountain View and San Jose as well as planning projects in the International District.

·  Facilitating International District Healthy Communities Coalition (IDHCC) in working toward coordinating services and policies for youth mental health.

·  Facilitating the Economic Democracy group - the focus is on living wages in Bernalillo County. Enrique and Martín have set up a Facebook page for the group and members will be using social media to get the message out about the connection between health and economic democracy.

·  Working on the International District Health Impact Assessment.

·  Working with SE service providers to seek better ways to support those who are publicly intoxicated.

·  Participating on the City of Albuquerque's Affordable Housing Committee and the HM1 Task Force for Family Friendly Jobs.

·  Working to mentor new public health workers and medical providers interested in population health work.