St Wilfrid’s Parish Church, Honington

Minutes of the Annual Church Meeting held in the Church on Thursday 23rd March 2006 at 7.00pm

  1. Vestry Meeting. Mr T Carter was nominated and elected for the office of Churchwarden.
  1. Annual Meeting. The minutes of the annual meeting held on 17th March 2005 were read and confirmed as a true record.

3.Matters Arising. There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

4.Electoral Roll. There were no deletions or additions to the electoral roll.
5.Election of the PCC. Mrs J Griffin, Mr M Griffin, Mrs M J Henderson-Findlay, Mr J S Henderson-Findaly, Mrs C Paske, Mr M Paske, Mrs C Watkin and Mr G Watkin were elected to the PCC unopposed.
6.Election of the Lovedon Deanery Synod Representative. Mr M Paske was nominated and elected as our representative to the Lovedon Deanery Synod.
7.Fabric Report. Following the quinquennial survey the items below were being attended to or considered for attention:

a.Most of the gutters and down pipes had been cleared of debris. A little more clearing on the roof of the north isle and the top of the tower was required.
b.An electrical survey and roof repair were still required.
c.The trunk of the ivy by the south porch had been cut and would be removed once it had died back sufficiently.
d.The boiler room had been opened and secured with a new padlock. It was hoped to repair the roof of this room during the year.
e.The tower window required a new stone-guard.

8.Financial Report. The financial report had been audited and was presented.
9.Easter Services. The meeting was informed that the Easter Day Communion Service would take place at 6.00 pm.
10.Chairman’s Report. A brief overview of some of the events during the past year was given. These included the successful Bridge event, which raised nearly £1000. The New Era proposals were then outlined along with the impact to the Parish. After Easter, a Communion service would take place on every fifth Sunday at 9.30am. This was in advance of the Reverend Alan Fiddyment retiring at the end of the year and ensured that there was time to overcome any issues within the Benefice prior to his retirement. Following his retirement, Reverend Stuart Hadley would take on the majority of responsibility for the Parish; however, legal responsibility would lie with the Rural Dean. Major festival services would be negotiated with Reverend Hadley and the Rural Dean.
11.Any Other Business. As there was no other business, it was decided that the next Annual Church Meeting would take place on Thursday 22nd March 2007 at 7.00pm in the Church.