St. Timothy Parish Norwood, Walpole, Westwood april 26, 2009 third sunday of easter


Sunday, April 26

Third Sunday of Easter

Wednesday, April 29

Memorial of Saint Catherine of Siena

Saturday, May 2

Memorial of Saint Athanasius

Sunday, May 3

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Monday, April 27, 7:30pm, Book Group

Tuesday, April 28, 10am, Visitors to the Sick Meeting

Tuesday, April 28, 4 and 5pm, First Eucharist Rehearsals

Wednesday, April 29, 9:45am, Exercise Program

Wednesday, April 29, 4 and 5pm, First Eucharist Rehearsals

Thursday, April 30, 4:30pm, Children’s Choir rehearsal

Thursday, April 30, 7:45pm, New Jerusalem Prayer Group

Friday, May 1, 9:30am, Blood Pressure Clinic

Saturday, May 2, 10am and 4:30pm, First Communions

Sunday, May 3, 9:30am and 11am, First Communions

Financial Report for April 19, 2009

Envelopes collected 263

Amount in envelopes $5,891.00

Percentage of collection in envelopes 62%

Loose donations $3,621.00

Total parish offertory $9,512.00

Saturday, April 25

9:00Mary Welsh Memorial

4:30Michael Frasca Anniversary

Sunday, April 26

8:00Jack Herlihy Anniversary

9:30Catherine Alighieri Birthday Memorial

11:00Peter Kennedy Memorial

5:00Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial

Monday, April 27

9:00Maria Delfina & Armindo Marinho


Tuesday, April 28

9:00The Varano Family Memorial

Wednesday, April 29

9:00Antonio Araujo & S.A. Araujo Memorial

Thursday, April 30

9:00Ann Egan 7th Anniversary

Friday, May 1

9:00Lifrieri Quinlan Special Intention

Saturday, May 2

9:00Patricia Tinson, Anne Curran


4:30Rosemarie, Marie and Joseph Camalli

Sunday, May 3

8:00Mary Welsh Memorial

9:30Manuel & Helena Alves Memorial

11:00Rosa Soares Memorial

5:00Francisco Albertina, Adelaide Pinto


Pine Street Inn
On Tuesday, May 12, we will be preparing and serving supper for the men at Holy Family Shelter. Desserts are welcomed! Please call for the drop off address (Helen –
Thank you to all those who have made generous donations in the past. $500 is sent to the Pine Street Inn each month. Please help to support this ministry. Donations to pay for these meals may be sent to:
Campagna, 86 Countryside Ln., Norwood, MA. Please make checks payable to St. Timothy Christian Service Fund.


Visitors to the Sick and Homebound

There will be a meeting for Visitors to the Sick and Homebound on Tuesday, April 28th at 10am in Ruocco 5/6. Please call the Parish Nurse Office if you plan to attend.

Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group

The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group is open to people caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s Disease or a related dementia. By sharing information and supporting each other, many caregivers feel empowered and less burdened by their caregiving responsibilities. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 28thfrom 7:00 pm - 8:30pm, in Ruocco 6. New members are welcome. Please call the Parish Nurse Office for more information.

Walking Group Starting Soon!

Looking for a fun way to get a little exercise? Walking is one of the easiest and best forms of exercise! The Walking Group will be meeting Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from April 30th until June 25th, at 8:00am in front of the church. Walk at your own pace for as long as you like, around the perimeter of the church parking lots, a distance of about one-half mile per “lap”. All abilities welcome.

Blood Pressure Clinic

The Health Ministry will hold its monthly Blood Pressure Clinic this Sunday after Masses.

Catholic Relief Assistance

Donations are gratefully accepted to assist victims of the Italy earthquake. Over 17,000 have been left homeless, over 1,000 injured, and 250 confirmed dead. Ways to make a donation: by phone: 1-877-HELP-CRS; online:

by check: Catholic Relief Services, P.O. Box 17090, Baltimore, MD 21203-7090. Please write “Italy Earthquake Emergency” in the memo part of your check. Thank you!!

Youth Formation News


Students are invited to join us for this year’s Matthew 25 Program, which will take place immediately following Vacation Bible School, July 20 through 24. Last summer the YFM group assisted many parishioners around Norwood. We will again be planning to do similar work in the parish community. Students wishing to join us should sign up by contacting the YFM Office. Seniors who have minor repair projects and painting should contact Frank Connell or Margaret Hayes to reserve a crew for the summer.

Religious Education

Grades K-6

First Eucharist Rehearsals

Please meet in the Church Hall

Tuesday, April 28 (4-5pm) for May 3rd, 9:30am Mass

Tuesday, April 28 (5-6pm) for May 3rd, 11am Mass

Wednesday, April 29, (4-5pm) for May 2nd, 10am Mass

Wednesday, April 29, (5-6pm) for May 2nd, 4:30pm Mass

Religious Education Registration for 2009-2010 School Year

Registration forms have been mailed to all currently enrolled families. For optimal class placement, please return these forms to the Religious Education Office by June 19. If you have a child entering First Grade or Kindergarten, please call the Religious Education Office for a registration form.

Vacation Bible School

July 20-24


Registration forms are available outside the Religious Education Office for this year’s Vacation Bible School. If you would like to help in any way, please contact Judy Miley in the Religious Education Office.

Photo Wall

Please take a look at the photos on the wall of the church hall of our beautiful First Communion candidates!

Take a moment to sign the bottoms of the sheets and to remember them in your prayers!

Youth Formation Ministry


YFM Religious Education classes will meet this Sunday, April 26, for grades 8 and 10 at St. Timothy’s. Grade 8 will meet at 3:15, and grade 10 will meet at 4:45 for Mass, followed by class at 6 pm. The Thursday option classes will meet on Thursday evening, April 30.


The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Saturday, May 2, 2009 at St. Catherine’s. With 100 grade 10 students being confirmed at St. Catherine’s, we will have two ceremonies; one at 10 am and one at 1 pm. The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Timothy’s on Wednesday, May 13.

YFM REGISTRATION for 2009/ 2010

Registration forms will be mailed out to ALL students registered in the YFM Program over the next two weeks. Families who do not receive a registration form should contact the YFM Office at 781-769-2522 between the hours of 9 am and Noon Monday through Friday. New Registration Forms will be sent home to grade 6 students at St. Timothy’s and grade 5 students at St. Catherine’s and students graduating from St. Catherine’s School this year. Parents, please note, high school students attending Catholic high school, must attend Confirmation classes with the YFM Program if they wish to be confirmed in the Catholic faith in the spring of 2012. Our Confirmation Program is a two year program and students are required to attend both years.


A thank you to all who donated items to Cradles to Crayons last week. Also, a thank you to all who donated furniture and other home furnishing to the Isaiah 54 House. The recipients are extremely grateful to you for your kindness and generosity.

Finally, a thank you to those parishioners who attended the recent Living Stations of the Cross production during Holy Week. I have passed along your thoughtful comments to the students who participated in the two productions. They are grateful to you for attending and continuing to make the prayer service as holy as it is.

Borromeo String Quartet

On Sunday, May 3, Saint John's Seminary will host a concert, featuring the Borromeo String Quartet, who will perform in Saint John's Chapel from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm with a reception following to meet the musicians. The Borromeo is the resident string ensemble of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, and tours outside the United States annually.

Tickets for the concert and reception are $40 and $50 (preferred seating). For ticket information, please call 617-746-5422, or email .

Banquet Celebration

The Irish Pastoral Centre presents the annual Banquet Celebration on Friday, May 8, 2009 at Florian Hall, 55 Hallet St., Dorcester, MA. Music by DEVRI with a special performance by the Brady Academy of Irish Dance. The cocktail hour is at 6pm followed by dinner and dancing. Tickets are $100. Please call 617-479-7404.

An Evening of Reflection

On Thursday, May 7th, from 7-9pm, at St. Susanna’s Parish Hall, the Spiritual Development Commission presents “An Evening of Reflection entitled “The Life and Times of the Virgin Mary.” No pre-registration or fee.

Welcome to Our Newest Members:

Tyler Jonathan Smith

Olivia Ann Corbett

Ava Hart Killion

Nathaniel Louis Taris

Emily Riley Mulgrew

“The greatest gift that God could send He sends with love to you: A dear and helpless child, a responsibility too!”

Dear Friends,

On behalf of the retired and disabled priests of the Archdiocese, I am most grateful for your generous support of the Easter collection. The proceeds of this collection as well as the Christmas collection are used to defray the retirement costs and health care costs that, as you well know, are very expensive costs in today’s society.

Both of these collections were several thousand dollars higher than those collections that were taken up in our parish last year. In these challenging economic times, your generosity and sacrifices are deeply appreciated. Many thanks!

Please keep in your prayers the boys and girls and young adults who will be receiving First Holy Communion and Confirmation in the next few weeks. These young people are the future of our Church.

We all know how difficult it is to be a young person today. So many of the values that many of us took for granted when we were younger are called into question today. We all need “anchors” in our lives – norms and values that will help us to make truly wise and healthy moral choices. Each of us needs to be aware of the importance of the example we give to others, especially the young.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells His disciples that they must be His witnesses in the world. Jesus had finished His work here on earth – He is now telling them that they must lead others to Christ by their words, by their actions, by their example.

Each generation since then, has been given that same challenge by Christ. This is our time; this is our opportunity. Let us pray that we will not let Jesus down. Let us try to the best of our ability to allow Christ to make a difference in our lives and help us to effect positive changes in the lives of others – especially the young.

Fr. Culloty

Third Sunday of Easter

April 26, 2009

April 26, 2009




CHURCH NAME:St. Timothy Parish

CHURCH CITY:Norwood, Walpole, Westwood




PHONE NUMBER:1-781-769-2522

FAX NUMBER:1-781-769-9362


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