St. Thomas Aquinas Regional School
Middle School Classroom Policies and Procedures for 2017-18
Teacher / Mrs. Kirstin WeberClass Name / 7th Grade Literature
Location / Room 13
Teacher Availability / Monday-Thursdayduring lunch and recess and most days after school. You may reach me at or 703.491.4447 ex 913.
Texts / Prentice Hall Literature textbook,TBD Novels. There may be extra reading, notes, lectures, and information given during one or any of the lessons. Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Level B paperback book.
Other Supplies / Spiral Notebook, pens/pencils, a readiness to learn
Class Description / This is a literature class designed for seventh graders. Students will focus on becoming more proficient in reading, and vocabulary. Students study classic literature of diverse genres including drama, poetry, short story, novel, and satire, with analysis of themes and literary techniques.
Grading / The following categories are weighted as such:
Tests: 40% of overall grade
Quizzes: 35% of overall grade
Homework: 25% of overall grade
Forms of Assessment / Tests (always announced); quizzes (announced and unannounced); activities and projects, including: role-playing, skits, written and multimedia reports; journal entries; participation, and in-class discussion.
Make-Up Work / The student will have as many days as they were absent to make up their missing work. If they are absent one day, they have one day to make up their work. If a student misses my class but is still in school that day, they are required to turn in the homework the same day. Please see me for make-up work after a long-term absence. If a student turns homework in late, it is a 10% deduction per day on the homework’s grade. Students will also have to fill out a missing homework log.
Make-Up Tests / The student will have as many days as they were absent to make up their missing test/quiz. If they are absent one day, they have one day to make up their work. If possible, students will make up a test or quiz during our class period. If this is not possible, the student may need to stay after school to make it up.
Preparation for Class / Students are expected to arrive to class each day prepared mentally and physically: books, journals, writing utensil(s), homework (if applicable), and/or anything I have previously asked them to bring in. As soon as students arrive to class, they should place their things neatly underneath their desk, get out a pen, and be ready for prayers which signals the beginning of class.
Homework / When homework is due, it will be turned in at the beginning of class, and must be in the classroom to count as on time. Work must be submitted on time and be fully completed in order to be eligible to receive full credit. 10% will be taken off each day an assignment is late and after 10 days the assignment will receive a 0. This includes projects or assignments being graded as a test or quiz.
Special Projects and
Major Assignments / Students will complete a number of projects and papers, large and small, relevant to the objectives of the course. They will also complete a research paper. We will usually complete such assignments in steps. Students will have a rubric and due date so they are aware of what I am looking for and how I am grading the assignment.
See Parent/Student Handbook for school-wide policies concerning:
Attendance, Respect of Property, Cheating, Style Sheet Guidelines and Conduct Grade Guidelines