Sunday October 23 2011
8:00 am – Holy Communion
10:30am – Sung Eucharist with Choir and Sunday School
Readings: Deuteronomy 34:1-12
Psalm 90:1-6, 13-17
1 Thess 2:1-8
Matthew 22:34-46
Holy Days- This week our church honours:
Monday Oct. 17 – Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, Martyr, c. 115
Tuesday Oct. 18 – St Luke the Evangelist (Holy Day)
Wednesday Oct. 19 – Jean de Brebeuf, Isaac Jogues, & their companions, Missionaries and Martyrs in New France, 1642-1649
St. Theodore of Canterbury Anglican Church
October 16 2011
Prayer Book page 67
Psalm 99 page456
Collect see 10:30 service
Readings: 1 Thess 1:1-10 Matthew 22:15-22
10:30 a.m. – HOLY EUCHARIST
Opening Sentence:Shine as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life. See Philippians 2:15-16
Processional Hymn: Lo, God is here! Let us…. 328
Children’s Time
Eucharist Begins page 185
Collect: Almighty and everliving God, increase in us your gift of faith, that forsaking what lies behind and reaching out to what is before, we may run the way of your commandments and win the crown of everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Proclamation of the Word
First Reading: Exodus 33:12-23 Bonny Hietala
Moses and the glory of God
Psalm 99 see insert
In praise of a strong and loving God
Second Reading: 1 Thess 1:1-10 Kirk Merrett
An example of strong faith & inspiration
Gradual Hymn:O God, Unseen Yet Ever Near 52
Gospel: Matthew 22:15-22
Paying the imperial tax to Caesar
Sermon Fr. Ian
Nicene Creed page 188
Prayers of the People Bonny Hietala
Confession and Absolution page 191
The Peace
Offertory Hymn: Stand Up and Bless the Lord 350
Celebration of the Eucharist
Prayer over the Gifts: Eternal God, your word inspires our faith. May we who offer you our praise trust you in all things. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Eucharistic Prayer #5 204
Lord’s Prayer 211
Breaking of the Bread # 4 212
The Communion
Communion Hymns:Jesus, the Very Thought… 617
Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me 522
Prayer after Communion: God of peace, you have nourished us in this sacrament with the body and blood of Christ. May we who have taken holy things keep faith in our hearts and lives, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.
Doxology and Blessing
Recessional Hymn: Praise, My Soul 381
Now Go in Peace
Now go in peace, now go in love, from the Father above.
Jesus Christ the Son stay with you till the day is done.
Holy Spirit encircle you in all you think and do.
Once again God’s blessing be with us. Amen.
Assisting today:
Servers: Tyler Marshall,Isabelle Angers Barber, and Nicole Angers Barber
Chalice Bearers: Tyler Marshall and Jacqueline Marée
In your prayers please rememberthe sick and those who have requested our prayers Ruby,Al, Derek, Ed, Eileen, Lloyd & Muriel, Shalima, Adrian, Andrew, Aneesa, Annette, Ansil, Barclay, Basil, Bishma, Christopher, Cicely, Claudette, Connie, David, Delton, Derek, Doris, Edna, Eileen, Felina, Florette, Heather, Irene, Ivy, Jean, Jennifer, Jim, John, Josephine, Jus, Larry, Lenny, Leonie, Manon, Marcel, Mark, Michael, Nadia, Neal, Norma, Patrick, Preston, Ratinee, Richard, Riva, Ryan, Shirley, Sonia, Steve, Terah, Theo, and Vincent
This week we pray forEd and Irene Braund, Jim, Shameeza, Nicholas, and Shannon Braund, Mary Braund, and their families.
The Altar Flowersare in memory of loved ones (The Tillotson Family).
The Aumbry Candle burns in loving memory of Wilfrid Mullin (Elsie Mullin), for loved ones (Tillotson’s), and in thanksgiving for my uncle Vincent Honeghan’s 90th Birthday October 14th (Pamella Powell).
*Table set-up: If you are able, please assist the Sides Team after the service in the basement to set-up the tables for one of our tenants. It will take five minutes of your time and your help is appreciated!
*Servers: If you are interested or feel called to serve in the church, we are in need of servers. Please speak to Fr. Ian for details.
*Forward Day by Day for November to January are available at the back of the church for $2.00. There are some large print copies available.
*Coffee Hour: Please add your name to the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. Your help is appreciated.
*Favourite Hymns: If you have a favourite hymn that hasn’t been sung recently, please submit it in the collection plate for future consideration.
*Blessings: The last Sunday of the month we will becelebrating the special events in our Church with a blessing. These can include, but are not limited to, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Please take a moment to add your special date to the binder in the Narthex.
2011 Financial Position (to September 30, 2011)
General Account only
Cash Inflows $97,000
Cash Outflows$95,000
Net cash inflows$2,000
Opening cash$200
Cash balance, atSeptember 30, 2011$2,200
Outstanding invoices (est.)$20,000
Net deficit, September 30, 2011($17,800)
Outstanding invoices totaling $20,000 include 4 Synod bills.
*Financial Donations: for ease of regular givings you can subscribe to the pre-authorized givings programme (the PAG forms can be found on the Bulletin Board). In the long term, you might consider planned giving in your will. Information can be obtained from the Diocesan Website. If desired, St. Theodore’s can be specifically designated.
*Flowers & Aumbry Candle: You may donate either the candle or the altar flowers for any given Sunday in memory of a loved one or in thanksgiving. The suggested amount is $40 (flowers) and $15 (candle). The donation for the flowers may be shared. Please sign up on the bulletin board. Make your donation in an envelope clearly marked either Aumbry candle or flowers and place it on the offertory plate.
Upcoming Dates:
Church of the Incarnation
6:30pm light supper
7:30-9 pm meeting / “Re-Imagining your Faith with God”- A six-week series about prayer and spiritual practice. See bulletin board for registration details.
October 23
2-5pm / Altar Guild Corporate Communion followed by breakfast and Altar Guild meeting.
“Lost and Found items” table at the Church
Mosaic Peace Meal
St. Luke's Roman Catholic Parish
39 Green Lane, Thornhill
Note: Please bring a Vegan dish to share and RSVP by Thurs. Oct 20 latest.
October 24 7:15pm / Sacred Dance Circle
Oct 27 5pm– Oct 30 1pm / Transitions: Your Journey of Transformation through Grief and Loss This retreat will provide insight, hope and prayerful support for those who have experienced a wide-variety of losses including the death of a loved one, illness, loss of a job and the ending of a marriage or significant relationship. Registration is limited to 12 participants – register soon! Facilitator: Sarah Donnelly, BA, M.Div. Mount Carmel Spiritual Centre, Niagara Falls. Live-in: $475. To register or for more info please call 1-905-356-4113.
October 29 / Basil Tonks Dinner (see bulletin board for details)
October 30 10:30 am / Morning Prayer
Nov 3 7:30pm / Choir to Thorne Mill
Nov 16 7:30pm / Advisory Board Meeting at the church
Nov 30 7:30pm / Eucharist and Reflection at the church
St. Theodore of Canterbury Anglican Church