St Raphael’s Catholic Primary Half Term Overview EYFS

Year Group : Reception / Long Term Plan : Autumn 2
Week 1 31/10 / Week 2 07/11 / Week 3 14/11 / Week 4 21/11 / Week 5 28/11 / Week 6 05/12 / Week 7 12/12
(God’s Family) / Who is in our family? / How do we show love to people? / What gifts do we have? / Why was Jesus sent as a gift to us?
Topic / Diwali / Bonfire Night / Colour patterns and mixing / Christmas
Literacy / The story of Rama and Sita / Safety posters,
Firework sounds, / Brown Bear, Brown Bear – composition of own sentence. / Pets
What kinds of animals can be pets? / How do we look after pets? / Write letters to Santa, Elf on the shelf letters, Christmas lists, write Christmas cards
CL (Communication and language) / How is Diwali celebrated? / Firework safety, what are the dangers? How can we keep safe? / What things do we need to do for pets?
Who has a pet at home? / Sing Christmas songs, perform the Nativity
Numeracy / Patterns; counting/shape / Money / Counting/comparing numbers and number recognition / Counting and addition / Counting and subtraction / Measures; height (Tall and short) / 3d shape
UW (Understanding the world) / How are candles used? What other sources of light help us? / Fire brigade, fire safety / Do animals help us? / How do we celebrate Christmas? / Christmas activities
Physical Development / Using a variety of equipment to build bridges / Cutting skills for fireworks / Re-enacting the story of Rama and Sita through dance / Developing fine motor through creative activities / Santa workshop: wrapping parcels, decorating Christmas tree
Creative / Making Diwali paper chains, Clay Diya lamps
Listening to Indian music, Hindu dance / Firework pictures using different media, / Creating Mendi patterns, Rangoli patterns / Colour mixing using a variety of media / Making Christmas decorations, advent wreath, Christmas cards
Moving in a variety of different ways. / Dance; Nursery rhymes/rhyming and rhythmic activities. / Dance; listening/following instructions. / Dance; Nursery rhymes/rhyming and rhythmic activities. / Dance / Dance