Fr. Phil Flott, Pastor
(402) 387-1275 e-mail:
Sep 3rd, 2017 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time
Mon. St. Pius 9:00 am No Mass
Tue St. Pius 9:00 am Grant & Jackie Flott
Wed. Long Term Care 9:30 am Holy Cross Parents
Thurs. St. Pius 9:00 am Deceased bishops of G.I. Diocese
Fri. St. Pius 9:00 am Chase Kraft (9)
Sat St. Pius 6:15 pm Special intention.
Sun Holy Cross 9:00 am Members of both parishes
Sun St. Pius 10:30 am School teachers
31 Club Prayer Reminder: Pray with might for vocations to the priesthood without stopping.
9/4 / 9/5 / 9/6 / 9/7 / 9/8 / 9/9 / 9/10Marty & Erin Moravec / Bonnie Haszard / Marv & Pam Schmitz / Junior & Arlene Ries / Pat & Linda Schumacher / Susan Sisson / Jim & Deanna Arens
Barb Jilg / Carol Becker / Kristi Bruns / Deb Nolles / Barb Kaup / Cathy Clark-Syb / VetaHu
22nd Sunday Ordinary Time: May we joyfully lose our false life. Let God reveal to us our real life, even if we have to go through suffering to discover it.
Financial Contributions: (Aug. 26 & 27) --Thank you for your generosity.
St. Pius X Holy Cross
Envelopes $1038.00 $440.00
Plate 89.00 36.00
Youth 4.60 - 19.00
Bishop’s Appeal 0.00 150.00
Assumption 210.00 66.00
Totals: $1341.60 $1292.00
Walk for Life: September 17.
2nd collection Sep 9 & 10 for victims of Hurricane Harvey. Monies will be disbursed through Catholic Charities, USA, the official agency of the US Catholic Church. Write checks to St. Pius or Holy Cross. We will send in a check from each church.
Holy Cross: Old clavinova: Best offer gets the old one. Please spread the word.
If another church wants it, we’ll donate it to them.
Holy Cross tithe: $1,000—Franciscan Missions.
.St. Pius tithe: $900—Franciscan Missions.
Holy Cross Parish Council: Monday, September 11, 7:00 pm.
St. Pius Parish Council: Next meeting: September 12, 7:00 pm, Tuesday.
PRAYER CHAIN: Need prayer for anything? Call Irma, 402-387-1308. Prayer works.
The Diocesan Appeal, 2016-2017, has ended!!
The goal for St. Pius was $13,487.00. We collected $11.507.00, leaving $1,969.50 yet.
The goal for Holy Cross was $7,746.00. We collected $7,135.00, leaving $611.00 yet.
St. Pius X Altar Society & Holy Cross Altar Society: The G.I. DCCW will present a Fall Institute Sep. 15 at St. Josaphat in Loup City. Mass, prayer, sharings, discussions. Kate Wieland of Cross Catholic Outreach will speak.
Call Marilyn 402-684-3428 or Lorraine 402-760-0469.
St. Pius: Winter jackets & hats on the hat shelf will be given to the thrift shop in August.
From the St. Pius funeral committee: Please pick up your dishes.
Free pears from the rectory back yard. You come and pick them.
St. Pius religious education: Our 3rd grade children need you to be a teacher.
Teacher meeting Sep. 20. PARENTS MEETING Sep. 27. First class October 4th.
Holy Cross: Need teacher for the 9th grade. Teachers’ meeting 6:30, Wed., Sep 6.
Parents’ meeting at 7:00 pm, Sep. 6..
Holy Cross: Sign up to help with Bingo in Long Term Care for September.|