Fr. Phil Flott, Pastor
(402) 387-1275 e-mail:
March 20, 2016 Palm Sunday
Mon. St. Pius 9:00 am Irma & Dan Frederickson
Tue. St. Pius 9:00 am . Grant & Jackie Flott
Wed. Long Term Care 9:30 am The sick in the hospitals
Holy Thurs. Holy Cross 6:00 pm Jerry Panzer
St. Pius 8:00 pm Deceased priests of our diocese
Good Fri. St. Pius 12:05 pm The Lord’s Passion
Holy Cross 6:00 pm The Lord’s Passion
Holy Sat. St. Pius 7:00 pm Dean Quinn
Sun. Holy Cross 9:00 am For the ill of both parishes
Sun St. Pius 10:30 am Members of both parishes
Adoration for one hour after Holy Thursday Mass at St. Pius.
31 Club Prayer Reminder: Pray for vocations.
3/21 / 3/22 / 3/23 / 3/24 / 3/25 / 3/26 / 3/27Bonnie Haszard / David/Rhonda Theis / Helen Haskell / Shari Luther / Lorraine Pozehl / Fred Pozehl / Tanya Cole
Lorraine Ammon / Margie Cosgrove / Tom Cosgrove / Lee Stec / Helen Stec / Rodger Kaup / Kirk Bruns
Palm Sunday: Let us welcome the Lord into our lives, no matter what the cost.
Financial Contributions: (March 12 & 13) --Thank you for your generosity
St. Pius X Holy Cross
Envelopes $744.00 $770.00
Plate 73.00 1.00
Youth 34.30 3.00
Appeal 200.00
Total: $ 1051.00 $774.00
St. Pius Improvement Fund: $161.00
Good Friday collection: for Christians in the Holy Land.
Thank you to Knights of Columbus for donating $100.00 each to Holy Cross and St. Pius Religious Education programs.
Kudos to the Knights for the community-building Lenten fish fry’s.
No meat Good Friday, for those 14 and over; fasting for those 18-60.
Monday, March 21 Holy Cross: Stations at 6:30.
Tuesday, March 22, St. Pius: Stations at 6:30.
Please return your Rice Bowls to the box, or in the collection.
Senior girls scholarship: $200 from Grand Island DCCW.
Holy Cross tithe: $500.00 to CRS-earthquake relief.
St. Pius tithe: $1,000.00 to Mater Filius.
Monday, 7:00 pm, March 28, 2016: Holy Cross Parish Council.
Tuesday, 7:00 pm, April 12: St. Pius Parish Council
Bible Study, St. Pius: This Tuesday, at 7:00 pm, right after Stations. We use the Missalettes.
PRAYER CHAIN: Need prayer for anything? Call Irma, 402-387-1308. Prayer works.
St. Pius Church Remodel: The drywall on the ceiling contains asbestos, to a dangerous level. We have to remove it all. We will then replace the drywall and insulation. We will add to our lighting. We will then replace the carpet and the pews. The estimate of how much this will cost is $135,700.00. Of that amount, we have saved in our improvement fund, $71,161.00 So, we have to save/collect another $63,894.00 in order to do the project. Thank you for your generosity. We are past the half-way point.
Please mark “IMPROVEMENT FUND” on your check. It is a separate account.
Our end result will be a more beautiful place to worship our God and King.
Our goal is to do the work over the summer. That would mean we need to collect the funds by July—is that possible??
Fund-raising Pasta Dinner: April 20, 5 to 7:30 pm in St. Pius Hall. The purpose this year is to raise funds for our Improvement project in the church. Free-will offering. We will also have a silent auction. Auction donations accepted by Pam Theis, 402-322-0380. This will be a fun! evening.
Selling raffle tickets for a t.v. and various prizes
Choir at St. Pius: Anyone, 6th grade to adult for Holy Week choir. One practice Monday, 7:00 pm, in church, for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, & Easter Sunday. You may participate at only one of these, or at all. Serving God through music ministry.Thanks, Nichole.
Easter Lillies: Please bring for Holy Thursday and/or Easter Sunday.