St Peter S Primary School

St Peter S Primary School



In St Peter’s Primary School, we endorse the view expressed in the Curriculum for Excellence Mathematics National Guidelines.

Mathematics is a problem solving activity supported by a body of knowledge – the concepts, facts and techniques.

The guidelines identify two kinds of learning.

Problem Solving, Enquiry Skills and Active Learning

Concepts, Facts and Techniques

We believe that pupils should gain a thorough grounding in the concepts, facts and techniques – the basic skills of mathematics, so that they can learn to use and apply these skills to solve a wide variety of problems in varying real contexts. Basic skills themselves are of little use unless they can be applied in this way.

The guidelines also identify four outcomes:

Problems Solving and Enquiry

Information Handling

Number, Money and Measurement

Shape, Position and Movement

The mathematics programme in St Peter’s Primary will undertake work in all outcomes working progressively though the Renfrewshire programme to ensure continuity and progression.


In St Peter’s we will help pupils to:

Learn concepts, facts and techniques to the limits of their abilities

Learn to use and apply these skills in a variety of contexts

Acquire problem solving and investigative skills

Develop a positive attitude to mathematics

Become confident in using mathematics

Work co-operatively and independently when appropriate


In accordance with the advice contained in the SOED Guidelines, ‘The Structure and Balance of the Curriculum’, we try to ensure that each child studies mathematics for 3.75 hours per week, about 45 minutes per day.


A balanced variety of approaches as recommended in the guidelines will be used:-

exposition, discussion, activity and enquiry.

The needs of all children will be addressed taking account of race, gender, disability and additional support needs.

For most of their learning in mathematics the children will work in ability groups, but it will also be appropriate to work as a whole class, work in pairs or individually.

The class teacher will use direct teaching where possible (group or class) and the children will be encouraged to work independently of the teacher and show consideration for the learning needs of others

Unfix materials will be used in the early stages and Dienes materials for place value in the upper school. A variety of other materials is also available.

Maths will be taught following the programmes of study outlined in the Renfrewshire Planner. We will deliver the programmes using Heinemann materials as a core resource.

At all levels concepts are best learned through Active Play/Activities working with materials and discussing ideas. This approach demands the support of a variety of resources and these resources must be carefully organised so that teachers have easy access to them at all times. (Resource room)

Every maths lesson should begin with 10 minutes oral mental maths. The learning of number bands in the early stages and tables from P4-7 is essential.


Calculators are available at all stages in the school. Used sensibly they are powerful aids to learning mathematics, but do not replace the need to learn basic number facts, skills and techniques.


Computers are available to all pupils at all stages in the school. Software packages /downloads from the internet cover all outcomes and provide an interesting and stimulating context for pupils mathematics.


Forward planning will take place once a term using the Renfrewshire Planners, Mental Maths Planner, Problem Solving Planner and Active Play Planner. One sheet will be used for each group and I.E.P. sheets used for children requiring individual support.

These will be monitored by the H.T. and A.H.T. and will be discussed with the rest of the forward planning meeting.


Assessment will be on-going using teachers’ assessment informal/formal, Heinemann check-ups and National Testing at the completion of each level.


Teachers will record all formal assessments, pass copy to H.T. and file in black, class file. This will be used for reporting to parents and will be passed on to the next class teacher.

Pupil profiles in mathematics will be ongoing from P1-S2. These will be passed on to St. Andrew’s at transfer time.


This policy will be continuously evaluated so that it reflects the changing needs and concerns of the school.

It will be amended, updated and reviewed.

Reviewed June 2008



Act out a situation /  /  /  / 
Work backwards /  /  /  / 
Reason logically /  /  /  / 
Guess, check and improve a solution /  /  / 
Produce an organised list /  /  /  / 
Try a simpler case /  /  / 
Look for a pattern /  /  / 
Draw a picture or diagram or make a model /  /  / 
Make a conjecture and test it with examples /  /  / 

Problem solving will be approached initially through the mathematics programme using the Renfrewshire Planner. Resources to be used are Heinemann, Problem solving sheets, Lanarkshire Problem solving pack and On the Track 1 and 2.

Strategies should be displayed on classroom walls from P4 upwards for children’s support.

Opportunities should be sought in other curricular areas for problem solving situations.

Reviewed June 2008