Sunday Bulletin 27thMarch 2016
Easter Day - Year C

St. Peter’s Greenock (GR) ~ St. Michael’s Gnadenfrei, Marananga (M) ~
Nain Lutheran Church (N)

Parish Office: 8562 8098 redirects to Parish Chairman,
Geoff Saegenschnitter, 8562 8148
Parish Email: Parish Website:

BULLETIN info to Nola Wendtby Thursday evening or ph 8562 8047

Home Visits / Emergency Pastoral Care:Please contact the lay leaders/elders in your home congregation, who can then refer the matter on appropriately to Pastor Paul Lohe.

Welcome as we come together to share God’s Word through prayer, praise and thanksgiving.Special thanks to Pastor KenPfitznerwho has taken services during Holy Week and today in the Parish.

PSALM OF THE DAY(Easter Sunday): Psalm 31:1-4,15,16

P.In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge;

C.let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness.

P.Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me.

P.Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me.

C.Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge.

P.My times are in your hands;

C.deliver me from my enemies and from those who pursue me.

P.Let your face shine on your servant; me in your unfailing love.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; as it was in the beginning is now and will be for ever-more. Amen.

PRAYER OF THE DAY(Let us pray that we rejoice in Christ's victory)

Everliving God, we thank you that you have overcome the old powers of sin and death through the mighty resurrection of your Son, and have made all things new in him. Make us dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ. For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever. Amen.

Christ’s resurrection is more than a fact of history –

it is the proof of our salvation.


Hooper Family (GR); Damon and FionaHughes, Logan and Charlotte (GR);
Charles and RachelHutton, Zachery and Flora (GR); Ian andGinny Jones (M).

Gnadenfrei - READINGS Easter Sunday 27 March(Year C) Psalm:31:1-4,15,16

First Reading:Acts 10:34-43 (Summary of Jesus' life and ministry)

Second Reading:1 Peter 1:3-9(We have a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ)

Gospel: John 20:1-18 (The risen Lord appears to Mary)

Greenock & Nain - READINGS Easter Sunday 27March Psalm 31:1-4,15,16

First Reading:Acts 10:34-43(Summary of Jesus' life and ministry, and good newsof his resurrection)

Second Reading:1 Corinthians 15:19-26(Christ is the first to rise from death)

Gospel: Luke 24:1-12(Jesus is risen, and the women find the tomb empty)

LCA Yearbook – The Christian Year – Daily Scripture Readings: 28 March – 2April

Monday: Luke 24:13-49Tues: 1 Peter 1:1-12 Wed: 1 Peter 1:13-25

Thursday: 1 Peter 2:1-10 Friday: 1 Peter 2:11-25 Sat: Psalm 118:14-29

READINGS Sunday 3April(Easter2 – Year C) Psalm:118:14-29

First Reading:Acts5:27-32(The apostles boldly proclaim Jesus' resurrection)

Second Reading:Revelation1:4-8(Every eye will see the Lord)

Gospel: John20:19-31 (Thomas sees the risen Christ and believes)

SERVICES: Note Daylight Saving ends 2.00 a.m. Sun 3rd April (clocks back 1 hour)

Sunday, 3rd April(Easter 2) White

Greenock 9.00 a.m. withPastor PaulLohe– JAM 9.45 a.m.

Nain 9.00 a.m. withLayReader

Gnadenfrei Marananga 10.30 a.m. H.C. with Pastor PaulLohe
Baptism – Kaylee Olivia Finos, daughter of Matthew & Jessica Finos (nee Tscharke)

Greenock –Sunday, 3rdApril … Cleaning Church/Hall – WendyMarschallLindaHeinrich
Flowers – Wilfriede Kalleske Welcoming – Linda & Neale Heinrich

Readings – Chelsea & Ariel Heinrich Powerpoint – Mark Kernich Music –Heather Obst

Gnadenfrei Marananga – Sunday, 3rd April (changes to Lynette H for Bulletin)

Church/Hall Check: Dulcie Waechter Flowers – YvonnePfeiffer
Readings – Ginny JonesWelcoming for April–Leon Wilksch


  1. Parish Discussion: Our Parish will be represented at an informal meeting at Kapunda Church Hall on 3rd Aprilat 7.30pm to discuss the possibility of establishing a new two Pastor Parish to incorporate all congregations from the Freeling, Kapunda and Greenock Parishes.Our reps will be Geoff Saegenschnitter, Trevor Waldhuter and Chris Pfeiffer,plus 1 rep from other congregations, plus the 2 serving Pastors – Peter Ziersch and Les Pfeiffer.We are under no obligation to commit to any new arrangement and there will be extensive consultation with members from each Parish before any possible realignment may occur. Discussion took place at Greenock Parish Council meeting on 17th March. Steen Olsen, Director of Mission has advised thatBarossa area discussion is scheduled for Sat 9th April, 9-12, venue TBA, all welcome. Members of each congregation are welcome to discuss this matter within their congregation and advise their Parish Council reps or bring to any future Parish meetings for open and prayerful discussion.Pastor Ziersch has announced to his Parish [Freeling] that he will be retiring at the end of this year.
  2. Thank-A-Farmer Celebration Breakfast (Easter Monday) 28th Mar, from 9.00 a.m. at Greenock Centennial Park. Bring a chair or rug. Help us to say thanks to those who keep food on our tables, wine in our glasses and our community alive!
  3. Messengeritems to Lynette by Thursday 31st March. Distribution on Sunday 3rd April.
  4. Parish Prayer Groupheld 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of month, 10.00 a.m., Greenock Chat Room.
  5. Youth:Mini Golf at Barossa Bowland Friday 8th April. Details: Tony & Carol Kalleske, Mark & Noelene Kalleske.
  6. TOFS:Movie night on Friday 8th April to be hosted by Ali Barkley and Michelle Mickan. Details next week.
  7. Men’s Fruchstuck (Breakfast) in the Barossa: On Saturday 9th April at 7.00 a.m. in the Barossa Funeral Home, 51 Basedow Road, Tanunda. Guest Speaker: Dennis Noack –
    “The role of the Funeral Director”. RSVP Laurence Jericho, 8564 3206, by Sunday 3rd April.
  8. St Peter’s Greenock Church Ladies will be catering Friday 15th April(110 people) in Greenock Lutheran Hall as Light Regional Council is hosting the Cemeteries Association. We will be serving Morning Tea and a Finger Food Lunch. Further details - contact Marj Wendt 8566 2082.
  9. Aware to Care: A seminar for family workers, lay assistants, elders, congregational carers and visitors, pastors and Parish/Pastoral Care Nurses. Saturday 16th April from 9.00 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. at St. Petri Lutheran Church, 21 Second St, Nuriootpa. Bible study; Antidote for anxiety; Two ears, one mouth: Helpful hints for visiting; Advance Care Planning; Grassroots at Australian Lutheran College; Hand in hand centre; Lutheran Nurses Association; Parish Nursing around the world. Presenters include Pastor Adrian Kitson; Dr Louanne Ebert; Pastoral Care Nurse, Gayle Gerhardy; Felicity Hage; Trudy Vaughan; Emma Graetz (ALC Grassroots); Sylvia Hutt (LNAA president); Sue Vogt and Lynette Wiebusch. Registration: Lynette Wiebusch (08) 8336 3936.
  10. 50th Anniversary of Ordination: Pst Peter Kriewaldt will celebrate this milestone on 17th April.He is leading services in our Parish on this day (Sunday 17th April), so at the recent Parish Council meeting it was decided to host a celebratory pooled lunch in the Greenock Lutheran Hall from
    12 noon. This offer has been humbly accepted by Pastor Kriewaldt. Come share and celebrate!Official recognition: Gawler Immanuel (home congregation)1st May (Guest Pr: Dr Mike Semmler).
  11. Cards for Sale in Greenock Link to Life Library (at St Peter’s Greenock) - 80% of profit will go to re-building fundraising, 20% for materials for cards.Wonderful range of resources available to borrow at this Library, including books and DVDs. Reviews welcome for ‘Messenger’. Enquiries to Ali Barkley on 8562 8182.
  12. Listen to ‘FACE TO FACE’.Radio: Vision FM 87.6 Sundays 6am; 5RPH 1197 AM Sundays 8.00am; LifeFM 107.9 Sundays 6.45pm; TripleBfm 89.1 Tuesdays 10am. Download or listen online Like us on Facebook

27th March –A wedding miracle(Pastor Richard Fox): Have you ever had times in your life when you felt so embarrassed that you just wanted to run away and hide? Hear stories on how people have survived through such moments in life.


Fire recovery: You can reach out with God’s love by donating: Go to the LCA or LLL websites; ph 1800 556 457FREE; or mailing cheques payable to ‘LCA Disaster and Welfare Fund’ to LLL, PO Box 45, North Adelaide SA 5006. God bless the wonderful BlazeAid teams, and many others.

Friendship Crafts: Looking for something to do each Wednesday? Interested in a particular craft? Then come along to Friendship Crafts in Greenock Lutheran Hall, Bevan Street, during school term, 9.15am to midday. You are welcome to just come along to have a chat and see what others are doing. Contact: Joyce 8562 8124 or Hazel 8562 8348.

Greenock: Sponsorship Child (Jeevitha, India). Thanks for generously donating money to support Jeevitha (at every 10.30 a.m. service). Check noticeboard for updates.

Gnadenfrei Marananga will have a Seasonal Produce Table in the Hall after 9am services. Members are welcome to bring excess home grown fruit & veg, eggs, jams & baked goods (with ingredients listed), plants or flowers, etc. Funds towards projects supported by Gnadenfrei. Thanks be to God!

‘Mixed Blessings’: Gnadenfrei’s red blend wine (2011) for $12 per bottle – GREAT VALUE! The blend includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Carignane, Grenache, Merlot, Mourverde, Touriga, Zinfandel. Special thanks to Troy Kalleske. Collect from Whistler Wines, Marananga, or phone to order: 8562 4942. Top drop - great gift idea! Bronze at 2015 Marananga Wine Show.

Reminder: Each Church has a collection point for drink bottles and cans that have the 10c refund on them.


ISAIAH 65:17-25: The prophet points to a time when all evils which beset and afflict the believer, diminishing the joy of life, will be no more. In this promised new creation there will not even be a memory of tragedies which still reward human effort with a sense of futility. Christians see the resurrection of Christ from the dead as the proof of the victory over all evil and the guarantee of God's people’s resurrection to life eternal together with their messianic King.

ACTS 10:34-43: This is the first sermon preached to non-Jews, Gentiles, in the home of the Roman centurion Cornelius. The account we have is no doubt a brief digest of Peter's address. It is a comprehensive summary of the apostles' message and covers the Lord's ministry to humankind from the time of his baptism through to the day of judgment. Note that the importance of the resurrection and its witness by those chosen is based on the bodily proofs given the apostles. While Jesus is unequivocally ordained as final judge, yet his essential teaching is centred on forgiveness. The seeming creedal nature of the section is belied by the very personal and radical application Peter makes to the impartiality of God to include Gentiles in this salvation, which is universally offered.

1 CORINTHIANS 15:19-26: In the preceding section Paul has taken issue with some of the Corinthian converts who accepted that Christ rose from the dead but denied the bodily resurrection of believers. Paul now asserts powerfully the truth that Christian hope is based on the certainty of a real historical FACT. Christ did rise from the dead. Christian life presumes living in the absolute certainty that because Christ rose from the dead we will just as certainly rise as did the first fruits himself. If there is a first sheaf, there must be a harvest.

JOHN 20:1-18: One of the strong indications as to the truth of the bodily resurrection of Jesus is the slowness of his immediate and best known friends and followers to believe that it had really happened. This is despite the repeated predictions of their Lord before his death. Peter and John did not believe the women, but did believe when they saw the manner in which the burial cloths lay collapsed in the tomb. They believed even though they had not yet comprehended the deep underlying prophetic reasons why he must rise. Mary did not recognise the Lord until he spoke personally to her. We also have believed as the Spirit has given us each personal attestation through Christ's word.

LUKE 24:1-12: The women who went to the tomb did so expecting only the presence of a body. They had carefully prepared themselves to complete the burial formalities which had been interrupted by the enforced Sabbath restrictions. Even the presence of angels did not awaken realisation of the resurrection. It was a reminder of the Lord's own previous words in Galilee which brought about the dawning of truth. The apostles were just as slow (if not slower) to believe the truth of the resurrection. This truth is strongly attested by the absolute certainty which subsequent physical appearances of the Lord himself generated. Unshakeable conviction rose above death itself.