EESL 5340 Integrating Language Acquisition Into Content Instruction
SUU/NUES/SEDC Spring semester 3 credits
5 to 9 pm. Wednesday April 21- June 2
Instructor Dr. Louise Jorgensen
Rt 2 Box 2151 Roosevelt, Utah 84066
435 722 3171 (home) 801 367 6683 (cell) 435 725 3171 (fax)
Course Description:
This is the 5th required course in the series of six required for the Bilingual/ESL endorsement program. This course will entail practical experiences with students who are linguistically diverse or are English Language learners. Class format will include small group presentations, demonstration lessons, lesson plan development, assessment techniques, and observations of other classrooms and programs.
English as a Second Language Practical Experiences:
Each course in SUU’s ESL Endorsement program includes a practical experience component. The ESL practical experience component is to provide teachers with an opportunity to document the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary for successful classroom implementation of ESL best practices. Below are some examples of beneficial practical experiences;
· ESL classroom observation
· ESL Master teacher observation
· ESL individualized instructional session
· ESL peer tutoring session
· ESL group instructional session
· Observation, participation and/or review of differentiated instructional strategies
· Involvement in ESL mentoring program
· Review of classroom/school ESL media/curricular materials
· Review/participation in ESL assessment and evaluation strategies
· Attendance at an ESL/Bilingual professional development conference
· Attendance at school functions or extra-curricular activities that promote family, community, and school partnerships
· Participation at local community councils or PTA meetings
· ESL daily learning log or journal
Targeted Standards:
· #3 Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, ad appreciate texts. They draw on prior experiences, their interactions with other readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning and of other texts, their word identification strategies, and their understanding of textual features (e.g., sound-letter correspondence, sentence structure, context, graphics).
· #10 Students whose first language is not English make use of their first language to develop competency in the English language arts and to develop understanding of content across the curriculum.
· #12 Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
· #1 Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.
· Principle # 1 The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) s/he teaches and can create learning experiences that make those aspects of subject matter meaningful for students.
· Principle # 3 The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.
· Principle # 4 The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage student’s development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
· Principle # 5 The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
· Principle # 8 The teacher understands and uses formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuous intellectual, social, and physical development of the learner.
· Principle # 9 The teacher is a reflective practitioner who continually evaluates the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (students, parents, and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seeks out opportunities to grow professionally.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards:
· Proposition # 2 Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.
· Proposition # 4 Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.
· Proposition # 5 Teachers are members of learning communities.
TESOL Standards:
* Domain # 1 (Language) Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and acquisition of language to construct learning environments that support ESOL students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement.
· Domain # 2 (Culture) Candidates know, understand, and use the major concepts, theories, and research related to the nature and structure of culture to construct learning environments that support ESOL students’ language and literacy development and content area achievement.
· Domain # 3 (Planning and Managing Instruction) Candidates know, understand, and are able to use effective practices and strategies related to planning and managing of ESL instruction, including classroom organization, effective teaching strategies for developing and integrating language skills, implementing a variety of teaching strategies, and effectively choosing and adapting classroom resources.
· Domain # 5 (Professionalism) Candidates demonstrate knowledge of the history of ESL teaching. Candidates keep current with new instructional techniques, research results, advances in the ESL fields, and public policy issues. Candidates use such information to reflect upon and improve their instructional practices. Candidates advocate for ESOL students and their families and work collaboratively to improve the learning environment.
Utah State ESL Standards:
· Standard # 4 Demonstrate competency of ESL methods and strategies in relation to content area instruction and materials.
Course Objectives:
The student will:
· Research current ESL/ELL issues and keep current on ESL effective practices
· Maintain reflective log, journal or organizing system for instructional materials/theories/goals
· Demonstrate lessons teaching oral and written language experiences
· Demonstrate lessons which infuse multicultural instructional strategies
· Demonstrate the use of core curriculum to develop content literacy
· Integrate methodologies/teaching / learning strategies to develop critical thinking skills
· Apply theories of second language acquisition
· Assess linguistically diverse student’s content understanding
Course Class assignments:
· Research and share, as a group in class and on the final, 1 or 2 ESL/ELL internet sites/books/magazines/other resources and 1 effective strategy concerning content instruction (content topic as assigned)
· Read and share in class, as a group and on the final, 2 current, relevant articles concerning ESL/ELL content teaching/strategies (content topic as assigned- see suggestions for questions to answer) 15 min to share.
· Create (observe and/or teach) 1 content lesson plan
o Use the 4 A’s of Diversity
§ Approach (sheltered plan/methodology/lesson design)
§ Adapt (demonstrate the use of literature, music, and fine arts/ use of strategies)
§ Assess (authentic & language assessment)
§ Achieve (use data to evaluate student progress and lesson plan)
· Report on a language assessment of an ELL student (Do, observe or discuss)
· Continue with filing system for methods and materials.
· Insightful reflection of learning
Practical experience 25 points
Share 1 or 2 resources/ 1strategy- content topic assigned 50 points
Sharing 2 content topic articles- as assigned 50 points
One content lesson plan 100 points
Report on an ELL language assessment 25 points
Filing system 50 points
Final reflection 100 points
400 points
350-400 = A 300-350 = A- 250-300 = B+ 200-250 = B 150-200 = B-
1. Briefly explain what experience you choose from SUU’s suggested list and what insights you gained from the experience 25 points
2. Briefly describe the 1or 2 resources and 1 strategy you found for the content topic assigned- (done as a group in class) 50 points
3. Briefly describe the 2 articles/questions for the content you were assigned
(done as a group in class) 50 points
4. One content lesson plan- individual project. You may use the lesson plan from Methods and Materials class and make the needed adaptations of adding music, literature and fine arts. 100 points
5. Report on what you learned about language assessment for ELL’s either by doing the assessment, observing or discussing the assessment. 25 points
How does this data help drive instruction?
6. Review your filing system. Any changes or adaptations you have made since Methods and Materials class. Is it useful to you? 25 points
7. In no more than 3 paragraphs, reflect on insights you have gained from all of your ESL endorsement classes concerning ELL’s. 125 points
You may include but are not limited to:
Effects of culture, language and home environment
Learning styles or multiple intelligences of ELL’s
Effect of prior knowledge and ways to address the lack of knowledge
Best Practices or use of teaching/learning strategies you learned/tried
Advantages and/or disadvantages of standardized testing
Advantages and/or disadvantages of formal/informal/authentic testing
Collection and use of data (personal, testing, etc,) in guiding instruction
Federal, state, local laws and regulations and the effect on school policies, practices and procedures
Motivation techniques/affective filter for ELL’s
Use of Critical thinking skills in instruction
ELL/language acquisition theories and/or theorists
Modifications made in your teaching style/philosophy/management techniques / lesson planning
How to do assignments 2 and 3
Assigned content topics:
Please work as a group on class assignments 2 and 3 by assigning everyone to search sites, books, magazine and/ or other instructors for relevant articles about your content topic, then assign everyone in your group 2 or 3 of the suggested questions to research, then brainstorm your topic as a group , summarsize your findings on assignments 2 & 3 and choose only 1 or 2 people to report the findings to the rest of the class. 15-20 minutes allowed for reporting.
Class activities:
Class one= teacher will model
Assignment one- practical experience
Assignment two- resources and strategy
Assignment three- content article
Assignment four- content lesson with adaptations for music, literature, fine arts
Assignment five- language assessment and data driven instruction
Assignment six- filing system
Assignment seven- reflection
Discuss chapter 2 in class
Class two content area is math
Class three content areas are social studies /history /geography
Class four content areas are reading or English & Literature/ Poetry /
Foreign language
Class five content areas are science and physical education
Class six content areas are business or finance, computer
or technology/ career guidance / vocational classes
Class seven content areas are music and fine arts
Group and topic assignments, If you wish to trade topics with another group, contact them and then let the instructor know
Class two- topic is math Will the 7 people in Carbon address this topic
Class 3- topic is Social Sciences---- (can work together or separately)
Social studies= elem level- Daggett (2 people)
History- upper elem or secondary level- Rich (1 person)
Geography or civics Wasatch (1 person)
Class 4- topics is Language arts (can work together or separately)
Reading (elem) or English (high school) South Summit (3 people)
Literature /poetry /foreign language Uintah (3 people)
Class five- topic is Science--- Emery (7 people)
topic is physical education Grand (4 people)
Class six- topic is Vocational classes (shop, Duchesne (2 people)
Home living, etc)
topic is Career guidance classes San Juan ( 3 groups of about 6)
topic is Business/finance classes San Juan
topic is Technology/computer San Juan
Class seven-topic is music Altamont (2 people)
topic is Fine arts (drama, visual Roosevelt (3 people)
arts, performing arts)
Suggestions- I would look at the following 16 items with your assigned content topic in mind and then divide the questions up among the group members to search the internet, or books or articles or talk to instructors in your school or district about how to best teach them . Then brainstorm together and prepare a 15 -20 minute summary to present in class. Not all the items may be applicable to your topic or you may not find any current research but all these ideas have proven to be successful in adapting any content topic to ALL students.
Your presentation- for 15-20 minutes -will include any internet sites, books, magazines that you would recommend for good ideas on teaching your assigned content area, 1 useful strategy you found, and a review of 2 current articles that help answer the following 16 suggested items.
Look at how to make content more comprehensible by looking at:
What are the core objectives for the content / standards or benchmarks? What are the students expected to do when lesson is completed?
What is the Specialized or guarded vocabulary?
What could you use as an anticipatory set or motivational cue?
What visuals or realia or alternative materials could you could use?
What graphic organizers would work?
How to access and/or build prior knowledge?
How to use all 6 domains of comprehensive literacy (RWLSVV)?
What teaching/learning strategies could you use?
How could you encourage critical thinking skills? (Questioning ? wait time?)
What would be effective assessment measures?
What products or projects could result? Could they be assessment measures?
What technology could you incorporate?
How could you adapt for learning modalities or styles (MI)?
How could you help facilitate retention and memory?
What closure activity could you have the students do?
How would you, as the teacher, evaluate if this was a successful lesson?
Reading Assignments in text:
Class one- Chapter 2 Class five- Chapter 4
Class two- Chapter 1 Class six- Chapter 5
Class three- Chapter 3 Class seven- Chapters 7 & 8
Class four- Chapter 6