[Name of Program]
[Name of Program]
Full Program Proposal
[Name of Academic Unit]
[The executive summary is based on the structure and information provided in the Notice of Intent, from which details may be copied and pasted. Please update any information presented in the NOI where relevant. As with the NOI, the executive summary should be presented in a very succinct manner and should be no longer than 2 – 3 pages in length. Delete this paragraph and all explanatory questions on the final copy.]
1Executive Summary
a)An overview of the institution’s history, mission, and academic goals:
Please provide a brief summary (1-2 paragraphs) that links the proposed program to the SFU’s vision and mission (use and add to the boilerplate institution detail below):
As Canada's engaged university, Simon Fraser University is defined by its dynamic integration of innovative education, cutting-edge research and far-reaching community engagement. SFU was founded in 1965 with a mission to bring an interdisciplinary approach to learning, embrace bold initiatives, and engage with communities near and far. Today SFU is consistently ranked amongst Canada’s top comprehensive universities and is one of the world’s leading teaching and research institutions.
b) Credential to be awarded:
Include the level and category of the degree and the specific discipline or field of study, e.g. Bachelor of Environment in Global Environmental Systems
c)Location of program:
Location of where the new program will be offered; include the specific campus.
d)Faculty offering the proposed new program:
Include the department or school within the Faculty that will be offering the program.
e)Anticipated program start date:
Term and year the program is anticipated to start. Allow for 12 - 18 months from the time the FPP is submitted if the program requires Ministry of Advanced Education approval.
f)Anticipated completion time:
How many expected terms/years will be required to complete the program?
g)Summary of the proposed program
- Aims, goals, and objectives:
Describe the program and explain why it is being proposed.
- Contribution to the mandate and strategic plan of the institution:
Explain how the proposed program fits with the overall goals of the department, Faculty and university.
- Linkages between program outcomes and curriculum design:
Explain how the courses and curriculum requirements of the program contribute to the programeducational goals and outcomes.If a work/practicum experience is required, provide a description of the purpose and role of the experience within the program.
- Potential areas/sectors of employment for graduates or opportunities for further study:
Briefly state career possibilities and further educational options.
- Delivery methods:
Will the program be delivered as lecture/tutorial/lab, or will it include online delivery methods?
- Program strengths:
- Level of support and recognition:
Provide a briefexplanation of the nature of the consultations that have occurred in the development ofthis program. Summarize comments receivedfrom other post-secondary institutions, potential employers, any regulatory or professional bodies where applicable,advisory committees, and experts in the field of study. In the appendices, attach any supporting documents.
- Related programs:
Include related programsat SFU, other B.C. post-secondary institutions and outside of BC. Provide rationale for duplication (e.g. will this proposed program meet the needs of students or employers not met by similar programs?).
h)Contact information:
Include name, title, phone number, and email address of the institutional contact person (program proponent).
[The sections below expand on the details for the proposed program and/or new credential. Explanatory comments are there to assist in providing the relevant information required by the Ministry of Advanced Education and SFU. Supporting documents should be attached as appendices. Delete this paragraph and all explanatory comments/questions on the final copy.]
2Credential Recognition and Nomenclature
2.1Post-secondary recognition
Explain how the design of the program facilitates credential recognition by other post-secondary institutions, such that graduates may pursue further studies at other institutions. Is the proposed program name and degree designation appropriate to program content and consistent with current usage in the discipline? Include evidence ofconsultation or research undertaken to ensure recognition if the credential is new (e.g. Bachelor of Environment).In the Appendices, attach letters of support or other supporting documentation.
2.2Industry/employer recognition
Where applicable, describe consultations undertaken to ensure the credential and learning outcomes will be recognized and meet the standards of industry/employers and regulatory, licensing or credentialing bodies. In theAppendices, provide current requirements or standards of those bodies and any copies of letters of recognition.
3Curriculum/Program Content
3.1Program structure
Describe in detail the program structure (e.g. length of program, number of units, requirements, options, methods of evaluation etc.).
3.2Core courses
Provide information on the core courses (i.e. course number, title, calendar description, pre-requisites).
3.3Existing and new courses
Outline any existing and/or new courses required for the program.In the Appendices, attach sample course outlines and approved new course forms for any new courses.
3.4Curriculum and program goals
What are the educational goals of this program and how are they achieved by the courses and the curriculum structure? Describe how the learning environment and methodologies will help achieve the intended outcomes for this program.
3.5Work experience/field/practicum placement
If there is a work experience/field/practicum placement component to this program, provide some details on placement opportunities and the level of support the institution will provide to students seeking placements. Describe any anticipated outcomes, how the experience ties into the curricular outcomes and goals, and how students will be evaluated.
4Program Resources
4.1Target audience and enrolment plan
What is the anticipated enrolment over the first three years? Provide data to support the expectedenrolment.
Summarize the resources required for this program (i.e. faculty, staff, classrooms, labs, equipment, software, hardware, funds, library, etc.).If there will be no new faculty hires, explain the impact on existing programs. Are any programs being modified or displaced as a result?What is the schedule for securing the required resources? Describe the plans for program implementation (i.e. course development, program promotion, hiring of staff, instructional space, software, equipment purchasing, etc.). In the Appendices, attach any supporting documents.
5Program Review and Academic/Administrative Oversight
Indicate plans for ensuring adequate depth and breadth of ongoing review and evaluation once the program has been implemented (regular program reviews are mandated by Senate on a 7-year cycle). If applicable, describe how membership on advisory committees for this program will be maintained to ensure that the program will remain current in future years. If any external accreditation is required, explain the evaluation cycle.
6Program Consultation
Detail the timeline and nature of the consultations that have occurred within the university and externally withstudents, program advisory committees, other BC post-secondary institutions andinstitutions outside of BC, professional associations, employers, etc. Attach any documents (emails, letters) in the Appendices.
7Evidence of Student Interest and Labour Market Demand
Provide evidence supporting the expected student interest in this program, both domestic and international. What is the industry/employment demand for students who obtain this credential? What occupations/careers will graduates be able to compete for in the job market? (See the occupation resource links in the NOI template.) Update and attach any student survey results andoccupational data and documentation from the Notice of Intent in the Appendices.
8.1Calendar entry
A complete proposed Calendar entry must be attached.
8.2New Courses
Attach new course approval forms, sample course outlines, and library reviews for each course.
8.3Market analysis – student interest and labour market demand
Include any data, student surveys, and letters of support from industry, employers, or accrediting bodies, that provide evidence of student and labour demand.
8.4Consultation comments and letters of support
Attach any written endorsements or comments, from both internal and external sources.
Include any supportive memos indicating that sufficient space and other resources (such as confirmation from the Dean’s Office, library reports, etc.) are available for the program.
8.6Financial plan (only if additional resources required)
Outline the initial start-up costs, such as curriculum development and online design, as well as anticipated costs in offering the program (instructional salaries and benefits, administrative overhead, student services, and online support).
8.7Abbreviated curriculum vitae for faculty
(needed only for new programs requiring Ministry of Advanced Education final approval)Include a CV for each faculty member in the program.In the case of cross-disciplinary programs, include a CV for each member of the steering committee and for faculty members likely to be teaching core courses. It is strongly suggested that short (e.g. 2 pages), standardized CVs be submitted, providing brief information on: current position; credentials; research interests; publications, grants and graduate supervision over a defined period (e.g. last seven years).
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