Pastor Position

St. Paul's Evangelical Country Church

11055 Dumfries Ave.

Council Bluffs, IA 51503


We are a small independent body of believers wishing to continue as a lighthouse for our community purposed to worship and praise God and to share the good news first in our neighborhood and city and then around the world. We want to share Christ’s love with each other on a personal 24/7 basis and then reach out to our community and the world.

A division of the membership over a year ago has left fewer numbers and some wounded individuals, but we are healing under the ministry of our current interim pastor. We feel that its time to have some longer term leadership.

We desire to continue to grow and mature as believers and help those among us to grow as well. In order to do that, we need to hear God’s Word preached and taught and lived by our leadership. We need each member of our family to feel welcomed and accepted and loved for who they are and who they could be as they grow and mature in Christ.

We need a servant leader as Christlike as possible who knows God’s Word and shares it with us from the pulpit and the parsonage, in our homes, and every other area of contact; one who shares his spiritual gifts and who can develop leadership and gifts in others as they serve. He needs to function as Undershepherd to lead and protect the flock from the many dangers in today’s society. He needs to continue to grow spiritually and personally as he matures in the Lord.

Our church family needs to be challenged to be in the Word and use it as the source of Truth for Life’s decisions. So, the following are traits that would seem necessary in order to accomplish the goals outlined above:

  1. Strong ability to preach the Word
  2. Warm friendly personality, easy to talk to
  3. A personal soul winner
  4. A willingness and ability to give counsel
  5. Leadership development and discipleship
  6. Comfortable working with young people
  7. An enthusiasm for visitation
  8. Administrative strengths.

For more information see the website listed above. To receive an application please contact us at the email listed above.