St. Michael’s Weekly News

September 2, 2016

School Website:

School Phone Number: 361-277-3854

Money for the sponsorships is now due. We are asking all families to sell 2 sponsorships. Thank you for your support!

The $100 Technology Fee from each family is now due.

  • Virtue for September: Self-control and introducing Temperance
  • Commandment for September: You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
  • Works of Mercy for September: To clothe the naked; to shelter the homeless
  • Prayer for August: Prayer to St. Michael


  • School Holiday on 9/5/16. Labor Day.
  • HSA meeting for Festival Chairpersons and Officers on 9/6/16 at 6:00pm in School Library.
  • Children’s Mass on Saturday, 9/10/16, at 5:00pm. The choir will be singing. Students will be reading the Liturgy.
  • Mass on Thursday, 9/8/16, for the Feast of the Nativity at 8:00am. Choir will be singing.
  • Mass at 8:00am on 9/09/16.
  • Ms. Janecek’s 3rd graders will be reading Liturgy.
  • 4th & 6thgrade choir members will be singing up at altar
  • William, Tabitha, Cadanwill be altar serving.


  • Mass on Wednesday, 9/14/16, for the Exultation of the Cross at 8:00am. Choir will be singing.
  • School pictures are scheduled for Thursday, 9/22/16. Forms will be sent home next Friday.
  • Mass on Thursday, 9/29/16, for the Feast of the Arc Angels at 8:00am. Choir will be singing.
  • Box tops for Education drive will begin 9/12/16. There will be a competition between classrooms.

Lunch Menu for the Week:

  • Monday—No School
  • Tuesday—Burrito
  • Wednesday—Hamburger
  • Thursday—Turkey Club Wrap
  • Friday—Fish Sticks

Lunch Schedule

Grade Level / Cafeteria / Playground
Kinder / 11:00 to 11:20 / 11:20 to 11:35
3rd / 11:25 o 11:45 / 11:45 to 12:00
4th, 5th, 6th / 11:50 to 12:10 / 12:10 to 12:25
1st2nd / 12:15 to 12:35 / 12:35 to 12:50
1st (only on Thursday) / 12:30 to 12:50 / 12:50 to 1:05
PreK3 / 11:45 lunches will be delivered to the classroom. Students will eat in the classroom.
PreK4 / 11:45 to 12:15 in the cafeteria.

Message from the Principal:

We had a wonderful week.

I have a really big request. I would like to have a parent or a group of parents volunteer to help with the Christmas Pageant this year. This or these volunteers would help with the rehearsals, stage decorations, music, etc. The teachers, Mr. Bentz, and I will still be very involved, but we could use the help. Let me know if you are interested. This year the pageant will be performed at the new Cuero ISD Performing Arts Center.

Another thing I want to address is homework. Please expect homework each night. It should not be lengthy. It should reinforce what is happening in the classroom and skills that just plain need to be memorized such as math facts. Spelling and handwriting are also very important. 2nd graders learn cursive in the 2nd semester. 3rd graders—6th graders will be fine-tuning their cursive. Please look at the schedules that some teachers have shared with you. Some teachers will give the students their homework for the week with the expectation that they work on it all week. If you have questions about homework, please email your child’s teacher.

Don’t forget: We have new Spirit Shirts for sale in the office; we have some yearbooks from last year available if you did not get to buy one; turn in Emergency Cards.

If your child has not made their first communion and they are in 3rd grade or older and Catholic, please let us know.

I hope that each and every family has a wonderful, blessed week.

Jennifer Saenz
