December 31, 2017
The choir will begin another five-week
round of rehearsals in January.
Contact Scott Hagler if you are interested:
Were you a Peace Corps volunteer, or have you done other similar overseas mission work? Deacon Jan Bales would like to hear from you, in order to gather together all those in the parish with such experiences:
or call 242.7226.
We know of at least 20 former volunteers in the parish already!
2018 Pledge Drive: For all who have made your 2018 pledge, thank you. We are truly grateful. If you have not yet pledged and would like to, we are most gratefully accepting your pledges to support the ministries of our parish for 2018. You can complete your pledge online at or by sending JP, our business administrator, an email at . Pledges to reduce the building fund can also be made via email to JP. Our annual budget is based on your pledges so it is very helpful to know your pledge amount on which to base that budget. Your continued generosity and support of your time, talents, and pledges are what make this parish vital and strong. We wish you a blessed Christmas time and a most prosperous New Year.
ST. MIKE’S HIKES AND BIKES(or Walks and Talks, depending on your mood): Something new: Get together with others from St Michael's for sometime outdoors, meet new people, get some exercise!We will meeton the first and third Mondays for a walkor a bike ride around the Albuquerque area. Next gathering is January 1st at 11:00 am. Meet in Coralles on the east end of East la Entrada Road. There is parking there. This will be relaxed timetogether; everyone can walk or ride at their own pace.Need more info? Contact: Rosanne de Filippo , or Alice Lloyd -
CROSSING THE THRESHOLD: Cultivating Contemplative Creativity.Join others engaging in a Rule of Life incorporating Creative Process and Contemplative Practices. Listen. . . with the ear of your heart.” Thus begins the Rule of St. Benedict. We invite you to join us for a 12-part workshop, that couples practices of monastic spirituality with creative expression, offering a unique pathway for deepening our listening/receptivity to the presence of the sacred within our lives. We will use the book, The Artist’s Rule, by Christine Paintner as a template for our work together. Each chapter explores a different practice; topics include the use of lectiodivina, walking meditations, the Liturgy of the Hours, a Rule of Life, Celtic monasticism, and the desert way of simplicity. These practices are in turn are coupled with explorations in the visual arts, clay, poetry, and movement. We will meet monthly to companion one another. Some meetings will have a particular art directive and others will be based on an Open Art Studio model, allowing us time to explore different art mediums and directives together as well as giving us time to share the experiences, questions and challenges we encounter as we commit to crossing the threshold into engagement with a new creative rule of life. MONTHLY: 3rd Wednesdays, 2 - 4 p.m., St. Michael’s Parish Hall. Possible alternative time: Mondays, 2 - 4 p.m. For information and registration: Megan Sturges, , 505-345-2959; Barbara Fries, , 505-205-5102.