557 West 57th Avenue
Merrillville, Indiana 46410
Pastor: Very Rev. Basil Hutsko, (980-0600) Very Rev. Michael Evanick Cantor: Mr. Edward Petyo Social Center: 980-9074TENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST July 24, 2016
SAT4:00pmSacrament of Penance
5:00pm+Peter Polomchak (Ruth Cidulka)
10:00am For the Parishioners
FRI8:00am+Frank Bochik, Sr. (Frank Bochik, Jr.)
SAT4:15pmSacrament of Penance
5:00pmFor the Parishioners
10:00am+Andrew Voloch, Sr. (Andrew Voloch, Jr.)
CONFESSIONS (Sacrament of Penance): On Sunday from 9:15am to 9:35am---On Saturday from 4:15 – 4:35pm.
FRIDAY: FISH FRY/PIROHI (July 29) Delicious Fish, Shrimp and Pirohi Dinners will be served in our social center from 2:30 – 7:00pm.
A SINCERE THANK YOUto the people who bring food/donations to the Needy --- to the People who assist with the envelope/financial systems --- to the People who worked on the
church publicity --- to the Altar Servers/Instructor --- to the People who visit the sick/shut-ins --- to the People who serve as Ushers --- to the People who cleaned the church/center/school --- to the People who did repair work/cleaning up around the church property (tractors, greeters,
electrical, cafeteria equipment, plumbing/sewers, etc.) --- to the People who worked before/during/after the Fish Fry, Pirohi and Guild Bake Sale --- to the People who made generous contributions to our Parish and Eparchy Stewardship Program.
PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF OUR PARISH: --- John Dunda,Julie Cullen,Richard Bossey, George Stroia, Frank Kylsa,Edward Ivanyo, Dorothy Kozma, Paul Hook,Scott Cipa,,Father Michael Evanick, Lillian Martin, Richard Anstak, Larry Bella, Letitia Bella, Janet Kompier,and Anthony Slinker. If you wish to be added or removed from the prayer list please call the parish office at (219) 980-0600.
After talking with the teachers and knowing that sometimes it is hard to get to class before the Liturgy on Sunday, we are going to have classes at 3:30 pm on Saturday. This way if the children have sports or some other type of activities on Saturday, they can still make the classes. When this is being done though, everyone must make a concerted effort to attend. There will be a light snack for the students before the classes begin.
On the bottom of the bulletins in upcoming weeks and this week, there will be a registration form for the students. Please cut it off and either put it in the collection or give it to Fr. Basil. If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Laczkowski (219791-9802) or Fr. Basil (219-980-0600)
SICK CALL VISITS: For month of August the sick call visits will be made on Monday, August 1, 2016.
CONTACT INFORMATION: Father Basil will be attending the Enthronement of Bishop John and visit his brother Fr. Joseph in Phoenix. Fr. Basil will be away until Thursday, July 28. If you need to contact Fr. Basil or have a spiritual need, please call the rectory # (219-980-0600).
SURGERY INFORMATION: I will have a full knee replacement and detachment and re-attachment of hardware. This will take place on Tuesday, August 9, 2016. After a couple of nights in the hospital, I will go to Symphony in Crown Point for a week, as the doctor suggested it will be difficult to be alone the first week at home.
Before I go I want to have all the necessary things done, since I will be unable to do them. For this reason, the August sick calls will be done on the normal first Monday, August 1. If you know you are going for surgery after August 7, please let me know so I can give you the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick before my surgery. If there is a need for a priest, during this time, please call the rectory number. I will also do a number of weeks of bulletins ahead of time. If there are any announcements, they will be made by the substitute clergy on that weekend. Right now it looks like I will miss at least 2 consecutive weekends, and maybe a third one.
So if you need things run off, or information, please try to see me about this by August 5, 2016. Thanks for your cooperation. Fr. Basil
BIBLE STUDY CLASS FOR 2016 – 2017: This is an open invitation for anyone wishing to attend the Bible Study on “Catholicism,” which will begin on Tuesday, September 13, 2016. If you wish to explore your faith and deepen your understanding and relationship with
Jesus Christ and His Church then this is the course to take!
“Catholicism” is an eleven week course and includes a video presentation by Bishop Robert Barron s he teaches us what Catholics believe and why. This course uses both spiritual and artistic treasures of the Faith to illuminate the key teachings of the Church. Scriptural reading as well as readings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church is required. This followed by; additional oral presentation, workbook assignment and open discussions. Each class is approximately 2 – 2 and one half hours long.
If you are interested in taking the class, please call Bridget at: 219-663-6025 by July 10th so that I may have a “count” for ordering books! Looking forward to seeing you and sharing our Faith! Bridget.
EPARCHIAL PILGRIMAGE – “OPEN UNTO US THE DOORS OF MERCY”: The annual Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Mariapoch in Burton, Ohio will take place on Saturday and Sunday, August 13 – 14, 2016. A large poster is on the bulletin board in the vestibule and there are small cards on the table with the schedule and other information. The speaker giving two talks on the weekend is Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB from St. Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, PA.
SOX – ATHLECTICS GAME – SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016: We will have a viewing of the White Sox - Athletics baseball game on a big screen TV here at St. Michael Church on the above date. The game time is 1:00pm and the doors will open at 11:00am. There will be free food (hot dogs, sloppy Joes, potato chips and pretzels) along with a Cash Bar. There will be other activities going on during the viewing of the game. If you wish to attend, please sign the sign up sheet, which is on the table in the vestibule, or call 219-980-0600 to reserve a spot.
ST. NICHOLAS APOSTOLATE MEETING: There will be a St. Nicholas Apostolate meeting NEXT Sunday, July 31, 2016 following the Divine Liturgy.
EARLY NOTICE: Father Basil contacted Bishop Hying of the Diocese of Gary about being the spiritual director for the “Spiritual Evening of Reflection for Christmas,” on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 @ 6:00pm. Please keep this date in mind, as we hope to have a good crowd for this event. The Byzantine Catholic parishes in the area will also be notified about this.
THANK YOU!!: Thank you to everyone who helped out for the Cubs – Rangers viewing of the game here at St. Michael Church.
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