MONTH: September ’14, ’15, ‘16 … Years 1 and 2CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Myself and my family / Strand Unit/s: Myself
The child should be enabled to explore and record significant personal events and dates: my age, first day at school, places where I have lived – compare photographs, clothes worn or toys used at different ages, noting development and things which have stayed the same.
My family: Become aware of and identify the members of the family
  • Collect simple evidence ( photographs of family members)
  • Explore and discuss how family members care for each other
/ Artefacts
Children’s ideas
Discovery learning
Pictures and photographs
Pair work
Oral presentations / Photographs
Clothes worn by children as they grew up
Toys used by children
Poster: old and new
Environmental Awareness and Care / Strand Unit/s: Caring for my locality
The child should be enabled to identify, discuss and implement simple strategies for improving and caring for the environment:
(a)Caring for clothes, toys and other possessions
(b)Keeping classroom, school and play spaces clean, tidy and safe
(c)Dispose of litter appropriately
(d)Collect paper, cans and other materials for recycling / Guided Discovery
Hands on approach
Talk and discussion
Pictures and photographs / Clothes
Children’s possessions e.g. schoolbag, lunchbox, slipper bags, crayons, poster, dustbins and recycling bins
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Living Things / Strand Unit/s: Myself
  • Recognise and measure physical similarities and differences between people
  • Become aware of changes that occur as children grow older and mature
  • Observe growth and change in some living things
  • Autumn: observe seasonal change in the environment
/ Pair Work
Guided discovery
Pictures and photographs
Group work
Listening and responding
One to one / Poster: Growing Up
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Gaeilge: An chorp, rain agus amhráin. Oral Language. Poetry: ME Art: Draw me, print handprint

MONTH: October ’14, ‘16 … Year 1CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Strand Unit/s: Stories
The child should be enabled to discuss the chronology of events (beginning, middle, end) in a story
Sr. Catherine Mc Auley / Story, Drama, Group work
Listening and responding
Library books
Talk and discussion / Stories: Two little Dickybirds, The Lost Acorns, The Squirrel
Worksheets: for sequencing
Human Environments / Strand Unit/s: Living in the local community
  • Become aware of some buildings where people work and live- school, shop, office, lighthouse, castle, skyscraper
/ Observation, curiosity, fieldwork, active learning, discovery learning / Trees in school environment (Horsechestnut)
Posters and pictures of trees
Investigation table
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Living Things
Energy and Forces / Strand Unit/s
Plants and Animals: observe growth and change in some living things
  • Observe and identify a variety of plants and animals in different habitats in the immediate and other environments
  • Recognise and identify external parts of living things
Light: Observe colours in the local environment / Observation and curiosity
Guided discovery
Listening and responding
Integrated approach
Vocabulary development
Fieldwork: environment / Horse Chestnut
Leaves – Nature Walk
CENTRAL THEME: Growth and change in plant and animal life
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Gaeilge Poetry Songs Oral Language Art/Crafts: Leaf Rubbings Stories
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /

MONTH: October ‘’15,’17…Year 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

What do I want the children to learn about? / What METHODOLOGIES will I use to help the children learn? / Resources
HISTORY Strand/s:
SAME AS’12, ’14, ‘16 … / Strand Unit/s:
SAME AS’12, ’14, ‘16 … / SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / Stories: The Ugly Duckling
The Duck
The Hedgehog’s balloon
Worksheets for sequencing
SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / Strand Unit/s:
SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 …
SCIENCE Strand/s:
SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / Strand Unit/s
SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 … / Oak Tree
Leaves – Nature Walk
SAME AS ’12, ’14, ‘16 …

MONTH: November ’14, ’16 …Year 1CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Myself and my Family
Story / Strand Unit/s: My family or the family of a person known to me: to discuss developments in the life of the family and things which have stayed the same – living in the same house, getting a new car, trees growing in the garden
Junior Infants: The Hungry Caterpillar
Senior Infants: The Enormous Turnip / Pictures and photographs
Guided discovery
Library books
Talk and discussion
Looking and responding
Observation and curiosity / Grandfather/mother
Children from other backgrounds share photos etc, relating to their backgrounds. Pictures of Áras an Uachtarán, Buckingham Palace, Vatican
Human Environments / Strant Unit: People and places in other areas
  • become aware of some links between local community and people in other places
  • become aware of food grown in other countries
  • food grown by farmers in other parts
/ Talk and discussion
Concrete materials
Group work
Hands on
Vocabulary development
Co-operative learning / The children whose parents/grandparents come from other countries
Artefacts from different countries
Story – Het the Vet
Farm set
Song – I’m a Farmer
Spring Book in What a Wonderful World
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Living Things / Strand Unit/s
  • Plants and Animals: The child should be enabled to explore conditions for growth of bulbs and seeds
  • The child should be enabled to sort and group living things into sets
Junior Infants: growing Cress Seed
Senior Infants: growing Hyacinths
Properties and characteristics
Describe and compare materials noting the differences in colour, shape and texture
Group materials according to certain criteria – strength, colour, texture, flexibility / Talk and discussion
Active Learning
Investigative approach
Observation and Curiosity
Hands on approach
Guided Discovery
Problem solving / Bulbs, compost etc. Worksheets: living/ non living things
Poster 8: Living/non-living things
What a wonderful world (Snr. Infants, Poster 3)
Touch, taste, smell tables
‘Feely’ bag
Rough/ smooth poster in Mathemagic for Jun. Infants
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Gaeilge: An Teach, Song: What room do you like (Alive O), Maths: Shape,
Story: 3 Little Pigs, Globetrotter’s Day Out (Alive O),
I.T. ‘Maths 4 Me, Art: Construction

MONTH: November ’15, ’17, ‘19 … Year 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Stories:
  • Listen to, discuss and retell stories based on the theme of ‘Food’.
/ Looking and responding
Oral Presentation
Listening and responding
Talk and discussion / A wide range of story books from the school library
Human Environments / Strand Unit/s:
Living in the Local Community: Explore and discuss his/her membership of the family and school and local community
  • Identify and discuss the roles of people who serve the local community: postal worker, garda, doctor, nurse
/ Guided discussion
Listening and responding
Role Play
Vocabulary Development / Song: Miss Polly had a dolly
Dressing Up: Nurse
What a Wonderful World - pictures
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Energy and Forces / Strand Unit/s
Sound: recognise and identify a variety of sounds in the environment
  • Identify and differentiate between different sounds in the environment
  • Use all the senses to become aware of and explore environments
Explore ways of making different sounds using a variety of materials (tins, bottles, paper, metals) / Environment
Active learning
Children’s ideas
Group work
Co-operative learning
Guided Discovery
Making and Doing / Sound Lotto
Pre-Reading Activities
Book, Voices, MusicLand, percussion instruments,Environment, Materials to create different sounds.
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Gaeilge: An chlann, Alive O: My Family Drama and Role play Music: percussion instruments
Oral Language
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /

MONTH: December ’14,’16, ’18, ‘20 … Years 1 and 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Strand Unit/s:
Stories: the child should be enabled to express or record stories through artwork, drama, music, mime and movement and using information and communication technologies
The child should be enabled to display storyline picrues showing episodes in sequence
Junior Infants: The Nativity/ stories on the nativity
Senior Infants: The Nativity / Story: Making ad Doing
Drama: Written activity
Role Play: Vocabulary Dev.
Theme based
Pictures and photographs
Oral presentations / Nativity story
Video: The Snowman
Human Environments
Environmental Awareness and Care / Strand Unit/s:
People and places in other areas: the child should be enabled to develop some awareness of people living in other areas (Lapland, the East)
Caring for my Locality: the child should be enabled to develop a sense of responsibility for taking care of and enhancing the environment (fires, Christmas lights etc.) / Pictures and photographs
Guided discussion
Theme based
Vocabulary development
Talk and discussion / Maps and Globe
Pictures (Christmas)
Christmas customs in other places
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Energy and Forces / Strand Unit/s
Uses and dangers of electricity (Curriculum Statement pg. 26) / Active Learning
Vocabulary development
Looking and responding
Concrete materials
Observation and curiosity / Worksheets: appliances that use electricity
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Writing: Christmas cards Art: Christmas decorations Maths: sequencing Gaeilge: An Nollaig
Alive O: Christmas Story Drama: The Nativity Music: Christmas songs/carols Oral Language: Christmas
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /

MONTH: January ‘14, ’15, ’16,’17, ’18, Years 1 and 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Strand Unit/s:
Stories: discuss the chronology of events (beg., middle, end) in a story
The child should be enabled to display pictures showing weekly weather patterns in sequence highlighting yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Junior Infants – Noah’s Ark
Senior Infants – Space/ Aliens / Story,
Listening and responding
Active Learning
Pictures and Photographs
Talk and Discussion / Story: Laura’s Star
What a Wondeful World: My Weather Book
Weather chart and symbols
Natural Environment / Strand Unit/s:
Weather: observe and discuss a variety of weather conditions using simple vocabulary: rainy days, sunny days, foggy days
  • Record weather observations using a weather chart
  • Discuss the suitability of different kinds of clothes for different weather conditions
  • Recognise that some weather patterns are associated with seasonal change and distinguish Summer and Winter
  • Become aware of some of the effects of different weather conditions on human, animal and plant life in the local environment
  • Observe, discuss and investigate water in the local environment – rainfall, puddles
Local Natural Environment: the child should be enabled to become aware of natural environments in the immediate locality of the school
Caring for my locality: the child should be enabled to observe, discuss and appreciate the attributes of the local environment
The child should be enabled to appreciate that people share the environment with plant and animal life
Planet Earth in Space
  • Identify and discuss the sun, moon and stars
  • Recognise the difference between day and night
/ Environment
Problem solving
Active Learning
Guided Discovery
Co-operative learning
Theme based
Looking and responding
Environment: observation and curiosity
Active learning
Discovery learning
Guided discovery approach
Hands on approach
Looking and responding / Weather chart and symbols (same symbols used throughout school)
Clothes box
Worksheets, copies
Poster 4: Day and Night
Poster 5: Weather “My Winter Book”
Water in the local environment
Measuring rainfall using graduated jar and unifix cubes
Pictures of waterfalls, sea side, rivers
Poetry – Water everywhere, water
Noah’s Ark
Magic Emerald – Oral language poster
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Materials / Strand Unit/s
Materials and Change
Explore the effects of water on a variety of living things
  • Observe and describe materials when they are wet and dry (soil, paper)
  • Identify some materials that are waterproof
Investigate how forces act on objects – floating and sinking / Group work
Problem solving
Active learning
Concrete materials
Observation and curiosity
Co-operative learning / Poster 10: Materials
Variety of materials to explore effect of water
Soil, paper, tissues, umbrellas, wellies, raincoats
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Poetry: Blue Wellies, Mr. Wind, Dr. Foster, The Snowman, I like it when it snows, Art and Craft: Day and Night picture, Umbrella Days, Snowman, Chalk Pictures (Winter trees), Gaeilge: An Aimsir Music: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /

MONTH: February ’14, ’16 …Year 1 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Strand Unit/s:
  • express or record stories through art work, drama, mime and movement
  • Listen to, discuss, retell and record through pictures or other simple writing activities some stories from the lives of others who have made a contribution to national life in a variety of ways
St. Brigid/ Shopping stories / Story
Talk and discussion / Percy the park-keeper collection of stories
St. Brigid story
St. Brigid’s cross
Human Environments / Strand Unit/s:
Living in the Local Community: identify and discuss the roles of people who serve the local community: school caretaker, park keeper, refuse worker etc. and become aware of the places where they work / Oral presentations
Children’s ideas
Role play
Work sheet
Pictures and photographs
Vocabulary development / What a Wonderful World Teacher’s manual – people who help us
Magic Emerald Oral Language poster
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Energy and Forces / Strand Unit/s
Materials and change
  • Explore the effects of heating and cooling on everyday objects
Junior Infants: Rice Crispie buns
Senior Infants: Pancakes /
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Poetry every Thursday morning. Magic Emerald poetry collection
Art: construct a toy that you can push/ pull Drama: role play
DIFFERENTIATION of objectives, pace, teaching style, support, resource, task, outcome, grouping and questioning will be evident in classrooms in Scoil Mhuire in order to enable groups of students with diverse learning characteristics to participate in the mainstream programme.
ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES USED: Teacher Observation, Teacher designed tasks and tests, work samples, portfolios and projects, curriculum profiles, diagnostic and standardised tests where relevant.
VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT: Teachers will continuously expose, and use new relevant words/terms in order to broaden and develop the child’s vocabulary. /

MONTH: February ’15, ’17, ‘19 …Year 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants

HISTORY Strand/s:
Story / Strand Unit/s: Stories
  • Listen to, discuss, retell and record through pictures and other simple writing activities some stories from the lives of retired teachers who have made a contribution to our school/ national life and to the lives of people in other countries in a variety of ways
/ Story
Listening and responding
Guest speaker
Talk and discussion
Written activity
Whole class / Retired teachers
Blank sheets
St. Brigid story
St. Brigid’s cross
Human Environments / Strand Unit/s: Living in the local community
  • Become aware of, discuss and appreciate the people in the school community – classmates, other pupils, teachers, caretakers, secretary, principal
  • Describe areas within the school
  • Associate activities with areas within and outside the school
/ Guest speaker
Listening and responding
Walk about
Talk and discussion
Teacher directed approach / Secretary, caretaker etc.
SCIENCE Strand/s:
Materials / Strand Unit/s: Properties and Characteristics of Materials
  • Observe and investigate a range of familiar materials in the immediate environment – water, wood, textiles
  • Know about some everyday uses of common materials
  • Investigate materials for different properties e.g.
-materials that are attracted by magnets
-materials that keep us warm
-materials that absorb water and those that are waterproof / Hands on
Investigative approach
Observation and curiosity
Group work
Co-operative learning
Problem solving / Concrete materials
SUBJECT INTEGRATION: Alive O, Music: All joined as one/ off to school Gaeilge: An Scoil Art: Drawing St. Brigid’s cloak

MONTH: March ’14, ’15, ’16, ‘17 …Years 1 and 2 CLASS: Junior/Senior Infants