The Parish of St Mary, Richmond with

St Michael & All Angels Hudswell

Sunday 12th March 20172ndSunday of Lent

We offer a warm welcome to any visitors who are here with us today. Do stay for refreshments after the service. This morning’s service is for everyone and if needed there is a children’s area at the back of church. Lord’s Prayer and Communion Cubes for children are available for anyone to use during the service. Please just ask if you would like to borrowone.

There is an induction loop system in the church and all hearing aid users are invited to switch to ‘T.’ Large print hymn books are available if required. Please ask one of the sidespeople.

Sunday 12th March 2017 Lent 2

8.00am Holy Communion Rev John/Gillian Lunn

Readings Gen 12:1-4a, Rom. 4:1-5, 13-17, John 3:1-17

10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John/Gillian Lunn

6.30pm Songs of Praise – with refreshments afterwards. Bishop James will be introducing the hymns, all of which he has selected. Bishop James is retiring at the end of April and this is our opportunity to say thank you.

Monday 13th March 2017

2.30pm Funeral of Brian Sayers

Wednesday 15thMarch2017

9.15am Holy Communion

Thursday16thFebruary 2017

10.30am Holy Communion (Holy Trinity)

Sunday 19thMarch 2017Lent3

8.00am Holy Communion Rev John

Readings Exod.17:1-7, Rom.5:1-11, John 4:5-42

10.00am Sung Eucharist Rev John

6.30pm Free to be

Last week’s charity collection for Emmaus raised £147.60, many thanks.


Please pray for:

Those mentioned in the Daily Prayer Calendar in the magazine.

Allthose in particular need of God’s comfort and healing, including,Liz Atkinson,Margaret Barrett, George Bell, Harry Bell, Ellie BrandCaroline Conway, Margaret Grady, Mary Hartnell,Tim Harris, Jennifer Jackson, Becky McNamara, Jennifer Mole, Vera Newman,Joyce Robertson, Doreen and John Rucroft,George Walkerand all the patients at the Friary Hospital.

We commend unto God’s merciful keeping those whohave recently died including Brian Sayers,George Claridge, Evelyn Shears and Alan Sweet. Wepray that God will bring comfort to all who mourn theirloss.

Also those whose anniversaries fall during the coming week:

12th Marie Bridgen, Raymond Potter

13th Joan Robinson

14th David Ronald Smith, George Cartwright, Tony Wooff

15th Michael Drury

16th Ann Lee, Donald Whitaker, David Melia, Margaret Ashbridge,

Maureen Clark

17th Denis Brown, Jean Metcalfe, Doris Wilson, Paul Elliott

18th Phylis Mary Dunn, Raymond Ward

BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE – Any names to be entered in this Book should be given to Ann McDonald (01748 823223) along with the date of death and a donation of £5.

During Lentwe have Churches Together in Richmond Lent home groups you can join called “Receiving Christ – in five different ways.”

There is a choice of four times and venues.

Tuesday 2:00pm 56 Gilling Road

Wednesday 12:00pm Methodist Church Hall

Wednesday 7:30pm 2 Hurgill Road

Thursday 7:30pm 1 Roper Court

Update of Electoral Roll – Please check that your details are correct and if you have not yet registered please complete the form, in the black box, at the back of church.

APOLOGIES. During the removal and reinstallation of the bells starting next week there will be no bells and no clock chimes from Monday 14th March for around two months. Also the connection to the South clock has had to be removed to allow access to the bellchamber so the south facing clock no longer functions and there will be a period when neither clock will be functioning. At the end of the work, both clocks will work with Westminster chimes as before, and there will be new bells and in addition sound control on the louvres. It will be worth it!

Cafe Church with Bishop Mark Tanner will be on Sunday 2nd April at 4pm with refreshments from 3.45pm. All welcome. More details to follow.

A very bigTHANK YOU to all who supported The Big Brew and Breakfast. Over £400 was taken in sales of fairly traded goods and over £250 in donations. I shall be able to send around £300 to Traidcraft Exchange. It means families in developing countries can learn to make more money from their work – so they can afford to eat three times a day, keep their children in school and get health care when they are ill. Rachel Walker

Advance Notice: The flower arrangers will be in church on Easter Saturday (15th April), from 10.00am, decorating the church for Easter. If you would like to help with this in any way, from flower arranging to making tea, it would be most appreciated. Please contact Katrina Templeton 01748 449300 for more details and also to donate towards the Easter flowers.

St Teresa's Hospice, Herriot Hospice Homecare and The Station Singers present a spring concert "Help for Hospices" on Saturday 8th April at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm) in St Mary's Church, Richmond, tickets £8 (£10 on the door) to include refreshments, children free (ticket needed). Tickets available from Christine Stedman 01748 824664 and other outlets.

The Big Night Out – Saturday 20th May from 2.00pm. This is the annual visit of the Diocese to Light Water Valley for 11-16 year olds (+ supervisors). The Church has exclusive access to the park for much of the session. There will be a group going from St Mary’s, cost to be confirmed. Last year it was £16. Please contact Scott or Gillian if you are interested in coming so final numbers and transport can be put in place.


Tuesday 14th March 7.00pm Christians Together in Richmond AGM in the Methodist Church Hall. All Welcome to discuss the structure of CTIR going forward.

Wednesday 15th March 2.00pm Women's Fellowship meet in the Town Hall. The Speaker will be Jessica Inglis, the Events Organiser from Phoenix House Recovery Centre, Help for Heroes based in Catterick. All Welcome'

Saturday 18th March ‘Exploring Faith’ 10.00am at Rokeby Inn. Speaker Archdeacon Beverley Mason on ‘Re-imagining the Church in the 21st-22nd century. £5 including continental breakfast. Further details from Keith Miller 01833627540 or 07778318503.

Sunday 19th March 6.30pm Free to Be. A contemplative worship event which gives space to think, pray, awaken the senses and simply be with God. It will conclude with Compline.

Sunday 26th March 11.30am The Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Tuesday 28th March 2.00pm St Mary’s Church the MU Lady DayEucharist followed by tea and cake. All welcome.

All notices for the next pew sheet to Liz ChambersbyWednesdayevening please.


Rector: Rev’d Canon John Chambers

Tel: 01748 821241

E mail:

Administrator: Claire Murray

Tel: 07737482611

E mail:

Pew sheet: Liz Chambers

Tel: 01748 821241

E mail:
