a parish of the R.C. Diocese of Galloway. Charity No.SCO1057
Parish Priest: Fr Eamonn; Address: 28 Greenock Road, Largs; Tele. 01475 672324; Website:


MONDAY:Mass- 10 a.m.
Penitential Service 7 p.m. Three priests will be present.

TUESDAY:Mass – 10 a.m.
Mass of Chrism: 7.30 p.m. Cathedral, Ayr. Bus leaves from St Mary’s at 6 p.m. Cost £3. (Children free – must be accompanied by an adult). The bus is now full.

WEDNESDAY:Mass – 10 a.m.

Largs Churches United Service 7 p.m. Preacher: Trish Laird (Church of the Nazarene).

All Eucharistic Ministers will be re-commissioned during this Mass.
Adoration at the Altar of Repose until midnight. Night prayers at midnight.
SCIAF boxesshould be handed in before Mass.

GOOD FRIDAY:A day of fast and abstinence (no meat).
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion at 3 p.m. Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion.
Stations of the Cross and Kissing of the Cross at 7 p.m.
A special collection will be taken up at both services for the Holy Places in Palestine and the African Missions.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: After 3 p.m. Service and after Stations of the Cross at 7 p.m.

HOLY SATURDAY:Quiet day. We look forward with joy to the resurrection.

EASTER SUNDAY:Easter Vigil 9 p.m. The Church celebrates the resurrection. This is the most important night in the Church’s year. New members from all over the world are received into the Church through Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. About thirty will be received from Galloway Diocese.

Mass on Sunday morning at 10 a.m.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Please remember all the sick for whom prayers have been requested. See the book at Our Lady’s statue. This week prayers have been asked for Fr Gabriel
ALSO FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR ABOUT THIS TIME: including John & Mary McMullen, Gerard McBride, Jim Percy, Danny Smillie, Bridie Connick


THE CHILDREN PREPARING FOR THE SACRAMENTS are welcome to come out each Sunday at Holy Communion and receive a blessing from the priest or from a Eucharistic Minister. This applies also to parents who are not receiving Communion. This is open to all children who have not yet received the sacraments.

SILENCE BEFORE MASS: Some people like to have time for personal prayer before Mass. This is difficult when there is a lot of noise and talking. Could I ask you to keep the 5 minutes before Mass starts as a QUIET TIME. This would be particularly appropriate during Lent.

HOLY WEEK SERVICES: Readers and Ministers of the Eucharist please add names to lists in porch.

LARGS CHURCHES TOGETHER: A special Holy Week Service is held each evening of this week Monday - St Columba’s Episcopal Church; Tuesday – Church of the Nazarene; Wednesday – St Mary’s. Our March of Witness takes place on Good Friday, starting at St Columba’s Episcopal Church at 10 a.m. and ending at the War Memorial. You are welcome to join at any stage along the way.

PASTORAL COUNCIL: will meet on Wednesday 7th April at 7 p.m.

END OF LIFE ASSISTANCE BILL: This Bill on Euthanasia is presently going through the Scottish Parliament. If you have not already signed, you are asked to sign a card called ‘Care Not Killing’. These cards are available in the porch. A member of the Pro-Life Group will be present to assist you with this.

LENTEN LUNCHES end this Wednesday at Clark Memorial Church 12 – 1.30 p.m.

(DEVOTION TO THE DIVINE MERCY) NOVENA AND CHAPLET: Begins on Good Friday evening after Stations of the Cross. Times may vary each day during Easter. For details telephone Catherine 675750.

ST MARY’S PRAYER LINE – In need of Prayer? Please phone the prayer line 674395

WEEKLY COLLECTION last Sunday - £846.90 Thanks.
Special Thanks to the Social Group for donation of £300.

SVDP LENTEN APPEAL: during Lent we are collecting toiletries for the homeless who visit the Ozanam Centre. See poster. There is a box in the porch or phone 686774.

SOCIAL GROUP: Dates for your diary - Social evening with live entertainment on Saturday 15th May and annual Summer Fayre on Saturday 12th June. More details to follow. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 14th April at 7p.m. in the Hall. New members will be made most welcome.

LARGS CHURCHES HOLIDAY CLUB – COFFEE MORNING: Saturday 3rd April 10 – 12 noon at Clark Memorial Hall. Register your child at the same time.