1.The name of the Association shall be:

The Friends of Saint Mary Redcliffe and TempleSchool Association

2.Parents and carers of all current pupils of the school and all current staff shall be

Members of the Association.

3.The aim of the Association is to support the school in advancing the

education of the pupils of the school. In furtherance of this aim, the

Association may:

(i)foster more extended relationships between staff, parents and

others associated with the school and

(ii) engage in activities which support the school and advance the

education of the pupils attending it and

(iii) provide and assist in the providing of facilities for education at

the school (not normally provided by the LEA)

4.The Association shall be non party political.

5.The President of the Association shall be the Head Teacher.

6.(i)The management and control of the Association shall be vested

in a group of officerswho will be trustees of the charity’s funds and

that groupshall consist of the following, once elected:





b) The officers will be elected at the first meeting following

the Annual General Meeting.

(ii) These are supported by a committee which shall be elected annually at the AGM.

a) a member of the School Leadership Team ex officio

b) parents of current pupils

c) staff of the School

d) friends of the School

Maximum term of office for Chair shall be two years

No member shall be empowered to nominate a deputy or proxy.

(iii)The names of those willing to stand for election to the

Committee are to be submitted at the Annual General Meeting.

These nominations should be proposed and seconded by any

member at the time of proposal.

7.Fivemembers of the said Committee shall constitute a quorum for

the Committee.

8.Committee meetings shall be held at such times and places as the

Committee shall direct but should be at least six times each year.

9.The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held by the

end of October each year. At least fourteen days notice, in writing,

shall be given to all members. The Chair shall be taken by the

Chair or in his/her absence, the Vice-Chair of the Committee.

10.Fifteenmembers shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General


11.The Committee shall have power to co-opt and to appoint any sub-committee, and shall prescribe the function of any such sub-


12.A Special General Meeting shall be convened at the request, in

writing, to the Secretary, of ten members of the Association. Agendas

and motions submitted shall be circulated to all members giving 30

days notice of the meeting.

13.No alterations of the rules may be made except at an Annual General

Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose. No

alteration or amendment shall be made to the objects clause or

dissolution clause which would cause the Association to cease to be a

charity at law.

14.The Honorary Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and

expenditure and shall submit accounts, duly audited, at the Annual

General Meeting for approval of membership.

15.The Banking Account shall be in the name of the Association and

withdrawals shall be made in the name of the Association on the

signature of any two of the following:

Chairman - Treasurer - Secretary

16.One auditor, not being a member of the Committee, shall be appointed

annually at the Annual General Meeting to audit the accounts and

books of the Association.

17.Any matter not provided for in the Constitution shall be dealt with by

the Committee, whose decision shall be deemed final, unless

reversed by a majority decision at the annual General Meeting or a

Special General Meeting.

18.No alteration to this Constitution may be made except at the Annual

General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for this purpose.

No amendments or alterations shall be made without the prior or

written permission of The Charity Commission to Clauses 3, 18 and 19

and no alteration shall be made which could cause the Association to

cease to be a charity at law. Alterations to the Constitution shall

receive the assent of two thirds of the members present and voting at

an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

19.The Association may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a

Special General Meeting called for this purpose. The Resolution

must have the assent of two thirds of those present and voting. Such

resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets

remaining after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities. These

assets shall not be distributed among the members of the Association

but will be given to the school for the benefit of the children of the

school, or in the event of a school closure to the school to which the

majority of the children of the closing school will go, in any manner

which is exclusively charitable in law. If effect cannot be given to this

provision then the assets can be given to some other charitable


March 2014