26 January 2010

Guidelines for the EU-UkraineJoint Committee at Senior Officials Level established by the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda


On 23 November 2009,the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council adopted the recommendations on the implementation of the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda,which will prepare for and facilitate the entry into force of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. It also adoptedadecision on the establishment of a Joint Committee at senior officials’ level that shall review progress in implementing the Association Agenda, as well as discuss future priorities and any necessary adjustments to the Association Agenda. The aim is to elaborate and agree on concrete steps which will provide practical guidance for such preparation and implementation. Thedecision also statesthat the Joint Committee shall meet regularly, at least once per year. At the EU-Ukraine Summit on 4 December 2009, the leaders welcomed the launch of the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda. Based on principles of joint ownership and joint responsibility, the Association Agenda is a qualitatively new instrument, which replaces the EU-Ukraine Action Plan. Together with the Association Agreement, the Association Agenda aims to facilitate greater political association and economic integration with the EU.

II.Framework for the work of the Joint Committee at Senior Officials Level

StructureEach side will appoint a senior official who will oversee and monitor the implementation of the Association Agenda. Thesesenior officials will provide guidance on the implementation of the Association Agenda, which will be an implementing and enabling framework, with the aim of achieving results together.It will therefore work like a permanent task force that will move ahead with the practical implementation of the Association Agenda, review progress, as well as future priorities and any necessary adjustments to the Association Agenda,and refer them back to the Cooperation Council (and the Cooperation Committee, as appropriate).

ResultsThe Joint Committee will present theEU-Ukraine Cooperation Council and the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Committee withinformation on:the achievementsand eventual obstacles in the implementation of the Association Agenda; the changes and adjustments to the Association Agenda; andthe definitionof the priorities of the Association Agenda.

Status of non-paper These guidelinesmay be updated depending on how the Joint Committee’s work unfolds.

Rules of ProcedureFor practical procedural questions, the Parties mayhave recoursetothe Rules of Procedure of the EU-Ukraine Cooperation Council in accordance with the provisions of Articles 85 and 102 of the PCA.

ExpensesParties shall each bear expenses incurred by their participation in the sittings.

III.Issues for the Joint Committee

The Joint Committee established by the Association Agenda, will focus on:

1. reviewing progress in implementing the Association Agenda, as well as future priorities and any necessary adjustments to the Association Agenda;

2. defining priorities for action, setting up concrete steps and providingguidance onthe implementation of the Association Agenda;

3. providing further reflection on setting up sectoral dialogues in order to address a demonstrated need and where the establishment of such a dialogue would bring clear added value to existing formats.