North Glasgow CHCPBusiness process review
Terms of Reference
North Glasgow
Community Health and Care Partnership
Review of client facing processes
Terms of Reference
Authors:David Frame
Imera Consultants Ltd.
Client:Alex Mackenzie, Director
North Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership.
Date:6thNovember 2006
North Glasgow CHCP was established in April 2006. It was set up:
- to manage local NHS and social care services;
- to improve the health and well being of our local population and close the inequalities gap;
- to play a significant role in community planning;
- to achieve better specialist care for our population;
- to achieve strong local accountability through the formal roles for lead councillors;
- to drive NHS and Local Authority planning processes
Initial priorities for the development of the CHCP during 2006 / 2007 include:
- better care pathways for service users;
- a clear programme to tackle health and social inequalities;
- continued implementation of the new Practice Team model of Social Care Services
- establishing community involvement;
- realising the gains for service users of fully integrated local services;
- reduced bureaucracy and duplication;
- devolution of services and resources to a locality level
A Development Plan for 2006 / 2007 has been produced by the CHCP, which sets out the framework within which the CHCP will operate, corporate objectives and the priority activity during that year.[1] This is supplemented by a document laying out the action plan to achieve those objectives.[2] The highest of initial priorities is to put in place better care pathways for service users. As part of delivering that priority, the North Glasgow CHCP wish to undertake a review of client facing processes across all service sections, view the aim to implement an improved, consistent set of processes across service sections.
This document is a proposal from Imera Consultants Ltd to undertake a review of client facing processes within the North Glasgow CHCP.
The objectives of the review are:
- to identify existing “front door” processes within each of the service sections
- to identify gaps, and to specify the strengths and weaknesses for each of the identified processes
- to develop and agree improved processes which can be implemented across all service sections
The scope of the review covers “front door” processes within all service sections:
- Health and Community Care
- Children and Family Services
- Adult Mental Health
- Addictions
- Learning Disability
The following are the deliverables from the review:
- Terms of Reference and Project Plan
- Documented outline existing “front door” processes for all service sections
- Documented strengths and weaknesses for each of the processes
- Identified gaps in processes, protocols or organisation
- Proposed improved processes which reflect the aspirations of the CHCP, standardised where possible across all service sections
- Action plan to implement new processes
- Other deliverables as agreed during the review.
The following are the main assumptions in the successful delivery of this review:
- Staff will be available for interviews and workshops as required
6Approach to the work
The review will be undertaken by holding interviews with the Heads of each of the service sections. This will identify key issues, both within each section and between sections, and also identify other members of staff to be involved in the review. Further structured interviews will be conducted with these members of staff, in order to define the existing processes. An initial list of people who have been suggested to be involved in this review is given in the Appendix.
These processes will be analysed, and strengths, weaknesses and gaps identified. Proposed improvements in the process(es) will be developed. These will be used as input to one or several workshops, which will:
- verify existing processes
- review, revise and agree proposed new process(es)
An action plan will then be developed, which will be reviewed with the heads of the service sections.
Success of the review will depend on buy in to the final outcomes from all interested parties. All stakeholders will be identified early in the process, and will be involved as far as possible. Consultation throughout the review with any representative groups (e.g. operational managers, trade unions) will be used as both a means of communication, to sense check the analysis and to create ownership of final outcomes. Consultation sessions with representative groups will be held approximately monthly.
7Outline task list
The following are the main task involved in delivering this review:
- Agree Terms of Reference and set up Project Governance Structure
- Identify key personnel and representative groups to be involved, interviewed or take part in workshops
- Document existing processes
- Undertake SWOT analysis on existing processes
- Identify gaps in processes, protocols or organisation
- Develop improved process(es)
- Gain agreement for improved processes
- Develop action plan to implement new process(es) or address gaps and weaknesses
- Present & agree deliverables to Management Team
8Resources & timescales
The following are estimates of the external resource required to conduct this review:
Task / Resource1. / Agree Terms of Reference & set up Project Governance / 1.0
2. / Identify key personnel to be interviewed or take part in workshops / 0.5
3. / Document existing processes / 5.0
4. / Undertake SWOT analysis on existing processes / 3.0
5. / Identify gaps in processes, protocols or organisation / 1.0
6. / Develop improved process(es) / 3.0
7. / Gain agreement for improved processes / 3.0
8. / Develop action plan to implement new process(es) or address gaps and weaknesses / 3.0
9. / Present & agree deliverables to Management Team / 0.5
Total / 20.0
In addition to the external resource identified above, there is also a requirement for staff involvement in both interviews and workshops. It is estimated that approx. ½ day is required for interviews, review and final presentation of results from the Directors and Heads of Service Sections. It is also estimated that approx. 1 hour for interviews + involvement in a 3 hour workshop is required for each of the nominated individuals from the service sections.
Indicative timescales are shown in the schedule below:
Version 1.1created 06.11.2006printed 30/12/2018page 1 of 6
North Glasgow CHCP Business process review
Terms of Reference
Appendix – Initial proposed interview list
Alex Mackenzie / Director / Stobhill Hospital300 Balgrayhill Road
Glasgow G21 3UR / 0141 201 4207 /
Morag Brown / Head of Health and Community Care / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 9789 /
Mike Burns / Head of Children’s Services / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 9779 /
Evelyn Borland / Head of Planning and Health Improvement / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 4196 /
Dr. Clive Travers / Head of Mental Health / Ward 24
Stobhill Hospital / 0141 531 3250 /
Willie Kelly / Addictions / 57 Ruchill Street
Glasgow G20 9PY / 0141 276 6210 /
Jill Murray / Learning Disabilities / The Quadrangle
Ruchill Street
Glasgow G20 9PY / 0141 201 6200 /
Ann Shaw / Resource Manager / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 9741 /
Hilary Bell / Lead AHP / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 9717 /
Dr. Janice McKnight / Older Mental Health / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 4220 /
Dr. Paul Ryan / Clinical Director / Stobhill Hospital / 0141 201 9777 /
Dr. Derek Brown / Old Age Psychiatry / Bridgeview Centre
8c 59 Ruchill Street
Glasgow G20 9PX / 0141 232 0060 /
Dr. Paul Knight / Glasgow Royal Infirmary
84 Castle Street
Glasgow G4 0SF / 0141 211 4926 /
Peter Jennow / Resource Manager / Social Work
94 Red Road
Glasgow G21 4PH / 0141 276 4721 /
John Leckie / Parkhead Hospital
81 Salamanca Street Glasgow G31 5ES / 0141 211 8367 /
Ellice Morrison / Lead Nurse / Springburn Health Centre
200 Springburn Way
Glasgow G21 1TR / 0141 201 6745 /
Liz Taylor / Springburn Health Centre / 0141 201 6744 /
Version 1.1created 06.11.2006printed 30/12/2018page 1 of 6
[1] North Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership Development Plan 2006-2007, Version 3, 14 August 2006
[2] North Glasgow CHCP Development Plan - Corporate objectives, planning priorities and transformational themes, September 2006