St. Martin de Porres Catholic Faith Community
Altar Server Ministry
Senior Altar Server Commitment Pledge
I pledge my commitment as a Senior Server at St. Martin de Porres Church:
- I will be conscientious in the fulfillment of my duties and accept supervision graciously.
- I will conduct myself with dignity, courtesy, and consideration.
- I will display reverent and responsible behavior throughout the entire Mass. I will not talk, giggle, snooze, or clown around while on the Altar.
- I will participate and respond to the Mass prayers and songs with a strong and clear voice.
- I will uphold the traditions and reputation of St. Martin’s and will display them to my Parish Community.
- I will perform to the best of my ability any task that is given to me.
- I will be punctual and attentive while fulfilling my duties.
- I commit to attend ministry training when required.
- I will make myself available to help the Altar Server Coordinator with training new servers, attending specific Masses to aid in the liturgy, making phone calls to other servers relaying news, or any such duties that may be required.
- I agree to try to arrange coverage of my Mass with another volunteer if I am unable to attend. If I am unable to arrange coverage, I will notify the Altar Server Coordinator of my absence and lack of coverage.
- I agree to comply with the St. Martin’s dress code and footwear policy.
- I am aware that if I do not show up for a scheduled shift and have not contacted the Altar Server Coordinator, I will receive an email explaining that this is unacceptable. Three (3) absences from my duties without notification, will indicate unreliable behavior, which is not compatible with the St. Martin’s policy and may be cause for dismissal from the ministry.
- I will share any questions, issues, or concerns with the Altar Server Coordinator.
- I will enjoy meeting other Altar Server Volunteers!!!
Prior to Mass I will:
- Ensure all of the necessary vessels and supplies needed for the Mass are on the side credence table.
- Ensure all candles are lit, depending on the Mass (5:30pm Sat, 7:15am Sun, 5:30pm Sun).
- Check with the presider regarding any special needs for the Mass (for example: lighting of paschal candle during Easter season, or preparing the holy water for the sprinkling rite)
- Check the Altar Server roster to determine who is scheduled and that they are properly vested.
- Scan the assembly for possible Altar Server volunteers if there is a need for additional servers at least 5 minutes prior to the beginning of Mass.
- Ensure each of the servers is given an assigned position and they understand the responsibilities of that position.
- As a Senior Server, I will always take the lead position, carrying the cross and assume those responsibilities assigned to that position.
During Mass I will:
- Ensure all servers are in place and ready for the entrance procession when the cantor begins to sing.
- Ensure each server is seated appropriately and completes their respective duties based upon their assigned position.
- Be prepared to respond to any special needs from the presider.
- At the conclusion of communion, ensure that all servers assist both the Eucharistic Minister coordinators with clearing the Altar of any remaining materials.
- Secure the cross and lead the other servers to their positions for the recessional. Once the presider bows I will set an appropriate pace for processing to the rear of the church.
After Mass I will:
- Assign a server(s) to assist the Eucharistic Minister(s) with clearing items on the credence table for clean up and preparing all necessary items for the next Mass.
- Ensure all candles are extinguished before leaving the Altar, depending on the Mass (5:30pm Sat, 12:15pm Sun, 5:30pm Sun).
- Ensure each server places their alb properly on a hanger in the appropriate section by size.
- Share with the server(s), when appropriate, how their conduct was during Mass.
I have reviewed the guidelines of St. Martin’s de Porres Altar Server Ministry and would like to participate in this ministry freely and happily. We, as a family, have discussed its impact upon our family and promise to help our altar server(s) meet his/her obligations responsibly.