St. Louis Park Girls Basketball Association

Board Agenda

August 8, 2016

Voting Attendees: Lesty Jaranilla, Jodi Bohrod, Shannon Alexander, Jessi Amon, Catherine Ahlin,

Non-Voting Attendees: Erich Zumbrunnen, Paul Fadden

  1. Call to Order by Presiding Officer
  1. Secretary Report

June 2016 Minutes unanimous vote

  1. Treasurer Report

Treasurer not present, but reported prior to meeting that nothing has changed since the June 2016 meeting.

  1. VP Report

The VP is in the process of hiring coaches for this season. Has identified a coach for the 4th grade team. Still looking for a coach for the 5th grade team. Might need a coach for the second 6th grade team. Has a potential coach for the 7th grade team – Derek Turner. Jessi will follow up with him.

  1. High School Report

High School representatives not present but reported prior to the meeting that there is nothing new to report since June 2016 except that potential tentative dates for the MYAS spring tournament are April 22-23.

  1. Special Orders – None
  2. Unfinished Business:
  1. Uniform Update – 2 different options. The uniform order will need to account for the fact that the program has more teams than it previously did. The uniform order likely will include warmup shirts, and will come in under budget. The uniforms will be ordered by September 1, and we will receive them sometime in November.
  1. Tryouts – September 22, 24, 2016
  2. Space Reservation

Shannon to confirm space.

Times will be confirmed through review of space reservation and prior tryout literature, and the brochure will be updated.

  1. Brochures, signs – Shannon to pick up signs and distribute. Jessi will finalize brochures and communicate with Jodi Bohrod to get them completed.
  2. The Tryout fee will be $20 and will be due at the time of tryouts
  3. Registration Fee -- $320 – will be due before receiving uniform.
  4. Registration – Jodi is going to use the same form as last year.
  5. Evaluators
  6. No parents allowed in gym
  7. Coach Massie will run tryouts, but will not be an evaluator.
  8. We will reach out to the boys varsity coaches and alternatively, Mrs. Rosati (spelling?) from the middle school and Mrs. S. from Susan Lindgren to be evaluators. We can pay $100 to each evaluator.
  9. Team Formation Committee

Shannon and Sara Collins

  1. Parent Meeting – September 29, 2016
  2. Space Reservation – Shannon checking on space
  3. Space Reservations – Shannon shadowing Karla going forward.
  1. Fall Tournament Planning
  2. Discussion of tournament scheduling. Jessi and Erich to follow up and finalize.
  1. New Business
  2. August Training Opportunities
  3. Open Gym Opportunities – to be communicated by Coach Massie – there will be opportunities in August and September
  4. Vote to change the scholarship policy – no additional volunteer hours will be required to qualify. Scholarship recipients will have to complete the same volunteer requirement that others have to complete.