Silsoe Odours Ltd and ADAS
at WrestPark, Silsoe, Bedfordshire
Thursday 9th March 2017
01525 860222
Silsoe Odours Ltd and ADAS hold Odour Study Days on four occasions each year.
This popular one day event is aimed at increasing awareness about the objective measurements of odours, and how measurement and modelling techniques can be used to address odour nuisance and planning problems. The topic areas are of relevance to a wide range of specialists including operators of odorous processes, odour abatement plant suppliers and installers, planning and environmental consultants, wastewater treatment specialists and regulators.
Participants will have the opportunity to visit the Silsoe Odours laboratory to see, and experience, how odour concentration analysis is undertaken to the BSEN13725:2003 European Standard. All delegates will have the opportunity to have their olfactory senses assessed using the Standard's odour panel selection criteria, and will be issued with a certificate to show the results. This assessment provides participants with an indication of their sensitivity to odours and could thus be useful to those involved in assessing "nuisance" odours.
09.00 hrsRegistration and coffee + Testing in the Odour Lab
10.00 hrsWelcome to Silsoe Odours.
Discussion of delegates’ areas of interest
10.15 hrs1. Setting the scene - Introduction to a case study
2. Sampling and odour measurement
3. Odour dispersion modeling
Dispersion modelling is used to quantify odour nuisance risks (for planning and EIA work), to assist in specifying abatement plant, and to validate existing nuisance.
4. Tackling the Case Study
12.30 hrsBuffet Lunch and Odour Laboratory visits
Odour laboratory demonstration and testingplus odour intensity test.
During this period delegates will be split into groups of six for acuity testing
14.10 hrs5. Odour Abatement Plant performance
6. Odour Complaints Investigation
Objective records can help identify the specific cause of complaints and can be vital in nuisance cases where objective evidence is essential.
7. Odour and EPR/IPPC
16.15 hrsEnd
Will Sneath, Silsoe Odours Ltd, Building 42,WrestPark, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4HP
Tel: 01525 860222; Fax: 01525 860222; email:
Registration Form
Dr/Ms/Mr/Mrs/Prof, First name:……………Last name: ……………………
Job title:………………………………………………………………………..
Address: …………………………………………………………………………
Please indicate on which day you would like to attend:
VAT / TotalOne day fee per person prepaid by cheque / £165 / £33.00 / £198
Vat No. GB 865 6660 83
Payment due before attendance
[ ]I enclose a cheque for £198 per person made payable to Silsoe Odours Ltd.
[ ]I require an invoice. My company purchase order number is: ……………..……..
Date : ……………..……..
[ ]I require a vegetarian lunch Please let us know if you have any other requirements.
Please indicate which topics are of interest to you.
Animal feed manufacture / Nuisance/Complaints recordingAgriculture odours / Odour abatement plant supply
Food processing / Odour abatement plant specifying
Chemical/Industrial manufacturing / Plant/Impact assessment
Wastewater/Effluent treatment / Odour dispersion modeling
Animal by-products/Rendering / Expert witness work
Landfill odours
Other? (Please specify )
Please print out, complete and return to:
Mr Will Sneath, Silsoe Odours Ltd, Building 42, WrestPark, Silsoe, Bedford, MK45 4HP
Tel: 01525 860222; Fax: 01525 860222; email:
Please note spaces will be allocated on a first come, first served basis
The organisers reserve the right to postpone or cancel this event 06 October 2018