St. Louis Chapter - Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes

St. Louis Chapter - Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes

St. Louis Chapter - Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes

Application for Grant

The chapter may support local activities consistent with its purpose, with financial assistance or volunteer labor. Requests for project support shall be made to the board, using this form and instructions. The board shall act on the request at its next regular meeting.

Project Summary

Project Title______

Total Proposed Project Budget $______

Amount budgeted for native seeds $______Native plants $______Other $______

Amount Requested from Wild Ones $______Work hours requested from Wild Ones______

Organization Name ______


City______State____ Zip______


Project Coordinator Name______Title ______

Address ______

City ______State____Zip ______


Email ______


I understand that if I am awarded a grant, the chapter shall have the right to supply others with a description of the project and disseminate its underlying concepts and/or ideas. If awarded a grant, I agree to acknowledge this funding source in any project publicity or printed materials and submit an expense accounting within six months of the date of the award letter. The chapter and sponsors and/or any of its agents, officials and employees shall assume no responsibility or liability for claims of damage of any kind to property or for claims of injury to any person in connection with a grant.

Project Coordinator Signature ______Date______

Attach separate Project Description per attached directions.

Send to: Scott Woodbury, Shaw Nature Reserve, P. O. Box 38, Gray Summit, MO 63039 or e-mail to

Project Description

On a separate piece of paper, describe your project including these points:

1. In one or two sentences, what are the short and long-term goals of the project?

2. To what extent will the project achieve one or more of the following objectives:

  • Restore or develop the native plant community
  • Provide habitat for native wildlife
  • Educate others about the beauty and significance of native ecosystems

3. What groups and organizations will be involved in developing this project? What other groups will be involved in maintaining and enjoying it? Who will be responsible for long-term maintenance?

4. Are there any potential negative effects, such as use of pesticides in preparing the site, altering water run-off, etc.?

5. Who owns the project site? Describe their commitment to the project.

6. What other funding will be used for developing and for maintaining this project? How will long term maintenance be assured?

7. If applicable, provide a sketch or diagram of the area including scale and direction, before and after completion of this project.