St. Joseph’s R.C. Primary School

SEN Information Report

Mission Statement

Our mission in St. Joseph’s RC Primary School is to provide a loving and caring atmosphere where everyone can reach his or her potential to the full.

We wish to foster a respect for the dignity of every person in our school community and in everything we do. We hope to:

“Act justly,

Love tenderly,

Walk humbly with our God.”

St Joseph’s RCPrimary School is an inclusive school where pupils’ spiritual, moral and social development is promoted to underpin the work of the school as well as pupils’ personal development.

St Joseph’s may offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND.

Social Skills programmes/support including strategies to enhance self-esteem
-Counselling from trained counsellors for children with particular emotional difficulties or for those suffering family trauma
- Circle time takes place in classes on a regular basis
- Personal and social education covers all aspects of emotional and social development
- Staff are flexible in responding to issues as and when they arise (e.g. friendship problems, issue on playground, self-esteem issues)
- Anti-bullying strategies well established
- Children involved in vision, values and outstanding behaviour is promoted throughout school
Access to a supportive environment – IT facilities/equipment/resources (including preparation)
- Specific resources for SEN children
- Access to range of services such as Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, CAMHS, speech and language
- Access to ‘Mathletics’ in school and at home
Strategies/programmes to support speech and language
- Good relationships with the Speech and Language Team
- Staff trained to deliver speech and language programmes where required
- All children who access Speech and Language are monitored regularly
Mentoring activities
- Use of talk partners
- Year 6 Buddies system
- Year 6 Young Leaders as playground helpers
- Referral to Local Authority Emotional Resilience Team
Access to strategies/programmes to support Occupational Therapy/ Physiotherapy needs
- Delivery of planned Occupational and Physiotherapy programmes where required
Strategies to reduce anxiety/promote emotional wellbeing (including communication with parents)
- Meet and Greet for all parents and children by staff before and after school
- Staff relationships with children are excellent
-Access to Services for Young People available
- Access/Referral to South Tyneside Parent Partnership Officer
- Head Teacher accessible on a regular basis
- Transition programmes for all children, especially Years 5 and 6 in preparation for secondary school
- Parents are invited to class masses, liturgies and assemblies
- Promotion of homework that support parents and children working together
-Website/text messaging/newsletters to publicise all events
Strategies to support/develop literacy including reading
- All children on SEN register have identified targets and work with an adult on a regular basis to work towards the targets and then set new ones
- More adult support available for lower ability children to aid personalised learning
- Provision of daily catch up sessions with Classroom Assistants/Learning Support Assistants for any child needing additional support
- Differentiated teaching of phonics
- Provision of Classroom Assistants to hear lower ability childrenread
-Any child falling behind is targeted and additional provision is put in place
Strategies to support and modify behaviour
- Behaviour Policy available on the website and paper copy provided to all parents on induction or when reviewed
- Strong vision and values
- Trained lunch time staff who deal with situations if they arise and are proactive in de-escalating situations by discussion with children
- Systems in place at lunchtime to support children who have behaviour and emotional difficulties
- The above is also embedded in our personal and social education programme
Strategies to support/develop mathematics
-Any child falling behind is targeted and additional provision is put in place
- Home access to ‘Mathletics’
Strategies/support to develop independent learning
- Staff actively promote the value of independent learning at all levels
- Personal study/research opportunities
- Skills based curriculum
- Range of clubs accessible to all
- Use of outside areas
Support/supervision at unstructured times of the day including personal care
- Trained lunchtime supervisors in managing children’s social needs
- Trained Bereavement Counsellors
- Programmed activities and deployment of areas/resources
Planning and assessment
- Assessment for Learning that provides individual catch up on a daily basis
- Focused marking and verbal feedback
- Individual Education Plans for children who require them
-Termly tracking and monitoring of progress towards targets
-Each teacher is responsible for implementation oftermly action plans to ensure no child falls behind
- Provision Mapping
- Effective deployment of staff to provide specific interventions
Liaison/Communication with Professionals/Parents, attendance at meetings and preparation of reports
- Strong liaison with a range of outside professionals to meet needs
Access to Medical Interventions
- Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies
- Implementation of care plans where required
- Provision of aids and resources to support learning
- Support and access to health visitors/school nurse
- Flexibility and resourcefulness when dealing with rapidly changing needs