Request for Proposals to Stimulate Innovation in the Forest Products Industry Through The Hardwood Research Trust
The Hardwood Research Trust is a newly formed research program developed to encourage innovation related to improving the value of poor quality Appalachian hardwoods. This program was made possible through a significant contribution by the Bowlby Family as well as a WV Research Trust Fund match. The intent is to focus research on topics that will improve the value of hardwoods in the Appalachian region and provide a place for industry to bring problems and together with University researchers develop solutions to these issues. Projects funded under this solicitation must have a defined industry and academic partnership. It is the intent of the HRT to solicit real world issues from the Appalachian Forest Products industry and develop potential solutions through a collaborative effort with WVU researchers. Topics can be narrowly focused; however, potential solutions should have the ability to increase the use and value of Appalachian hardwoods. The HRT is currently being managed and implemented by the Appalachian Hardwood Center at West Virginia University.
The primary mission of the HRT is to develop and implement a program for encouraging innovation and cooperation related to improving the value of poor quality Appalachian hardwoods. The primary objective of this program is to seek innovative ideas related to the science of Appalachian hardwood management, processing, and product development that have the potential to increase the growth of the region’s forest based-economy.
The HRT is officially requesting proposals to seek projects that meet the objectives of this initiative. Currently, $40,000 is available for projects proposed under this request for proposals. Matching funds during this initial request are not required, however; projects that provide industry-based match will be given priority.
Who is Eligible?
Projects can be led by either industry representatives or University researchers; however, all projects should have both sectors represented. Industry relationships beyond West Virginia borders are welcome, though all projects must have include collaboration with a West Virginia University research program, where project management and budgeting will occur.
Proposals must be developed and submitted by September6, 2013. The following format is required for the submission of proposals:
Abstract: A brief description of the project that clearly describes problem, research goals, and anticipated results that clearly relate to the objectives of the HRT. The abstract cannot exceed 250 words.
Introduction: A description of the problem, current research or lack of research addressing the problem, and detailed objectives of the research project. The introduction must not exceed 500 words.
Methods: A detailed description of the project methodology that distinctly relates to the proposals objectives. A section detailing the risk related to each method proposed should be included. The methods section should not exceed 500 words and should be clearly defined through logical steps that provide a hypothesized solution.
Collaboration: A description of the collaborative relationships that will be utilized to make the proposed project successful. This should include a description of industry support as well as integration into the projects approach. A clear tie to industry challenges must be included in this section as well as the defined roles of industry and WVU partners. This section should not exceed250 words.
Budget: The attached excel budget template should be used for all submissions. Three main categories are included in the budget and represent personnel, supplies, travel and contracts. A budget justification should be included that describes each of the main budget components and their relation to project completion. The budget justification should not exceed 250 words, except in the case of contractual funds. For all contracts, a detailed 1-page scopr of work should be submitted and signed by the contracted entity. It is up to the investigator to be certain that all contracts follow current University guidelines. Matching funds are not required under this RFP; however, those with some level of matching funds will be given priority. Funding for overhead will not be considered.
Review: All proposals will be reviewed by the HRT Advisory Board. The HRT Advisory Board will identify key projects and opportunities to be leveraged by the Hardwood Research Trust at West Virginia University. The Advisory board is comprised of industry representatives with a vested financial incentive to improve the value of Appalachian Hardwoods. Applicants will be expected to provide additional information related to their proposed project to the board if requested. All projects will be selected based on Advisory board recommendations. The Appalachian Hardwood Center will not be selecting projects for funding.
Submission: All proposals must be submitted in electronic form (PDF) on or before September06, 2013 to:
Shawn Grushecky,
Associate Director
WVU Appalachian Hardwood Center
with the subject line “HRT Research Proposal”